The Calvin and Hobbes comic finally explains the rules for Calvinball (and they're really, really simple)

The Calvin and Hobbes comic finally explains the rules for Calvinball (and they're really, really simple)

Calvin and Hobbes is a fantastic portrayal of life through the eyes of a six-year-old child, allowing readers to see the world as Calvin sees it (along with Calvin's allegedly imaginary friend, Hobbes). And Calvinball is a perfect reflection of Calvin's worldview, as it melds pure fantasy with utter chaos. Plus, the best part is that anyone can play Calvinball, viz Calvin and Hobbes Finally explained the rules (and they are actually really simple).

Calvinball made his debut in the Calvin and Hobbes Comic published on October 26, 1986. At the start of the comic, Calvin and Hobbes are right in the middle of an argument about the game before devolving into a full-on brawl. While readers don't actually get the chance to see Calvinball play in his debut comic, the strip tells fans everything they need to know about how the game is supposed to be played, and marks the first time Calvinball has appeared in Calvin and Hobbes.

Calvin and Hobbes playing Calvinball for the first time.

Since then, Calvin and Hobbes have played Calvinball on numerous occasions, with Calvin even introducing the game to his babysitter, Rosalyn. However, even after seeing Calvinball play throughout the history of the comic strips, many fans are still confused about what the rules actually are - and that's completely valid. Sometimes the two play with wickets and mallets, other times with volleyballs and balloons. So, what's the deal with Calvinball? Well, the answer is actually deceptively simple: whatever the players can imagine.

Calvin and Hobbes' Calvinball is a masterclass in imaginative play

There are no limits but the player's own imagination

To play CalvinballAll a player has to do is come up with rules meant to stomp their opponent before their opponent does the same to them. Each made-up rule must be adhered to the other player can come up with their own rule to counter it, and the rules have to apply to the objects used during any particular game.

For example, if Calvin and Hobbes are playing with flags and a soccer ball, Calvin can make a rule that Hobbes has to take the flag to a nearby tree before Calvin can hit him with the ball, or Hobbes' punishment is to hop on one leg until He can come up with a rule against his punishment. And if Hobbes is really good, the rule he arrives at against his punishment will result in a punishment for Calvin—and so on.

That's just a hypothetical example based on what the Calvin and Hobbes Comic strip has been shown in the past, but there is literally no limit to what the rules can be. That being said, there are some permanent rules that must always be adhered to while playing Calvinball - two, to be exact.

There are only 2 rules that must always be followed while playing Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes created the rules at different points in the comic's history

Calvin and Hobbes go over the two rules of Calvinball.

While Calvinball requires no structure in it, there are two rules that must be followed before players can begin:

  • Players must always wear a mask.

  • Calvinball cannot be played the same way twice.

The 'mask' rule was retroactively applied to practically every game of Calvinball ever played in the comic strip that aired on September 9, 1995, when Calvin declared to Rosalyn, "No one is allowed to question the masks", making it clear that wearing one is mandatory. The 'cannot be played the same way twice' rule is established in the Calvin and Hobbes Strip published on May 27, 1990. However, that rule has always applied, as it is almost impossible to play a game the same way twice when the players make up the rules as they go.

It may take a few tries to really get the hang of it, but once one does, Calvin and Hobbes' Deceptively simple Calvinball suddenly becomes a game that anyone can play - and it honestly sounds like a blast.