The final battle of the Jedi against the Nihil begins in our exclusive preview

The final battle of the Jedi against the Nihil begins in our exclusive preview

A spectacular Star Wars Showdown has reached its climax, as the battle for ascendancy between the Nihil and the Jedi in the High Republic Era of the franchise's timeline is coming to its terminal conclusion. Readers can expect a dramatic, pulse-pounding final confrontation between the forces of good and evil, in prototypical Star Wars Fashion.

Screen Rant is pleased to share an exclusive preview for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III - Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone #1 - Written by Daniel José Older, with art by Paris Alleyne - which offers readers their first step toward the epic end of the protracted conflict between the Jedi Order and the existential threat to the Republic's prosperity posed by the Nihil.

Having steadily built up to this moment over the past several years of storytelling, Phase III of these High Republic Saga is sure to end on a breathtaking final note.

The war between the Nihil and the Jedi Order reaches its peak in "Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone"

Years of patient Star Wars Storytelling pays off

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III - Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone (2024)

Cover for Star Wars The High Republic "Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone" cover featuring a collage of Jedi characters.

Release date:

October 9, 2024


Daniel José Older


Paris alone

Cover artist:

Jake Bartok

Variant covers:


The marauders known as the Nihil have stranded hundreds of worlds in a part of the galaxy known as the Occlusion Zone. With communications blocked and ships unable to enter, Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Elzar Mann turned to centuries-old technology to send messages of hope into the Zone. The messages they receive in return—from Jedi younglings, Padawans, and knights, and more—will set the stage for the final battle between the noble Jedi and the nefarious Nihil.

What a paradigm shift Dispatches from the occlusion zone Let them High Republic Time to fight is a matter of intense speculation among the franchise's fandom.

As powerful as the Nihils were as villains for the previously unexplored era of Star WarsIt is perhaps time for those High Republic Time to move on to his next story arc - But not before Dispatches from the occlusion zone Shatter all expectations, and bring the series' current overarching storyline to a satisfying end. As the closing lines of the preview for the first issue of the series emphasize, “It's a matter of when, not if"The Nihil and the Jedi Fight Hard"final battle."

In other words, the series' readers, characters, and creators all recognized that the climax to this ongoing plot could only be postponed for so long, and now that it's up to fans, the question becomes less about who will emerge as the victors. , and more about what toll it will ultimately take on Star Wars: The High Republic Heroes. Next, what paradigm shift Dispatches from the occlusion zone Let them High Republic Time to fight is a matter of intense speculation among the franchise's fandom.


The Nihil have proven to be an all-time great Star Wars threat

They won't go down without a fight

The Nihil have proven themselves to be ruthless and uncompromising in many stories, and as their desperation increases during Dispatches from the occlusion zoneThey will only become deadlier.

for Star Wars fans, the Nihil have solidified themselves as an unforgettable addition to the franchise's lore over the past several years of High Republic Stories. In the heart of Star Wars Storytelling, it's long been a perennial problem: how to create a galaxy-wide threat that evokes the same level of excitement and tension as the Sith, while still being distinct enough from the Sith to stand on their own. In more ways than one, The Nihil have been distinguished as their own kind of destructive evil, and so in this regard, they can be considered a success..

Now it seems that the time has come for the fall of the Nihil, however Star Wars Fans - especially those who followed The High Republic Eng - should be tired of expecting a completely "happy" ending to the conflict. The Nihil have proven themselves to be ruthless and uncompromising in many stories, and as their desperation increases during Dispatches from the occlusion zoneThey will only become deadlier. In other words, readers should be at least a little worried about their favorite High Republic Letters.


The looming "final battle" is an opportunity to end the Nihil saga on a high note

The High Republic Goes out in a blaze of glory


Readers can be sure of one thing: that Nihil will go down fighting, and that the conflict will have a lasting impression on the Jedi Order that will be for the next generation of Star Wars Comic book stories to explore.

What lies next Dispatches from the occlusion zone And the end of the conflict between the Jedi and the Nihil remains unknown, But what's certain is that the miniseries — which is slated to run four issues — will be a glorious culmination of years worth of patient storytelling.. for Star Wars fans, The High Republic was one of the high points of the Disney continuity; As much as this is a result of the excitement of discovering a new era in the franchise's sprawling timeline, the Nihil as antagonists played a crucial role.

Readers can be sure of one thing: that Nihil will go down fighting, and that the conflict will have a lasting impression on the Jedi Order that will be for the next generation of Star Wars Comic book stories to explore. With the climactic confrontation between the Nihil and Jedi Order looming, fans of The High Republic should expect shocks, surprises, action and adventure - and above all else, a satisfying final chapter in one of Star Wars Most exciting eras.