The cancellation of Doctor Who in 1989 secretly made the creation of The Timeless Child possible.

The cancellation of Doctor Who in 1989 secretly made the creation of The Timeless Child possible.

Doctor Who's The controversial Timeless Child storyline would never have happened if the show had not been canceled in 1989. The show began in 1963 and was canceled after its 26th season in 1989 before being renewed in 2005. This cancellation meant that plans for a 27th season never came to fruition, which ultimately led to one of the most controversial Doctor Who storylines in recent history - Eternal child.

"The Timeless Child" was introduced in the second season of Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor and received strong backlash after it rewrote the Doctor's origin in Doctor Who. The twist revealed that the Doctor was not in fact a Time Lord, but an adopted alien with regenerative powers that became the genetic blueprint to create Time Lords throughout Gallifrey. The impact on established canon along with the implementation of unlimited regenerations was a retcon. which fans and critics alike vehemently rejected. Longtime fans have called for a rewrite, but if Season 27 had been made, the story would never have existed.

Doctor Who's plan before it was cancelled, would have made The Timeless Child impossible

The Doctor's origin story would be very different

Plan for season 27 Doctor Whodubbed "Cartmel's Master Plan" by fans, was intended to introduce a more complex backstory for the Doctor. Designed by Andrew Cartmel, Marc Platt and Ben Aaronovitch. "master planwould have seen the Doctor explained as the reincarnation of a Time Lord"Another,ยป an incredibly ancient and powerful being who helped perfect Gallifreyan time travel. Cartmel's master plan aimed to restore the Doctor's status as an enigma, as subsequent seasons of the series had explained too much of the Doctor's backstory. Doctor Who.


Although clues related to this storyline were scattered throughout the final season in 1989, Cartmel's master plan never made it to screen and was only continued into the following season. Virgin New Adventures novels, especially Lungbarrowwhich details the background. The portrayal in the novel clearly contradicts elements of the Timeless Child storyline.for example, the Doctor is still Gallifreyan and only has a certain number of regenerations per Doctor Who. This means that if the show had not been interrupted, the story of "The Timeless Child" would have been unnecessary and impossible to establish.

Why Doctor Who's cut backstory plan was better than The Timeless Child

Cartmel's master plan was to raise questions, not answer them

Doctor Who The 13th Doctor: A Timeless Children's Story

Both The Timeless Child and Cartmel's Master Plan radically change the Doctor's origins, but there are certain reasons that make The Master Plan better - like the mystery. The Doctor is a protagonist who thrives on his inexplicability, and the Timeless Child struggles with that element. trying to hide the Doctor's connection to Gallifrey by simplifying such an iconic part of the character. Cartmel himself said the master plan was meant to raise questions, not answer them. Lungbarrowdespite being scripted for season 26, it was never released due to the completed origin story (via YouTube.)

The Timeless Child lacks respect for Doctor Who that Cartmel's master plan was in effect, and in turn appears futile and pointless.

Moreover, the Doctor has sacrificed himself many times, believing he only has a certain number of regenerations, such as Ten's heartbreaking sacrifice for Wilfred, leaving him in his final life. The Timeless Child lowers those stakes and undermines key emotional moments that audiences and previous incarnations of the Doctor have experienced together. A retcon sometimes completely negates existing canon, for example, the Eleventh Doctor is granted a cycle of regeneration in the dramatic ending. The Timeless Child lacks respect for Doctor Who that Cartmel's master plan was in effect, and in turn appears futile and pointless.

Source: YouTube