Warning: Spoilers for The Flash #14THE Flash The family has continually expanded over the years, with new sprinters joining its ranks, but its latest addition has proven to be the most mysterious. Wally West's family has a new friend joining them on their next adventure, and it's a familiar face – or is it? I have a theory about who the newest member of the Flash family is, and it involves one of the most powerful gods in the DC Universe.
In The Flash #14 by Simon Spurrier, Vasco Georgiev, Matt Herms and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Wally and his family are embarking on a much-needed vacation after their battle with the Arc Angles almost separated them forever. Joining them on their camping trip is their dog, Foxy, who fits in perfectly with them. The only problem with this is that The Flash's family has never had a dog before, but now they act as if Foxy is always around.
Wally makes a comment about how Foxy has been a part of their lives for so long, then pauses and asks: "When do we get a dog?" Clearly, there's more to the Flash family's new pet than meets the eye. In fact, I have a feeling that Flash's dog is no ordinary animal, but secretly a god.
The Flash Family's New Dog 'Foxy' Could Be the Creation of a Powerful God
Deep Change's Newborn Potentially Joining the Flash Family
Foxy makes her disconcerting debut in The Flash #13, when the Flash encounters a cosmic being known as Deep Shift alongside his wife and children. After fluctuations in the Speed Force cause the speedsters' powers to fail, Linda reflects on the symptoms and realizes that they resemble her experiences with childbirth. As Wally succinctly puts it: “God is going to have a baby.” The Flash family helps Deep Change give birthand in this sequence appear ominous glimpses of the future. Foxy first appears among Flash's visions, and his eyes glow with an eerie glow that suggests latent power.
Once Flash and his family return home, they are greeted by Foxy. Instead of questioning the dog's arrival, they recognize it with surprising familiarity. Since this takes place shortly after the birth of the Deep Change, my theory is that Foxy was the product of the birth. I believe Deep Change has reconnected their “newborn” to the Flash family. Deep Change is the living source of time itself, which explains how it can rewrite history in this way. The question then is why a god would insert a pet into the Flash's life, and the answer is tied to Deep Change's relationship with the Flash.
'Profound Change' Becomes The Flash's Family
The Flash's symbiotic relationship with the Speed Force explains his gift to him
The Speed Force has been a central part of the Flash mythos for decades as the source of his superpowers. In short, the Speed Force fuels the speedsters' powers and connects them to each other, although its true nature remains a mystery. Now, THE Flash #13 finally provided answers about this power source with the revelation that the Speed Force is alive. Furthermore, it is not a mere force, but rather an emanation of the dreams of a cosmic being: the Deep Change. The Flash finds him on the brink of death, and he and his loved ones are the key to his survival.
During his encounter with Deep Change, the Flash discovers that the Speed Force doesn't just give him and his fellow speedsters their power. The Flash family nurtures Deep Change in exchange for the lives they lead and, more specifically, their love. Wally's love for his wife, Linda, and his children sustains the divine entity while nourishing them with the gift of time, which they channel at speed. By altering his timeline with the creation of Foxy, Deep Shift may be allowing himself - or an extension of his being - to experience his love in a deeper way as a beloved member of the Flash family.
Is the Flash family's god-level addition friend or foe?
The Flash could have a friend for life – or a horrible cosmic enemy
While Deep Change may be well-intentioned with its gift, I know better than to trust a mysterious new figure in the Flash's life after the cosmic horrors he's already encountered. For example, Wally West meets aliens called Stillness in The Flash #2. They turn out to be explorers from the beginning of time who have grown bored with wandering and now seek death, which only the villainous Arc Angles can bring them. As such, in pursuit of this reward, they help the Arc Angles manipulate the Flash into nearly killing time. With that in mind, it's reasonable to be wary of another reality-defying entity that has teamed up with the Flash.
Cosmic weirdness aside, it's not uncommon for DC to suddenly introduce an animal companion to its heroes. In Nightwing #78 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott, Dick Grayson adopts a dog he names Haley - also known as Bitewing - who has since become a fan-favorite mascot. There's a chance that Foxy could play a similar role in Flash lore, or even become a super pet if he has powers. However, considering how dark the Flash's recent adventures have been, I won't let my guard down regarding Foxy just yet. Everything will eventually be revealed when the identity of the FlashThe new pet comes to light.
The Flash #14 is now available from DC Comics.