The Flash is shown to have many incredible abilities thanks to the Acceleration Force but his most underrated power is the only reason he can accomplish any of his incredible feats. Whether it's Barry Allen or Wally West, the Flash is an integral member of the Justice League as its resident speedster, and Flash's Speed Force aura is not only his most powerful ability, it's the only way he can remain a speedster.
The Speed Force is the source of Fash's powers, but it remains somewhat enigmatic as its properties are constantly expanded. One of the Flash's most important Speed Force powers is his Speed Force Aura, but it is not often mentioned in the comics, despite it being the reason the Flash can absorb kinetic energy and withstand intense friction when running.
The Speed Aura is the only reason Flash can perform abilities that rival even the strongest heroes. without it, The Flash bursts into flames, hurting himself and anyone he tries to help.
Flash's speed force aura allows him to rival Superman
Without his aura of speed, the Flash's super speed becomes deadly
It has been debated whether the Flash is faster than the Man of Steel and the two heroes have raced several times, but it has been proven that The Flash holds the title of the fastest superhero in the world and this is all due to Flash's Speed Force Aura. Although Flash is known for his incredible speed, his Speed Aura also allows him to fight with immense strength, charging his punches with kinetic force and delivering blows to his enemies at lightning speeds that rival Superman. His aura allows him to attack enemies without mortally wounding them or molecularly piercing them.
Flash's Speed Aura acts as a shield against friction for him and those around him, as well as It's the only reason he can move other people at super speed without ripping the skin off their bones. In The Flash #2 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato Jr., Wally West is seen expanding his aura to protect him from the high speeds he reaches, allowing him to create a shield for himself and extend his aura to those near him. Your aura works not only externally, but also internally when using powers like passing through surfaces.
This power makes Flash the most versatile hero in the Justice League
Aura Speed Force enhances Flash's mind
One of Flash's coolest abilities is being able to vibrate his molecules so fast that he can phase through solid objects and free himself from most restraints. This ability has evolved immensely over the years to allow the Flash to become invisible to the human eye and split into two, allowing the scarlet speedster to be in two places simultaneously. The Flash's combination of strength, speed, and shapeshifting abilities make him one of the most versatile members of the Justice League, especially when considering his hyperspeed intelligence.
Barry Allen notes that he can think at the speed of light and move his mind so fast that the Flash is known to resist mind control and attacks on his psyche.
In addition to super speed and phasing abilities, it is known that Flash can hear, speak, read and think at superhuman speed. In Superman #709 by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Roberson, Barry Allen notes that he can think at the speed of light and can move his mind so fast that The Flash is known to resist mind control and attacks on his psyche. Flash's accelerated knowledge makes him incredibly intelligent and with how quickly his brain makes fiery synapses to keep up with his rapid perception, his Aura of Speed is necessary to prevent neurological damage.
The Flash used his aura to make him a conduit of living energy
Flash's aura gives him maximum firepower, but losing it is detrimental
Along with the Speed Force Aura, all speedsters connected to the Speed Force can channel and conduct its energy, making them living conduits of electrokinetic energy. Although the Speed Force Aura prevents Flash from lighting up due to friction, he can still use his aura to overload himself with kinetic energy using the Speed Force. Wally West was once able to accelerate his particles quickly enough to heat his hands to incredibly high temperatures while fighting a powerful alien opponent and remaining unharmed by the heat.
When the Flash runs at supersonic speeds, his friction causes a trail of lightning and creates a sonic boom every time he takes off, making the Speed Aura a useful and vital ability for all Speed-connected speedsters Force. Although the Flash's aura is an essential power, villains like the Reverse-Flash and Onimar Synn have been able to remove it, rendering all of the Flash's powers Acceleration Force zero skills. With how intertwined Flash's abilities are with his Speed Aura, and how damaging it would be if he lost it, it's evident how important this underrated power is to Flashhero identity.