The end of My Hero Academia Season 7

The end of My Hero Academia Season 7

Warning: Contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Season 7.My hero academia Season 7 has finally come to a close, and overall, it was on a high note. Between the series' typically great artwork and animation and how well it adapts the manga, season 7 was one of the anime's strongest turns in years, and it served as a perfect complement to the manga ending around the same time.

My hero academia Season 7 adapted the heroes' final assault against the Paranormal Liberation Front before All for One can completely take over Shigaraki and become unstoppable. Naturally, even with all the planning, the hero did not go smoothly, and My hero academia Season 7 ends with Shigaraki all for one and the other villains still willing enough to winEven with the few victories, the heroes have. with My hero academia With season 8 officially in production, there's still a lot of story left to tell, and the ending gives a good idea of ​​what to expect.

How My Hero Academia Season 7's Final Battle Started

The beginning of the end of My Hero Academia

All for one, restored by rewinding to its prime.

Half way through My hero academia Season 7, victory was all but assured for the heroes with Dobby and all for one defeated and Izuku on the cusp of defeating Shigaraki. However, Spinner revitalized Kurogiri, who used his Quirk to scatter the villains to locations that worked against the heroes. This included Himiko and an army of twice clones created with her quirk, and because of this, Aizawa and Monoma were taken out of the battle and Shigaraki regained control of his quirksIn addition to control of his body of all for one's vestige.

Things were just as bad with the other villains, as well. Dobby, for example, has gained a second wind and is planning to let himself lose control of his Quirk and destroy everything in a fiery explosion. But it was worse than that All For One used a copy of Eri's Rewind Quirk to make himself progressively younger and strongerAnd with Endeavor busy with Danny, there is soon no one left to stop all for one from going to Shigaraki to help his vestige gain full control of Shigaraki's body.

As Dobby and Himiko were finally defeated at My Hero Academia

The end of the league of villains

As Dobby became increasingly volatile, Endeavor attempted to fly Dobby into the sky and out of range of everyone else, with Endeavor's subsequent sacrifice set to be his ultimate atonement for his crimes. however, The entire Todoroki family arrived and used their quirks to diffuse DobbyWith Todoroki dealing the final blow with help from Iida. Inwardly, Dobby complained that he wished things were different, but outwardly he continued to curse Endeavor, even when he was barely clinging to life and the Todoraki family apologized for letting things go this far.

Meanwhile, Himiko's mental state became increasingly worse when she realized she couldn't use Twice's Quirk to make copies of anyone else in the League of Villains, which Uraraka surmised was because she was too full of rage. To remember how much she loved them. From there, Uraraka devoted all her energy to make Himiko understand that she wanted to talk to her and try to understand, Uraraka even awakening her quirk in the process. It all led to Uraraka calls Himiko the cutest girl in the worldAnd with that, her anger was finally over.

Unfortunately, while Himiko has stopped attacking everyone, Uraraka is still in trouble; Himiko had stabbed her before, and she was now losing a lethal amount of blood. With no other way to save you, Himiko used her Quirk to turn into Uraraka to transfuse all of her blood to UrarakaAlthough doing so would kill you. Uraraka protested the plan, but Himiko reiterated that she was just living her life however she wanted to live it, and from there Himiko died, her last words thanking Uraraka for trying to understand her.

My Hero Academia season 7 begins with all power and all for one's true final battle

All Might's Last Time in the Spotlight

While the battles with Dobi and Himiko went on, All for One, still on his way to Shigaraki, was suddenly stopped by All Might. With no one else who can hold all for one, All Might donned a suit of armor called Armored All Might and challenged everyone to a one on one fight.Hoping with all his might to stop him from reaching Shigaraki and settle things once and for all. All For One knew it was a trap, but his hatred for All Might was too strong to ignore, and their final fight soon began.

Armored All Might uses a variety of gadgets based on the quirks of Izuku and his friendsAnd while All Might initially had the advantage, All For One soon blew him away with a massive explosion. The damage to everyone was hard, but the memories of his time with Nana and Izuku pushed him to continue, as well as the confirmation that he just had to keep damaging everyone until Rewind killed him. All Might laughed as he began his second assault, and season 7 ended with Izuku watching All Might's final battle through One For All.

My Hero Academia is already teasing how his final battle will end

As all can and all for one battle will end

The last scene of My Hero Academia season 7

It is unknown when, exactly, My hero academia Season 8 will premiere, but the anime is already teasing how it will hold all of May and All for One's action. Season 7 ended with a montage of all the characters still fighting in the battle, and the final shot was of Bakugo's crumpled and bloodied All Might card. Bakugo went on to rejoin the battle at some point, and with how the shot was framed with the rest of the episode, My hero academia is teasing that Bakugo will be the one to end all for one in season 8.

Not only would Bakugo defeating All For One be a great conclusion to his arc, but it would perfectly end All Might's story. All Might assumed that the fight was the one that Nighteye predicted he would die in, but if the future changes thanks to Bakugo defeating All For One, it would allow All Might to fully retire by finally becoming the one saved by a Hero. Bakugo saving everyone from all for one would be much more satisfying than him simply dying in battleAnd season 8 will ideally go in that direction.

My Hero Academia Season 7 Final Thoughts

My Hero Academia's best season in years

My Hero Academia Season 7 visual featuring Ochako, Todoroki, Bakugo and Deku standing together in front of a clear blue sky.

My hero academia Season 7 was not without the various issues that have plagued the series in recent years, such as poor handling of its supporting cast and certain plot threads not getting proper development, but with its great character writing and even more art and animation, Everything great about My hero academia Has reached its peak with season 7 To make it an incredible watch from start to finish. My hero academia Season 7 is the strongest season in years, and hopefully, Season 8 will be a fitting conclusion to such a phenomenal series.