The Clone Wars revealed Yoda's weakness that the prequels forgot

The Clone Wars revealed Yoda's weakness that the prequels forgot


  • Yoda's alliance with Count Dooku, as shown in The Clone Warsreveals a vulnerability that challenges his power.

  • Their complex relationship was exploited by Darth Sidious to put Yoda and other Jedi at a disadvantage.

  • The series highlights the consequences of fighting against loved ones, adding depth to these Star Wars History.

Yoda is undeniably one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of all Star WarsBut the movies neglected to mention one important weakness the Grand Master has that Star Wars: The Clone Wars Remember. The lineage from Lord to Padawan is a special connection between two Jedi, even after the Padawan graduated to Knight, best exemplified by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Star Wars Focuses heavily on the bond they share as a result of the many years of training closely together, especially the ramifications of the bond after Anakin falls to the dark side.

Yoda has a similar story with his own Padawan, but the relationship is largely brushed over in the movies. Count Doku trained under Yoda, but became inactive in the Order when he assumed leadership of his home planet. The disillusionment Dooku began to feel with the Jedi was eventually exploited by Darth Sidious, and Dooku officially became his apprentice shortly after the events of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Yoda faces off against Dooku in the Clone Wars kickoff, however Star Wars: The Clone Wars is where their complex relationship shines.


The Clone Wars remembers Yoda's master-Padawan alliance with Dooku

and highlighted its complexities

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Used Count Dooku as a primary antagonist throughout the show, taking many opportunities to remind the audience of his history with Yoda. Yoda's grief over his former Padawan's choices is clear, and Dooku often mentions his history with his old master as he plots against the Jedi. Dooku's history with Yoda becomes a valuable weapon when he works with Darth Sidious.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 6, episode 13 "Sacrifice" features Yoda seeking the guidance of Qui-Gon Jinn. Faced with trials set by Force Priestesses, Yoda travels to the home world of the Sith, where he encounters many obstacles posed by the planet itself as well as Sidious and Dooku. Sidious uses Dooku's blood to create an illusion specifically for Yoda, tempting and challenging him to make moves contrary to his beliefs.

Is this the real reason Palpatine wanted Doku as an apprentice?

A possible weakness to exploit

Palpatine never makes a move without a reason. At the end of the episode, "Sacrifice," Sidious tells Dooku that they "Failed to break"Yoda, and while he may just be referring to the illusions meant to keep him from passing the Force Priestesses' test, there may be a larger strategy at play. Although it's entirely possible that Palpatine's newest apprentice's story as the Grand Master s former Padawan was a serendipitous stroke of luck for the Sith Lord, It makes a lot of sense to imagine Palpatine purposely seeking out Dooku in order to exploit a possible weakness in Yoda.

If Obi-Wan's reaction to Anakin's fall is anything to go by, Yoda's history with Dooku creates a vulnerability that challenges Yoda's power. Star Wars Has always highlighted the complexities of fighting against a loved one, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars Finally brings Yoda into the conflict. With Dooku acting as the face of Sidious' plot, Yoda's alliance with his former Padawan created the opportunity to put him and the other Jedi at a huge disadvantage.