While The equalizer 2The ending ends well, the symbolism of the sequence's climax is much deeper than it seems. The equalizer was a 2014 action thriller that saw Denzel Washington play Robert McCall, a lethally dangerous Marine turned DIA officer. In the tense film, Washington's character reluctantly returns to action to save a teenager from the Russian mob. In The equalizer 2Robert and his former colleague, Dave York, investigate the murder of another co-worker, Susan Plummer, who was killed by unseen assailants during what appeared to be a robbery in Brussels.
Robert and York investigated this murder, but it didn't take long for Washington's hardened antihero to discover the shocking truth that led to the murder. The equalizer 2is ending. Meanwhile, a troubled teenage artist named Miles has offered to paint a mural on Robert's building. These two portions converged in The equalizer 2Miles' final scenes were kidnapped by Susan's killer and Robert had to return to his hometown to face the killers. In the process, The equalizer 2Robert's ending gives new insight into Robert's worldview, his struggles, and the path that led him to a life of protecting the innocent.
Who killed Susan Plummer in Equalizer 2?
Robert narrowly avoided a similar fate by agreeing to work with David
Surprisingly, Pedro Pascal's seemingly sweet Dave York was the one who killed Susan in The equalizer 2. He worked as a mercenary and knew that Susan would soon discover the fact that Dave was also the one who staged the murder-suicide in Brussels. Dave, along with Robert's other former colleagues Kovak, Ari, and Resnik, turned to crime after being left behind by the DIA despite years of faithful service.
Feeling abandoned, Dave and the rest of Robert's former squad killed Susan and intended to do the same to Robert. However, Robert outmaneuvered them and forced them to face him at home so he would have the upper hand. Although Dave spent most of his time The equalizer 2 trying to find Susan's killer alongside Robert, the dubious character turned out to be the culprit of the murder.
Using the local watchtower as a base, Robert defeated them using a strong storm as cover, eventually facing Dave in one-on-one combat.
Robert realized this when he saw Dave's number in the call list of a killer who tried and failed to kill Robert. It was then that director Antoine Fuqua's sequel turned truly brutal, as Dave and his associates kidnapped Miles and followed Robert to his seaside hometown. There, using the local watchtower as a base, Robert defeated them using a strong storm as cover, eventually facing Dave in one-on-one combat.
Why Robert Killed Kovak, Ari, and Resnik
Eliminating Dave's henchmen made the final fight easier for Robert
Robert lured Kovak, Ari and Resnik to his hometown and killed them with a harpoon, knives and a dust explosion in The equalizer 2is ending. In practical terms, Robert killed these henchmen one at a time to facilitate his final confrontation. On a metaphorical level, Robert needed to return to his childhood home and inflict this violent fate on his peers to kill the parts of himself that wanted to turn his anger into murderous revenge.
Robert, like his colleagues, felt deceived and betrayed by an unresponsive government after years of faithful service. As such, he needed to kill them to ensure he wouldn't become like them.
What Dave York's Death Means at the End of Equalizer 2
Giving Dave a simple death was a turning point
Robert slowly stabbed Dave to death with his own knife, using the techniques they both learned at DIA. Dave leaned on his anger, bitterness, and resentment to become a killer, while Robert turned the blade on Dave (and, by extension, his own simmering resentment). The equalizer 2 was Denzel Washington's first sequel, and that heavy ending explains why. When Robert killed Dave, he chose the path of forgiveness rather than seeking violent revenge. It brought him a sense of purpose that was missing at the end of the original. The equalizer.
Why is there a hurricane at the end of Equalizer 2?
The storm is an incredibly heavy metaphor
The hurricane in The equalizer 2The ending of is a classic case of pathetic fallacy. Dave's murder of Susan changed Robert's memories of their time together at the DIA and forced him to face the horrors of his past. Thus, his hometown was literally torn to pieces, while internally, Robert felt that his well-earned peace was disturbed and shattered as well.
Images of the hurricane externalize Robert's inner turmoil
The images of the hurricane externalize Robert's inner turmoil as the character realizes that it will never be possible to return home after experiencing the horrors of war. Instead, Robert had to brutally accept that he was once part of Dave's squad and now needed to kill his former friends.
What Miles' mural means at the end of Equalizer 2
Miles painted an idyllic rural scene on the side of Robert's building in The equalizer 2is ending. The mural represented a community taking care of its plantations, both a reflection of the apartment building's communal garden and a testament to the power of community rehabilitation. After so much bloodshed and death, Robert could not have found purpose in his life if it were not for the restorative power of community.
Robert embodied the holistic, community-centered approach to life that is portrayed in Miles' utopian vision.
In mentoring Miles, Robert embodied the holistic, community-centered approach to life that is portrayed in Miles' utopian vision. However, Robert's failure to offer the same guidance to his colleagues haunted him after their deaths at his hands.
What the Equalizer 2 Ending Really Means
The Equalizer Sequence Ending Is About Redemption and Choosing a Better Path
While The equalizer 2The ending of is not tragic, there is a sense of sadness to it. Robert reunites a Holocaust survivor with his long-lost brother thanks to his abilities, but he can't force Dave to see a path for his life that isn't defined by violence and retribution. As the New Testament says: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," and Robert realized this when it was easier to gouge out Dave's eyes than to make him see the error of his ways.
Robert could have easily become another disgruntled mercenary like Dave, Kovak, Ari, and Resnik, and he was forced to face that fact in The equalizer 2is ending. By encouraging Miles to pursue art rather than a life of crime, Robert passed on his wisdom to the next generation. However, he was unable to save the men he fought and was ultimately the one who killed them.
Despite all his attempts to help those in need, Robert McCall was still worried about his limitations in The equalizer 2It ended when he realized he might have been tempted to crime like his brothers in arms.
How the end of Equalizer 2 sets up Equalizer 3
Susan's daughter plays a key role in the upcoming film
In 2023, The equalizer 2 was followed by The equalizer 3, turning Denzel Washington's Robert McCall story into a trilogy. As expected, there were several elements of the second The equalizer film that played directly into the third, bringing the films' overarching story to a satisfying conclusion (unless Washington returns for The equalizer 4, that is).
A fundamental way that The equalizer 3 is configured by The equalizer 2 is the death of Susan Plummer. Robert's CIA contact in The equalizer 3 is Emma Collins, who is actually Susan's daughter. It is this connection that allows Robert to inform the CIA about the illegal drug trade operating in the small Italian town of Altamonte, where Robert has settled for a quieter life.
There was also the character Greg Dyer in The equalizer 3 with whom Robert revealed to Emma that he had a connection. However, although many wondered if the “boarding house guy” was in the second film, he was a unique and new character introduced in The equalizer 3. Beyond that, though, the main connections between the two films were thematic. Robert found a sense of peace at the end of The equalizer 2, and it was this peace that led him to Altamonte and to want to settle down for a peaceful life when the time came The equalizer 3 start.
How the Equalizer 2 ending was received
The film received mixed reviews
As a whole, The equalizer 2 It was not a critical or public success. In general, reviews for the film were mixed. One thing most audiences agree on, regardless of how they felt about the film, is that Denzel Washington gave a great performance. Of course, this is not uncommon in Washington. Many also seemed to agree that the film's ending featured some great visuals.
The idea of Washington's character experiencing internal turmoil while the world around him is in turmoil because of a hurricane may seem contrived, but it provides a great visual for the audience. A discussion on Reddit about the film shows viewers saying things like: “The fight against the hurricane in the ghost town, despite its inconsistencies, was quite unique in the setting…" and "The editing was very strange in the first half, but the final confrontation in the hurricane was actually very good.”
While the choice may have seemed extreme to some critics, audiences enjoyed the film's final fight, largely due to the addition of the hurricane. He also sold the public on the idea that Denzel Washington could make a sequel to The equalizer 2 and kept the audience coming back for the next edition.