Suits Season 5, episode 10, "Faith" has a 9.7/10 score on IMDb, and it tells us that the show is going to struggle to continue for more seasons. Most seasons of Suits A similar format followed in which there would be one or two major cases combined with smaller, less important challenges to be faced each week. In season 5, the main storyline was the fate of Mike RossWhose fraud was finally revealed. "Faith" wasn't the first time Mike was arrested, but it was when his latest lie was revealed to the world.
The first person in Suits' Pearson law firm outside of "Team Harvey" to find out about Mike is Jessica, after which other characters would continue to discover that Harvey's protégé is not a real lawyer. However, Mike would always find a way to stay out of trouble, even when Louis discovered the truth. That changed with the 5th season after that An anonymous tip revealed that Mike Ross never went to Harvard.
Suits Season 5, Episode 10 was the beginning of the end for Suits
There weren't many stories to tell after Mike was exposed
at the end of Suits Season 5, Episode 10 Just as Mike Ross was about to leave his lawyer days behind him to start a new life with Rachel, he was arrested and exposed. A scene five seasons in the making, Mike's arrest was the culmination of Suits' longest-running storyline and felt like a point of no return for the show. Even though many characters knew Mike's secret up to this point, Mike being exposed as a fraud was the end of it Suits As we knew it and changed the show forever.
The fact that Suits Waited several seasons for Mike to finally be exposed It was not surprising. Once Mike is arrested, the entire dynamic of the show is going to change. Mike and Harvey, regardless of their strong personalities, usually had to play on the defensive because of how big of a liability Mike Ross was. For example, Mike may never get full credit for his biggest cases. Even when the dynamic duo won a case, there was always a sense that something could go wrong at any time because of Mike's secret.
Mike Ross being exposed and arrested should have been the final arc of the suits
Suits could have ended on a very high note
I can't think of a better final arc for Suits Like the trial of Mike Ross and its aftermath. For a show whose entire premise was someone who never went to college making his way in the corporate law world, Mike's arrest and what followed would have been the perfect conclusion for Suits. Once Mike was exposed, the stakes were higher than ever, and it felt like everything the show had been building for five years was finally paying off. It's no coincidence that "Faith" is one of the best episodes of the show.
With a few changes, season 5 could have been a great end point for Suits.
To see Harvey and Mike come up with a defense when the trial approached is arguably Suits'Best episode arc. most of the time, Suits' Main characters are dealing with clients with whom the audience has no reason to care. Mike's process, however, was as personal as it gets. Anyone watching Suits For the first time on streaming will probably watch the last half of season 5 Given how deep and well-paced the build to Mike Ross' trial was. With a few changes, season 5 could have been a great end point for Suits.
Suits lost his way after Mike Ross got out of jail and passed the bar
Mike returning to the company lowered the stakes for the show
Suits Season 8 may be the first without Mike and Rachel, but the show is already struggling to recapture the magic of the earlier seasons long before that. SuitsSeasons 6 and 7 felt like afterthoughts and didn't have the same sense of stakes as the previous seasons. Given as easily Mike Ross got out of jail and passed the barIt became difficult to take any threat against Suits' Protagonist seriously. Mike returned to Pearson Specter Litt as an attorney less than a year after his arrest.
I would have liked Mike's time in prison to have meant more to the story, even if the show had to include a flash-forward. Once Mike was back in the office, it seemed like Suits' Most profound arc is now but a footnote in the character's history. For how well the latter half of Suits Season 5 was, it should have had a bigger impact on the show. Two more seasons after Harvey and Mike isn't a bad thing, and the show struggled even more once Mike left.