The first fight of the new Punisher and Daredevil ends with a decisive victory

The first fight of the new Punisher and Daredevil ends with a decisive victory


  • Elektra faces off against the new Punisher, Joe Garrison, in a fierce battle in Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2.

  • Despite Garrison's skills, Elektra's training makes her a formidable opponent, ultimately defeating him in combat.

  • The question arises whether the defeat of the Punishers will lead to a new alliance between him and the Daredevil, in order to save a life in need.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2!The new Marvel Universe Punishment And Daredevil Have finally met and in true superhero fashion, had their first official fight. Elektra traveled to Madripoor to save her ward from the Maggia, only to run into ex-SHIELD operative Joe Garrison. The two vigilantes face off and only one ends up victorious.

in Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2 By Erica Shultz and Michael Dowling Punisher has come to kill Crossbones, but Daredevil needs him alive to find her missing partner. Garrison and Elektra fight on a subway that spills out into an embankment. As much as Daredevil detests the new Punisher, he manages to keep up with her.

ELEktra kicks off the New Punisher Marvel

Elektra successfully destroys Garrison's body armor, but before their fight can end, Nikki Sharpe of the Maggia arrives to retrieve Elektra. Garrison shoots at Sharpe and Elektra, but she deflects his bullets and Daredevil knocks the Punisher out cold with a powerful kick.

Elektra's Daredevil beats the brand new Punisher

Elektra dodges Punisher's bullet and kicks him wonder

On a night like any other, Elektra returns home from patrol only to discover that her ward, Alice, is missing. However, Elektra discovers that the international crime syndicate, The Maggia, has taken Alice, forcing the new Daredevil to go to Madripoor to find her. Elektra boarded a train and waited for a contact from the criminal organization to give further instructions. Unfortunately, the train is attacked by crossbones. Elektra put on her hero attire and fought the mercenary and his cronies. But during the fight, A shot nearly hits Elektra and Crossbones, fired off by the new Punisher, Joe Garrison.

He may not be Frank Castle, but Garrison is no slouch. When he was an active SHIELD agent, Garrison was one of the most lethal operatives in the agency. That being said, Elektra is one of the best martial artists in the Marvel Universe. Electra trained under Staff and the Purity before learning from the Hand, who taught her everything she needed to know about assassination. She is able to defeat highly effective killers like Bullseye and Taskmaster in combat, so frankly, Garrison never had a chance. But Now that Daredevil has beaten the Punisher, what's next in their new rivalry?

Will the Punishers defeat lead to a new ally for Daredevil?

New Punisher lying on the ground in front of Elektra Marvel

It is not uncommon for two heroes to fight for one reason or another when they first meet. And after the introductory fight, an alliance is usually the next step. Elektra is running out of time to save her ward and she will have to take on all the magic to get Alice back. They may not be friends, but Garrison could be an asset that could help Daredevil achieve her goal. If Frank Castle and Matt Murdock could work together, there is no reason why the newest Daredevil And Punishment Can't do the same thing to save a life in need.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2 (2024)

Daredevil Woman Without Fear #2 Cover-1

  • Writer: Erica Schultz

  • Artist: Michael Dowling

  • Colorist: Dee Cunniffe

  • Writer: Clayton Cowles

  • Cover artist: David Yardin