The Flash has DC's best romance, and this 1 sentence just made it official

The Flash has DC's best romance, and this 1 sentence just made it official

Warning: Spoilers for The Flash #13The DC Universe is full of couples worth gushing over, but these flash s Relationship with his wife, Linda Park-West, stands out as the strongest DC romance. Their relationship has spanned decades, and they've now faced their biggest obstacle yet as a couple and emerged from it more in love than they've ever been. In one sentence, The Flash proves why his romance is the best that DC Comics has to offer - and why it will never be broken.

The bottle #13 by Simon Spurrier, Ramón Pérez, Pete Pantazis, Matt Herms and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou concludes Wally West's latest cosmic adventure as he rescues his family from the clutches of the Arc Angles and makes amends with them. They help him replenish the Deep Change, repair the wounds of the Crown of Tones, and restore the Speed ​​Force to its normal state. When they are back at home, Wally asks Lilinda how long he will love her, and she replies, "Until this time stands still... and everything else."

Comic Book Panels: Wally West and Linda Park-West share a sweet moment where Wally asks how long he'll love her, and she says, "Until time stands still... and everything else."

the phrase "Until the time stands still"In reference to the Flash's love for his wife was echoed throughout the story, and the new addition at the end of the sentence makes it especially poignant. Time did Stand still in the arc, and Wally's love for Linda has not wavered, which means their love has no limit. The Flash's relationship with Linda Park-West can survive whatever challenges come its way, as it has countless times before.

The Flash's love story is one of the most underrated in DC

Wally West and Linda Park belong together - and the universe knows it

Comic book art: Linda Park West smiles in front of a picture of Flash Wally West running with his head down.

The Flash's romance may not be as iconic as Superman's, but it deserves much more recognition. They didn't start off on the best foot when Linda's cutthroat reporting grated on Wally's nerves, but they eventually fell in love after getting to know each other. Wally inspired Linda to let loose and have fun, and in turn, Linda inspired Wally to become the man she believed he could be. They became husband and wife The bottle #59 by Mark Waid and Paul Pelletier back in 2000, and since then they've had three children and enjoyed years of wedded bliss.

Linda Park made her first appearance in 1989s The bottle #28 by William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque, now available both digitally and in collected formats from DC Comics!

Every relationship has its ups and downs, of course, although nothing keeps the bottle going for long. For example, Wally and Linda once made a deal with Nero to give up their love for each other, and their love finally defeated him. DC's New 52 reboot went so far as to erase Wally and his family from continuity — but they're back years later, against all odds. Wally and Linda overcome every hardship that tries to get between them, Making their relationship stronger than most. Their love is so strong, in fact, that it is considered one of The Flash's greatest superpowers.

Thanks to the Speed ​​Force, The Flash and Linda Park are soulmates

Panels of The bottle #111 by Mark Waid, Oscar Jimenez, José Marzan Jr., Tom McCraw, Gaspar Saladino and Kevin Cunningham

Comic Book Panels: Flash uses his connection to Linda Park to get back home by channeling her as his lightning rod.

All speedsters in the Flash family are fueled by the Speed ​​Force, and the Flash himself is no exception. The Speed ​​Force gives him his speed, though that speed can come at a deadly price. If he pushes himself beyond his natural limitations, the Flash can disappear into the Speed ​​Force, dying like Barry Allen did. Fortunately, unlike Barry, Wally West has a lightning rod that tethers him to reality: Linda Park. The power of the Speed ​​Force connects Wally and Linda on a spiritual level and officially elevates them to soulmate status.

in The bottle #100 by Mark Waid, Carlos Pacheco, Salvador Larroca, and Oscar Jimenez, Wally disappeared into the Speed ​​Force and was presumed dead, only to miraculously reappear by Linda's side. He became the first speedster to ever accomplish this extraordinary feat, and he did it simply by thinking about Linda. Like Wally's lightning rod, Linda is the beacon that guides the Flash home. No matter how far the Flash runs across time and space, he always finds his way back to the woman he loves, thanks to their Speed ​​Force connection. Until now, that is, as cosmic forces threaten to permanently separate them.

The Flash almost ends his relationship - and time itself - for good

Cosmic horrors try to tear Wally and Linda apart

Things have not been easy for The Flash and his wife as of late. Since the birth of their third child, a son named Wade, Wally and Linda have grown far as their own internal conflicts assert within them. Wally is overwhelmed with balancing his responsibilities as a hero and family man, while Linda struggles with post-partum depression that worsens when Abra Kdabra strips away her emotions. The conflicts culminate in Wally, already full of doubt, watching in horror as Linda claims not to care about him. Heartbroken, the Flash decides she's better off without him and isolates herself in the gallery, releasing his memories of her.

Wally and Linda's love endures even after time stands still, and it always will.

The Flash's attempt to push his loved ones almost resulted in the destruction of time. Once he has abandoned his ties to reality, the Arc Angles manipulate the now hollowed-out Flash to do their bidding and poison time at its source. In the aftermath, when all seems lost, a manifestation of Linda's stolen feelings appears and reminds Wally that he is loved. No power in the world, from the control of Abra Kadabra's mind to the angle of the bow, can break their connection. Wally and Linda's love endures even after time stands stillAnd it always will.

The Flash's relationship is stronger than ever before

Wally West's unbreakable bond with his wife saves the universe

Comic book panels: The Flash Wally West takes a ghostly version of Linda Park West in his arms.

After the Flash's romantic reunion with Linda, they decide to help the injured Deep Change - the source of time, and the source of the Speed ​​Force that binds them. Joined by their kids, they heal the deep change by holding hands and channeling their love. Wally and Linda's love is not only strong enough to endure time standing still; It's powerful enough to make time move again. The Flash and his wife are the only couple in the DC Universe who can revitalize the flow of time with the power of their love for one another, and put the rest to shame.


Now that they're back together, The Flash and his family embark on a much-needed family vacation in their next adventure as part of DC's All In Era, which will allow Wally and Linda to reunite in the wake of All That Is Happened. Their marriage is already in a better place, as the issue features Wally opening up to Linda rather than keeping his feelings bottled up, and they'll only continue to improve from here. Even the end of time cannot tear them apart Flash And Linda Park-West aside, proving beyond any doubt that their love will last forever.

The bottle #13 is available now from DC Comics.