on paper, The casting of Frank Stein Should have been a major triumph for Supermassive Games due to its innovations in the signature style of developers. Unfortunately, while positive steps have been taken to make this one of SuperMassive's best gaming experiences, The actual content of the game makes it fall far short of expectations. Technological innovations are more than welcome, but at the end of the day a visual story will always live or die based on the quality of its storytelling.
The casting of Frank SteinHis story is largely disappointing. Although it starts with a compelling hook, it fails to reach the same heights as other supermassive titles like Until then Or The quarry. It is difficult to say if the game is tied to these Dead by daylight The brand is to blame, as there may have been hidden restrictions on what the story was allowed to show or explain.
Regardless of the reason, The casting of Frank Stein Delivers an ultimately disappointing storytelling experienceAlthough in an admittedly streamlined package. Whether or not this will be valuable to potential buyers is tied to how forgiving they can be of an underwhelming plot.
The casting of Frank Stein has a lot of wasted potential
The casting of Frank Stein Offers A variety of ways for players to experience the game with friendsWhich is typically the ideal way to play these types of story-heavy games. Couch Co-op allows players to drive the controller, each of them taking on the roles of selected characters. The game also offers easy Twitch integration that allows an audience to vote on the decisions made in the game. Unfortunately, the game has been abandoned The quarrys online multiplayer that worked similarly but didn't require players to stream to Twitch.
Another welcome innovation is the Cutting Room Floor, a feature that allows players to go back and replay specific choices made in the game to help reshape the course of the story. This saves players a lot of time, as they no longer have to reload the entire game just to fix their mistakes. However, while the cutting room floor can save some frustration, it also has the unintended consequence of making the game's choices feel a little less meaningful.
Player choices feel largely arbitrary throughout the game
Several choices in The casting of Frank Stein Feel arbitrary. Sometimes, players are rewarded for making the morally right choice even if it is impractical; Other times, the same type of choice results in a gruesome character death. While a surprise factor in a horror story is always important, It would still be nice if there was some logical consistency in the game That players can use to find the right move.
Until then has the perfect solution for this - sprinkled throughout the game are totems that give players glimpses of the future. They were vague enough that they didn't spell out the answers for players, but they provided enough hints that attentive players could find the right choice in a given situation. The casting of Frank Stein Alternatively, it feels like it's leaning too heavily on its cutting room floor gimmick To even want to give players a fair shake to earn a perfect ending the first time around.
This is where the cutting room floor starts to seem like a bad inclusion.
This is where the cutting room floor starts to seem like a bad inclusion. Although it is nice to restart the game to see different results, The expediency in which mistakes can be corrected robs the narrative choices of their weight. Instead of being devastated that a character has died, players will simply feel annoyed that they have to rewind the game five to ten minutes and watch the same cutscenes again before simply pushing their joystick in the opposite direction.
The cutting room floor is a feature that players may wish they had, however The casting of Frank Stein Is convinced say that perhaps there is one they should not. It is similar to giving Alden ring Players an assault rifle that kills enemies in one shot. It can be cathartic and remove some minor frustrations with the game, but it will ultimately cheapen the experience to the point where finding a good ending feels more like an annoyance than a reward.
Finding collectibles is a chore not a challenge
As usual for Supermassive Games' story-driven titles, players can unlock new dialogue options and story paths by discovering hidden objects throughout each level. There are also Collectible doll versions of Dead by daylight Murderers who are admittedly very charming For fans of Frank Steins source material. It's always fun to discover a cute little version ofโโโโa killer and see what they would do when their cord is pulled.
unfortunately, The collection process is a largely frustrating experience. There's no motivation to move through areas at a fast pace, so players who want to find all the collectibles will simply check every corner of an area, effectively stopping the narrative momentum dead in its tracks. There is no real challenge to finding each trinket or clue other than the game simply testing the player's patience.
The casting of Frank Stone's story is too messy to support the game
Perhaps the greatest sin The casting of Frank Stein Commits is spoiling what was initially set up as a fun and interesting story. The prologue provides an interesting mystery, and both concurrent stories start off very strong. Unfortunately, as time goes on, the game seems to have too many ideas to properly address in its short runtime. Even if the intention is to continue some of the threads in a sequel or the larger one Dead by daylight franchise, which can't save the individual game's story from feeling incomplete.
Avoiding spoilers, it's a nod to a certain popular and overused trope in current media, but the idea is never really explored in any meaningful way. It almost feels like this Dead by daylight The team may have asked for vague story elements to be randomly inserted into the plot in hopes their franchise could be subjected to the type of crazy speculation that has made Five Nights at Freddy's A cultural whole. The story ultimately has so little compelling meaning of its own that one would have to be heavily invested in franchise lore to care.
There are also only basic narrative elements that seem to be ignored. At one point, the player is given the very deliberate choice to have one character steal another character's gun. However, the gun doesn't show up in places where it seemingly should, making the choice feel empty. Chekhov's Gun as a narrative rule can be meaningfully subverted, but to ignore it entirely just makes the game's narrative feel sloppy.
Final thoughts on the casting of Frank Stone
The casting of Frank Stein is not terrible. It's not even the worst supermassive game. Players looking to kick back and have some casual fun playing a somewhat spooky game this fall will probably still have a fun time, though they'll have to make some entertainment for themselves during the slower parts of the game.
That said, anyone looking for a solid narrative will likely be disappointed The casting of Frank Stein. It lacks the kind of meaning that could make the story compelling, and also the kind of over-the-top action that could make it pulpy fun. Instead, players are treated to a mediocre experience exploring largely homogeneous areas of two stale environments with little to care about.
- Cutting room floor can save players time
- Twitch integration is a fun inclusion for a story-driven game
- The story is messy and unsatisfying
- Too much tedious exploration without enough action