The sequences of The Matrix They were never universally liked, but they were never bad, and the original film shows why. The classification of each film in The Matrix the franchise is easy enough: the original stands head and shoulders above the rest. After three additional films and 25 years, none of the Wachowski sisters' films have managed to recapture the magic that made the first one so special. The sequences of The Matrix They're certainly not as good as the original, but they've also received a much harsher reaction than they deserve. The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutionsand The Matrix Resurrections are not bad, and The Matrix prove it.
A big reason for the sequels The Matrix were so controversial is because the original film was so beloved. The Matrix presented science fiction fans with a world unlike any other in cinema, and had such limitless potential that its sequels could have gone in any conceivable direction. It was almost inevitable that the sequels would step on fans' toes, as most viewers had a different idea of how Neo's (Keanu Reeves) story would unfold. Despite everything, however, the Headquarters the sequels still have something to offer the franchise and are far from being bad films.
The Matrix (1999) remains a perfect film, regardless of the sequels
The Matrix sequels didn't take anything away from the original
Even though some people claim that Reloaded and Revolutions "ruined" The Matrix as a franchise, the original film is still a timeless classic. Even after 25 years and three sequels, the first film in the series is still a sci-fi classic and one of the best films ever made. The Matrix has a truly indisputable legacy, and that's because all of its sequels were added to the original film, rather than retroactively altering it.. The godfather was not ruined by The Godfather Part III and The Terminator was not ruined by Terminator Genesisand in the same way, The Matrix was not ruined by The Matrix Revolutions.
Knowing how Neo's story ends and all the complicated steps needed to get there doesn't undermine the beginning of his journey. The Matrix is still a groundbreaking and eye-opening film, regardless of how cerebral the series has become in recent years. The sequels simply added to the legacy of The Matrix essentially acting as optional supplementary material for people who wanted to learn even more about the world of the film. Viewers don't need to know who the Architect was or how Neo navigated the War of the Machines to enjoy The Matrixbut the ideas presented by the sequels help enrich the world for fans who want more.
The Matrix sequels weren't necessary, but they added to the first film's legacy
The Matrix sequels established the franchise as one of the most thoughtful and philosophical science fiction stories of all time
The sequences of The Matrix They weren't entirely necessary, but they helped establish the franchise as a pillar of the science fiction genre. While viewers may disagree with how the sequels addressed the issues The Matrix set up, it cannot be denied that they promoted the conversation. The Matrix Reloadedfor example, it strengthened the franchise's focus on free will and choice even more than the original. Revolutions it also delved deeper into the machines themselves and uncovered new questions about Neo's role as savior. Sequels helped establish The Matrix as a thoughtful, philosophical sci-fi franchise.
The sequels helped The Matrix stay in pop culture for nearly two decades and added as many interesting components to the franchise as they did things that didn't work so well.
In fact, the sequels' biggest mistake was focusing too much on the more cerebral parts of the world. The Matrix. Even this, however, helped turn the franchise into an enduring part of science fiction history. Fans have been discussing all of the themes and moral questions of The Matrix franchise for decades, and those conversations likely would have ended years ago if there had only been a single film in the series. The sequels helped The Matrix they remained in pop culture for nearly two decades and added as many interesting components to the franchise as they did things that didn't work so well.
Some of The Matrix's most iconic scenes came from Reloaded & Revolution
The Matrix sequels created some incredible moments that enhanced the entire franchise
One of the most visible ways Reloaded and Revolutions helped to cement The MatrixIt's legacy is through a handful of iconic scenes. Even viewers who didn't like the sequels probably admit that some truly iconic moments came from them. Several of Neo and Agent Smith's best fights happened in the sequels. Their "super-strong fight" in the rain in The Matrix Revolutionsfor example, it's still one of the best in the franchise. In the same way, Morpheus and Trinity truck sequence in The Matrix Reloaded is often cited as one of the most impressive stunts in science fiction history.
Matrix franchise films |
Title |
Release date |
Rotten Tomatoes score |
The Matrix |
1999 |
83% |
The Matrix Reloaded |
2003 |
74% |
The Matrix Revolutions |
2003 |
33% |
The Matrix Resurrections |
2021 |
63% |
While the sequels aren't as good overall as The Matrixthese impressive watermarks prove that they weren't bad. There were certainly mistakes, since the Architect's speech in Reloaded until Trinity's death at the end of Revolutionsbut they didn't completely ruin their respective films. The best scenes of The MatrixThe sequels show that these films had something worth contributing to the franchise, even if they weren't great in their own right..
It remains to be seen how the Matrix resurrections will age compared to the first sequels
It will take some time to see if The Matrix Resurrections fares better than the previous sequels
The most recent sequence of The Matrix, The Matrix Resurrectionsis a bit of an oddity amongst the franchise. As it was released in 2021, it's not yet clear how it will age. A big reason why it's so difficult to predict how Resurrections will fit in with the rest of the franchise is that it relies so much on the original film. While there are certainly some new features in play, from better visual effects to a greater emphasis on the love between Trinity and Neo, Resurrections is almost entirely indebted to The Matrixto the cast of Resurrections.
The other sequences of The Matrix were mostly disliked because of how they deviated from the original, so it's hard to say whether Resurrections will be viewed more favorably as it is essentially a soft remake. The Matrix Resurrections' reviews were pretty average, but there's a chance that its metanarrative and commentary on the state of legacy sequels will become more applicable over time. The Matrix 5 will also have a big impact on how Resurrections ages, as you will have the chance to duplicate your similarities with The Matrix or take the franchise in a completely different direction.