The Fantastic Four's first villain has reached a new level, proving he's a worthy addition to the MCU

The Fantastic Four's first villain has reached a new level, proving he's a worthy addition to the MCU

Warning: Spoilers for Fantastic Four #27

When trying to think about Fantastic FourOf the Mole Man's darkest enemies, the Mole Man doesn't usually come to mind. After all, compared to the likes of Doctor Doom, he doesn't seem like much of a threat at first glance. Now, Mole Man has just revealed that he is much more sinister than he appears, justifying his upcoming inclusion in the MCU and proving that he deserves respect as a Fantastic Four villain.

In Fantastic Four #27 by Ryan North, Steven Cummings, Jesus Aburtov and Joe Caramagna, the titular team of superheroes face off against the Mad Thinker in a heated battle against his Thermo-Droids. However, their battle isn't the only one that takes place during this issue. While the Fantastic Four are on mission in New York, the Mole Man takes the opportunity to attack his children in their hometown.

The Fantastic Four's Mole Man Targets the Team's Children

Fighting the Fantastic Four already makes him a villain, but for Mole Man to specifically target the school when he knows his parents are distracted elsewhere is a new level of evil that redefines his perception in Marvel lore.

Mole is officially the Fantastic Four's most twisted enemy in Marvel history

Ahead of his MCU debut, a classic FF villain takes a dark turn by attacking children

The Mole Man may be modest on the surface due to his sillier design compared to other Marvel villains, but his more recent actions elevate his villainy to a degree that even the scariest foes would avoid. With the Fantastic Four on their own mission, rather than pursue them, the Mole Man decides to hurt them through their unsuspecting children. Infiltrating a school full of kids when he knows the Fantastic Four can't stop him is a truly diabolical plan on the Mole Man's part.and his attempted murder of Franklin and Valeria Richards demonstrates how far he is willing to go in pursuit of revenge.

Mole Man debuted in the first issue of Fantastic Four by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, which will be available as a reprinted facsimile edition on January 8, 2025.

Historically, the Mole Man hasn't been considered all that dangerous, so it's a shock to see him resort to such horrific measures here. His typical goofy personality is that of an outsider who has isolated himself from society in his underground tunnel system, where he controls Moloids that he releases upon the Fantastic Four. Considering his reputation, many fans were surprised by Mole Man's imminent role in the MCU. Now, he has established himself as an antagonist with a dark side that rivals that of Doctor Doomand this underrated foe's debut on the big screen makes a lot more sense as a result.

Mole isn't the only Fantastic Four villain who targets his children

Doctor Doom also employed this forgotten villain's strategy

Doctor Doom and Franklin Richards hell

The Mole Man's grudge against the Fantastic Four has grown since his first appearance, but there is another villain whose grudge runs even deeper than his own: Victor Von Doom, better known as Doctor Doom. Although he is the main enemy of the Fantastic Four as a whole, he harbors a specific dislike for Reed Richards as his intellectual rival. Victor's history with Reed led him to commit many despicable acts, but the worst crime Doctor Doom committed was against Reed's son, not Mister Fantastic himself. As the Mole Man, Doctor Doom torments the children of the Fantastic Four in an effort to anger them.

In Fantastic Four #68 by Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo, Doctor Doom sets his sights on the children of Reed Richards and the Invisible Woman. He first possesses Valeria Richards, then generates hellfire in Reed's laboratory while his son Franklin is with him. When Reed activates a portal to help Franklin escape, Doom takes control of the system with his newly upgraded magical powers and transports Franklin to Hell.. Doctor Doom's petty resentment towards the Fantastic Four leads to the child's devastating fate, and together with the Mole Man, he has shown that the team's heroic efforts are ultimately to the detriment of their children.

It's confirmed: the Fantastic Four superhero's lifestyle endangers his children

By making powerful enemies, the Fantastic Four put their children's lives at risk

The Fantastic Four come together as a family in Marvel Comics

With so many dastardly villains plotting against the Fantastic Four, from the Mole Man to Doctor Doom, these heroes' families are at risk of being targeted at any time. These villains aren't alone in wanting revenge on the Fantastic Four, and many others could follow in their footsteps by going after their children to spite them. Although some children possess powers - as shown when Nicki unleashes her Skrull abilities - others are helpless. THE Fantastic Four They should focus more on protecting their children, otherwise the Mole Man might succeed the next time he tries to eliminate them.

Fantastic Four #27 is now available from Marvel Comics.