Disney's animated movies are the subject of a variety of theories, and one about Hercules Completely changes Zeus' role in the story, but also makes it more confusing. In 1989, Walt Disney feature animation underwent a period called the Disney Renaissance, in which the studio returned to producing critically and commercially successful animated movies. Like the movies before them, most of the Disney Renaissance movies were based on fairy tales and legends, and among them was HerculesDirected by John Musker and Ron Clements and released in 1997.
Loosely based on the story of the legendary Greek hero Heracles (although for the movie he was given his Roman name), Hercules Taking viewers to Ancient Greece. The gods Zeus and Hera welcomed their baby son, Hercules, but Zeus' brother, Hades, wanted to overthrow Zeus and take over Mount Olympus. After knowing that Hercules would be an obstacle, Hades tried and failed to kill him, only making him mortal but allowing him to retain his god-like strength. To regain his place on Mount Olympus, Hercules had to prove himself as a hero - and Zeus may have moved some pieces for that.
Disney theory claims that Zeus lost against the Titans on purpose (for Hercules' benefit)
Zeus was absolutely capable of defeating the Titans
Hercules It opens with the musical number "The Gospel is True", performed by the Muses, who also serve as the narrator throughout the film. The song tells how many eons ago, the Titans wreaked havoc on Earth until Zeus himself. Zeus used his thunderbolt and powers to defeat the Titans And they locked in a vault, save earth. In the rest of the movie, Zeus doesn't show his powers again until the third act, when Hades unleashes the Titans after stripping Hercules of all his strength so he can fulfill his purpose.
Zeus tells a young Hercules he can earn his godhood back by becoming a "true hero".
When a young (and still skinny) Hercules finally meets his father by a statue in the Temple of Zeus, he tells him that he can earn his godhood back by becoming a "true hero". Zeus doesn't go into the specifics of it But sends Hercules to train with Philoctetes. As the story unfolds, It becomes clear that what Hercules needed was a truly disgusting heroic actWhy didn't he earn his godhood back after killing the hydra.
This theory suggests that Zeus purposefully held back while fighting the Titans to give Hercules a chance to become a hero.
Knowing that he needs to get rid of Hercules so the Titans can destroy Earth and he can dethrone Zeus, Hades tricks Hercules into exchanging his strength for Meg's freedom. However, the deal was broken when Meg was mortally wounded after saving Hercules from a falling pillar, restoring his strength. By then, the Titans attacked Mount Olympus and took the gods as prisoners, while Hades traps Zeus with the help of two Titans. Zeus did not fight themAnd he didn't try to get out, which made a Reddit Users believe that he did it on purpose for Hercules' benefit.
This theory suggests that Zeus purposefully held back while fighting the Titans to give Hercules a chance to become a hero - what better than Save Mount Olympus, the gods, and Zeus himself to prove that he is a hero? To prove himself in front of the gods of Mount Olympus would have left no doubt that he earned his place back among them, and with that, Zeus also made sure that Hercules did not have to die to prove that he was a hero - Unfortunately, Zeus' plan did not go as he expected (assuming that the theory is correct, that is).
Hercules could have become a hero before saving his father
Hercules needed a brave act
Has some of the events in the third act of Hercules Otherwise, Hercules could have become a hero and gone back to Mount Olympus before Hades trapped Zeus. As explained above, Hercules was left without his strength before Hades unleashed the Titans so he would be killed by one of them. Hercules fought the Cyclops until he was almost killed by him, but he still managed to kill the titan by tying his feet and making him trip over a cliff. Immediately after, the pillar fell and Meg pushed Hercules out of the way.
Had he not sacrificed himself and Hercules was broken, it could have been considered a heroic death that restored his godhood.
Meg's sacrifice restored Hercules' strength, allowing him to fly to Mount Olympus, free Zeus and the gods and defeat the Titans. However, if May was not sacrificed and Hercules was crushed, it may have been considered a heroic death that restored his godhood. if not, It is unlikely that Hercules would have survived confronting the Titans on Mount OlympusWhich would also be a heroic death, because he would have died defending the mountain, the gods, and his father.
In the end, defeating the Titans did not make Hercules a hero
Hercules became a real hero after defeating the Titans
If the theory is correct and Zeus allowed himself to be captured and captured by the Titans so that Hercules could do his heroic act, in the end it is not even worth it. Save Zeus, the gods, Mount Olympus, and defeat the Titans yet not earn Hercules his place on Mount Olympus and give his godhood back, as it is not considered a selfless heroic act to anyone who has the power to restore his godhood. (If not Zeus, then who?). Hercules' truly brave and selfless act happened at the end of the movie after Meg died.
Hercules arrived in the underworld to retrieve Meg's soul from the river sticksSacrifice themselves in exchange for Meg's life. Hades agreed, certain that Hercules would die before he could reach Meg's soul. To Hades' surprise, This was the heroic act needed for Hercules to get his godhood back And thus his immortality, allowing him to get to Meg's soul and get out of the river safely. With or without Zeus holding back while fighting the Titans so Hercules could defeat them, that wasn't going to give Hercules what he wanted.
How this theory adds to the confusion of Zeus in Disney's Hercules
Zeus left many questions in Disney's Hercules
If Zeus went as far as to pretend not to be able to defeat the Titans so Hercules could have a chance, it puts every other action and decision of his under a new lens. Hercules Left many questions that may never be answered, such as why Zeus could not restore his son's immortality (more like how his brother got rid of it so easily) and why he was so vague about what Hercules needed to do to restore his Deity. Maybe Zeus spoke to the Fates before Hercules was born And he learned that he would be a hero, but first he had to go through a few troubles.
The extent of Zeus' power in Hercules is a mystery, as well as the limits of Hercules as a mortal.
This could also explain why he didn't put something in place before the Titans' release so Hercules could return to Mount Olympus, but still doesn't quite explain why he allowed himself to be defeated by the Titans. The extent of Zeus' power in Hercules Is a mystery, as well as the limits of Hercules as a mortal, how he easily flew to Mount Olympus and met his father to save him, after Zeus insisted on talking to him through a statue. There are many things in it Hercules That does not make sense, but Zeus' defeat against the Titans is better explained by it being intentional.