Warning: Contains spoilers for Sentinels #1one of Wolverine The most iconic and brutal enemy, the monstrous but half-redeemed Omega Red, has a deadly mutant ability that is the polar opposite of Logan's deep healing factor. the ability - The power to drain and absorb any creature's "life force" - Finally get a real world scientific explanation in Sentinels #1Explains what exactly Life Force is in the Marvel Universe, and how Omega Red uses the stolen energy.
Teva Red, or Arkady Rossovich, is A former serial killer and Russian state agent who became a key member of Krakow's X-Force teamBefore the nation of Krakow fell during World War II Orchis.
Sentinels #1, from writer Alex Pacnadel with artists Justin Mason and Federico Ble, sees a team of new human-Sentinel hybrids under the command of Lawrence Trask sent after Arkady. An internal file containing Omega Red's abilities says that His absorption of life force actually drains adenosine triphosphateor ATP, a real-world biochemical compound that supports a number of key systems in living cells.
Life Force Lore runs deep in the Marvel Universe
Many characters absorb, transfer or transform life force with their abilities
The concept of "life force" has been around at Marvel for decades now, and There are dozens of heroes and villains across the multiverse who interact with life force as a natural part of their superhuman abilities.. Characters like Black Tom Cassidy, Morlun, Rogue, and even a member of the Dark Riders whose codename was literally "Lifeforce," as well as objects like Thor's iconic Mjolnir or White Fox's Yaewoo Guseul, all use some form of life force absorption. Life Force Absorption is a complex power to wield, and while it is not an "evil" ability, it can certainly corrupt the user, as the absorption typically helps the caster heal, gain strength, or retain their youth. Beloved characters like Rogue have spent decades learning to control and ethically use their absorption of life force.
Omega Red has simply never been one of those ethical characters, using his life force absorption powers to kill countless innocents in a quest for more strength and energy. While in some ways Arkady "needs" to absorb life force, because the carbonadium in his body is slowly killing him, he also seems to get great joy from sucking the life out of someone until they are a husk. Now knowing that absorption of life force is actually the draining of ATP, there could be some truly fascinating stories written about Marvel scientists trying to use the life force in creative ways! While it may be a small update to Marvel lore and canon, it's actually quite significant because It provides a definitive scientific explanation for how someone's life energy can be taken or enhancedWhile in the past, the process could be seen as supernatural or involving the "soul."
Wolverine is the perfect enemy of Omega Red
Omega could drain Logan's life force forever
Wolverine's healing factor is one of the most powerful in the entire Marvel Universe, with the ability to regenerate and heal his body even after something as horrific as a nuclear explosion. For this reason, Wolverine is the perfect enemy for Omega Red, who craves and thrives on absorbing life force. technically, Omega could keep Wolverine imprisoned and have an endless supply of life force to drainAllowing the mutant to live as an essentially immortal and mega-strong being. While the Krakoan Era seemed to squash the beef between Logan and Arkady, Omega Red is one of the characters who will most likely not remain a hero, or even an antihero, and will probably clash with Wolverine again.
The Marvel Universe is made up of countless mystical, magical and scientific energies, and readers finally have clarity on at least one of these energies, the basic life force. Hopefully, beings like Omega Red will One day be able to synthesize extra adenosine triphosphate without needing to harm anyone elseBut until then it's at least useful to know exactly how life force absorption really works.
Sentinels #1 from Marvel Comics is available in stores now.