The Klingon Sister Villains of the Next Generation explained

The Klingon Sister Villains of the Next Generation explained

Introduced on Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Duras sisters became a thorn in the side of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the United Federation of Planets. Lursa (Barbara March) and B'Etor (Gwynyth Walsh) Duras made their debut in Tng S "Redemption" two-parter which overshadowed seasons 4 and 5. Their brother, Duras (Patrick Massett), had already appeared As an enemy of Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) in a couple of TNG Episodes. Although the House of Duras held sway in the Klingon Empire, they gained notoriety for their dishonest tactics.

Y'Rod, the father of Duras, Lursa, and Bethur, betrayed the Klingons by providing the Romulans with the means to attack the Klingon colony on Hitamor. This led to the Hitomer Massacre and the deaths of 4,000 Klingon colonists. Although the Klingon High Council learned of Jarrod's duplicity, they allowed Worf's father Mog to take the blame to avoid a Klingon civil war. The Duras sisters followed in the footsteps of their father and brother. In more ways than one, ally with the Romulans and become enemies of the Federation.

Who are Lursa & B'Etor of Klingon House Duras in Star Trek: TNG?

The Duras Sisters appeared in three episodes of TNG and one of DS9

The House of Duras was determined to rule over the entire Klingon Empire, and Lursa became the mastermind of a plan to make this happen. After throwing killed Duras in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 4, Episode 7, "Reunion," Lursa and Betor reveal that their brother has an illegitimate son named Toral (JD Cullum). When Chancellor K'mpek (Charles Cooper) died, The Duras sisters planned to install Toral as the Klingon High Chancellor In opposition to Gowron (Robert O'Reilly). Lursa and Bethur tried to persuade Captain Picard to withdraw Tarol and lead Worf to their cause, but both Picard and Worf supported Gaon.


The Duras sisters then allied with the Romulans to take up arms against Gowron, starting the Klingon Civil War. The Federation aided Gowron by setting up a blockade between Romulan and Klingon space. After Ursa and Bethur's alliance with the Romulans was revealed, They lost most of their support from the Klingons. They later tried to build up their forces through different ways to raise money, as you can see. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 1, Episode 3, "Past Prologue" and Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7, Episode 21, "Firstborn."

What happened to Lursa & B'Etor in Star Trek Generations

The Duras sisters returned for one final farewell

Lursa and Betur's final Star Trek The appearance is included Star Trek Generations, During which time they worked with Al-Orian scientist Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) with another plot to take over the Klingon Empire. Lursa and B'Etor's Klingon Bird-of-Prey served as Soran's getaway ship When he kidnapped Lt. Commander Geordie Le Forge (LeVar Burton). Soran manipulated Geordi's VISOR, allowing the Duras sisters to see through it after they returned La Forge to the Enterprise. After seeing the accurate shield modulation of the Enterprise through Geordi's VISOR, Lursa and B'Etor fired through the ship's shields.

The Doras sisters were killed in a fiery explosion, but they also destroyed the Enterprise-D.

The Duras sisters launched a devastating and relentless attack on the Enterprise, Severe damage to the ship. The Enterprise crew found a way to destroy the Bird-of-Prey, Killing Lursa and Betur as their ship explodes. Unfortunately, the damage to the Enterprise was so extensive that the ship suffered a warp core breach and the saucer section crash-landed on the surface of Veridian III. The Duras sisters were killed in a fiery explosion, but they also destroyed the Enterprise-D, a feat unmatched by any other. Star Trek: The Next Generation Villain managed.

Release date

September 28, 1987




Gene Roddenberry