The hardest challenge of wisdom is not even worth the trouble

The hardest challenge of wisdom is not even worth the trouble

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Not a particularly challenging game overall, but the difficulty isn't quite consistent across the board. by design, Echoes of wisdom is meant to be broken, and many puzzles that could be roadblocks with fewer resources at hand can be quickly solved by throwing enough Echoes at them. Even the combat ends up less threatening than usual due to the rest of ways to restore hearts, not to mention a lineup of useful accessories that can reduce damage or apply a number of other benefits.

not surprising Echoes of wisdom is at its hardest in scenarios that don't allow the same room for improvisation. The hardest boss battle, for example, is probably a fight with a classic enemy found after completing the first few areas of the game, mostly because he doesn't have glaring weaknesses and Zelda hasn't yet acquired many game-breaking echoes. Even that pales in comparison to the game's true toughest challenge, which hides its devious nature behind a task that sounds like nothing more than light entertainment.

The Short Flag Race course is Zelda's toughest trial

Precision racing trumps combat & puzzles

Zelda: Resonance of Wisdoms Hyrule Ranch is home to several important pieces of side content in the game, and the ranch's latest offering is a series of ​​flag races that test Zelda's ability to run her newly acquired horse around a track. Three different course lengths have their own flags to collect and obstacles to avoid, and each features a basic time to beat and a deeper target that offers a bonus reward. The first race unlocked is the Short Course, but mastering it turns out to be much harder Like the medium and long courses.


The problem with the short course is that it takes place on a tight racetrack with no real allowance for major shortcuts, and The 17-second threshold to receive a special reward requires precise timing This is not necessary to achieve the records on the other courses. It's just barely possible to manage by dodging every obstacle perfectly and dashing at the right time, but the better way to manage it is to grab some obstacles and move them out of the way with Bind. Even this strategy can be tricky, and getting it just right can require repeated runs.

Zelda's time is better spent elsewhere in Echoes of Wisdom

A mediocre reward is no match for the challenge

Zelda stands beside a rendering of a mite crystal, a bismuth-shaped purple and blue stone from Zelda Echoes of Wisdom.

Ideally, Zelda would get a substantial bounty for managing the short course in 17 seconds, but what she gets isn't all that special. The reward for perfecting the short course in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom is a package of three Mite crystalsThe material used to upgrade Zelda's swordsman form. It's not a terrible proposition, and many side activities provide less, but it's also a drop in the bucket in a game with a total of 150 Might Crystals.

Still hit The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomThe map puts a counter of how many pieces of heart, mine crystals, and stamps are left to find.

This wouldn't be a big deal if the real reward came from mastering every flag race course on Hyrule Ranch, but unfortunately, such a sacrifice exists. It is still worthwhile to get the best time on the other coursesHow Zelda can get a heart piece from the middle course and a charging horn from the long course. The former is a more meaningful upgrade material than a few mite crystals, and the latter is an accessory that allows you to deal more damage to enemies while galloping on your horse.


The progression of the courses and rewards finally makes it feel like the short course is not intended to be the hardest, but considering how easy shortcuts are to find or create in the others, there is no doubt that it is. It can still be a fun process to take on, and doing it simply for the thrill of accomplishment can provide a greater dopamine hit than the lesser challenges found elsewhere in Echoes of wisdom. For those looking to get rewards, however, others The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Trials provide a better return on investment.

Strange rifts are tearing Hyrule apart, and with Link missing, it's up to Princess Zelda to save the kingdom. Armed with the Tree Wheel and aided by a mysterious fairy, she must solve puzzles, create environmental "echoes," and fight enemies while navigating new regions and uncovering hidden secrets.


September 26, 2024


Nintendo, Grezzo