The Boys universe is expanding with new spin-offs like Vought Rising set to showcase early super-powered characters.
Vought Rising may introduce Stormfront's daughter, Chloe, but must avoid humanizing the fearsome villain too much.
Prequels risk softening major villains, changing the perception of antagonists, and damaging the impact of the original show.
with The boys The universe of their stories approaches its final season with new spin-offs like Vote risingBut the show may have an interesting challenge introducing one character. The Boys have always put super-powered people under a microscope who try to go beyond the superficial superhero found in most comic book movies. And this has led to a wide variety of soups that have significant flaws and pretty unlikable personalities.
The world of The boys is now expanding beyond the Seven and Billy Butcher's crew, as spin-offs begin to examine other characters and groups. Gen V Did a great job showcasing what college life looks like the Sues, and the upcoming spin-off, Vote risingis set to go back in time and discover how the corporation that makes Suess founded itselfWith some familiar faces. However, while the series will also certainly introduce other characters connected to the stars, Soldier Boy and Stormfront, it will need to be careful in how these new characters change the dynamic.
Vought Rising can introduce Stormfront's daughter, Chloe
Storefront was a mother to a young daughter in the 1950s
One of the most interesting elements of Vote rising is the promise that it will examine the early lives and careers of people like Soldier Boy and Stormfront. Stormfront was quite a young woman in The boysBut she was actually around 100 years old. She was born in Germany in 1919, and She fell in love and married Frederick Vogt. Vought was a brilliant geneticist and the founder of Vought-American, who built his corporation on his invention, Compound V.
The new chemical had the ability to give ordinary people powers, and he successfully used it on his wife Clare, turning her into the first superhero. But their family grew when they had their daughter, Chloe Vought. Chloe is likely to appear in Vote risingAnd with the story set in the 1950s, it's likely that Chloe won't be that old. At most, she is likely to be 10 years old in the early days of Vogt being built, so it will put Stormfront in a position where she is a very good mother to a young daughter.
Vogue Rising must be careful not to humanize Stormfront
Stormfront is a monster, and it should stay that way
The problem is, Stormfront is a terrible monster. She was a Nazi, a murderer and a terrible racist, who lied, slaughtered and tried to set herself up as a god among men. Although all this is true, The boys Also revealed that She had a genuine and sincere love for her family. She fondly recalls memories with her husband and daughter, and she has a picture she keeps close of her with her grown daughter before she died. in The boysThis only added to her backstory and made her a layered villain, but a villain nonetheless.
One of the most interesting elements of Vote rising is the promise that it will examine the early lives and careers of people like Soldier Boy and Stormfront.
Vote rising Will have the challenge of exploring this side of Stormfront, while also ensuring that it does not make her a character worthy of so much sympathy. Of course, most villains don't think of themselves as villains, and they tend to have real motives, but it Doesn't change that Stormfront knowingly and willingly caused painDestruction, and destruction for many. If Vote rising Humanizing her character too much can dull the impact of her role in the original show.
Too many prequels make the mistake of softening major villains
Storefront is a villain for a reason
With so many shows expanding and attempting to build a universe, it makes sense that they often dive into the backstory of the antagonists. However, it drastically changes the perception of the villains when they see them in the original show. A Series could have created a wonderful and rich dynamic Between his hero and their rival, but make the villains sympathetic only serves to make the hero look more reckless and irrational, while it makes the villain a victim of circumstance.
The story should be rich and complex, with characters that go beyond one-dimensional figures, but there are times when that can hurt a show. If the original series didn't do a good enough job expanding the villains and making them layered, it's not the job of the prequels or spin-offs to expand the characters and change the dynamic across the board. The boys Has a shot to create another hit series with Vote risingBut if it fails to make the villains as deeply evil as the original, that's a problem.
Vought Rising explores the origins of Vought in the 1950s, depicting early exploits of Soldier Boy and the sinister actions of a supe known as Stormfront, initially named Clara Vought. This murder mystery dives into the complex history and dark legacy of its central characters.
- character(s)
Soldier Boy, Clara Vogt
- Seasons