The scary tapes not only marks the return of Crawl the titular serial killer from the films, but also adds new characters into the mix who serve as catalysts for exploring the franchise's comically disturbing world and stories. Made on a tight budget of US$500, the first Crawl The film received immense critical praise upon its release in 2014 and still boasts an impressive Rotten Tomatoes score of 91%. For obvious reasons, the film's success spawned a sequel that premiered in 2017. Unlike most sequels, Crawl 2 performed even better than its predecessor, boasting a perfect 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Although Crawl 3 was reportedly in development following the success of the second film, creative challenges prevented its filmmakers from bringing it to life. However, instead of creating Crawl 3they've now made a spin-off/prequel miniseries, which partially doubles as an anthology. Each new episode shows how the franchise's central killer targets and kills new victims. Since The scary tapeslike the original footage found Crawl films, is driven primarily by the performances of its talented cast members, viewers may be curious to know who plays who in the series.
Mark Duplass as Jeff Daniels/Peachfuzz
Date of birth: December 7, 1976
Actor: Mark Duplass was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and attended Jesuit High School before graduating from the University of Texas at Austin and the City College of New York. Throughout his career as a creative powerhouse, Duplass has not only acted in numerous films, but also directed, produced, and written many with his brother Jay Duplass. The Duplass brothers are known for being creative forces who embrace a unique style of filmmaking. Most of their filming involved extensive improvisation with multiple takes, which they eventually reduced significantly for the final version of the film.
Although some films developed by the two brothers failed to leave their mark, others, like the Crawl films, Who lives at homeand Padeltonperformed incredibly well among criticscementing his place among some of the most talented independent filmmakers of modern times. In addition to acting in several critically acclaimed films, such as The one I love, Crawland Crawl 2Mark Duplass was also the lead singer of an indie band, Volcano, I'm still excited!!. In 2018 he also published an autobiographical book Like brotherswith Jay Duplass.
Notable films and shows:
Film/Program |
Paper |
The one I love |
Ethan |
Security not guaranteed |
Kenneth |
Crawl |
Joseph |
The morning program |
Black Chip |
Padelton |
Miguel |
The Mindy Project |
Brendan |
Zero Dark Thirty |
Steve |
Character: In both Crawl films and The scary tapesMark Duplass plays the titular serial killer who stands apart from most other slasher horror movie villains. Although he always exudes a sense of menace, most of his victims do not take him seriously because of his hilariously strange tricks and strange charm. He often lures his victims by inviting them to make a film for him and offering them up to $1,000 for a day of filming.
In The scary tapesthe character Mark Duplass targets a new victim in each episode and adopts creative tricks and stratagems in each episode to kill a new individual.
Unlike most fictional serial killers, who hide behind masks and try to keep their true motives covered up before their victims fall into their traps, Mark Duplass' underrated horror villain from CrawlPeachfuzz tends to make her intentions very clear from the beginning. However, this makes his victims even more curious about who he is, causing them to stick around to find out more about him. In The scary tapesthe character Mark Duplass targets a new victim in each episode and adopts creative tricks and stratagems in each episode to kill a new individual.
The Creep Tapes Cast and Supporting Characters
Mike Luciano as Mike: Best known for his work on Animals.Mike Luciano plays Peachfuzz's first victim in The scary tapes' episode 1. Like most of his victims, Mike arrives at Peachfuzz's house, hoping to make some quick money after filming him for a day. Little does he realize that his employer has different plans.
David Nordstrom as Elliot: David Nordstrom, from The Murder of Hello God, Serragem Cityand Analog Days fame, plays Eillot in The scary tapes episode 2. Unlike most of Peachuzz's victims, Elliot encounters the killer in a public place. However, that doesn't stop the character Mark Duplass from doing what he does best.