Warning: Spoilers for JSA #1THE Justice Society of America is one of DC's most underrated teams, despite their long and storied history. Despite his abundant contributions over the years, the Justice League overshadows them as the premier superteam. Now, DC has officially confirmed that the Justice Society is the most important team in its history, giving this classic team the prominence it deserves.
The preview for JSA #1 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero, and Steve Wands sets the stage for the Justice Society's next adventure, providing some insight into the team. The narration begins by stating that They were DC's first team, having emerged during World War II when the world desperately needed heroes. to shine a light in dark times. Since then, the Justice Society of America has expanded with diverse lineups of heroes, young and old, and now they've returned better than ever for DC's All In era.
With the claim that they were the ones who paved the way for all the heroes who followed them, this serves as proof that the The Justice Society of America has contributed more to the DC Universe than any other team – and that includes the Justice League.
The Justice Society of America replaces the Justice League as DC's most impactful superteam
DC Confirms JSA's Main Role in DC History
The Justice League has long enjoyed the status of DC's most prominent team, but the Justice Society is back to finally regain that status. As stated in the preview narration above, "Everything you know, all your heroes, came from them." This line alone cements that the Justice Society is the model that preceded all other teams in DC lore. If it weren't for the Justice Society, there would be no Justice League, as the latter exists because of the first. Although the Justice League has become more well-known, the JSA has established the appearance of a superhero team.
The Justice Society of America debuted in 1940 All Star Comics #3 by Gardner Fox and Everett E. Hibbard, and what makes this first appearance especially notable is the fact that they were the first superhero team in comic book history. Long before the Justice League made its mark on the DC Universe, the JSA came together to set the precedent with their original Golden Age take on the Flash, Green Lantern, and more. As such, they play an invaluable role in DC history, and this recognition shows that they truly are the best of the best – just in time for the start of their final battle.
Our take on the JSA's return to glory in the DC Universe
It's about time DC's original superhero team rose to stardom again
With the Justice League's return to fame, they have proven that they are just as powerful as they ever were. They're still going strong today as they join the new "unlimited" cast of the Justice League alongside the entire community of heroes. While residing in the Watchtower, they are still their own team. This means they will face their own threats, hence the preview for JSA #1 triggering the arrival of dark new dangers that only they can stop. Now that the Justice Society of America is back and better than ever, they are more than ready to defend the DC Universe and solidify themselves as the Justice Leaguesuperiors.
JSA #1 is available November 6, 2024 from DC Comics.