The Borderlands movie ignores the video game's best villain despite the main character connection

The Borderlands movie ignores the video game's best villain despite the main character connection

The Borderlands Movie was a massive disappointment for many, and this was in large part due to the fact that it ignored the franchise's best video game villain despite his main connection to a movie main character. The cast of letters in the Borderlands Movie is full of many of the most iconic characters of the video game series Lilith, Tiny Tiny, Roland and more in the film. However, who is possibly the most iconic member of the Borderlands Franchise's cast is not in the movie at all, with this being the film's biggest missed opportunity.

2024s Borderlands Movie was one of the most anticipated films of the year for fans of the video game franchise, with many hoping that the crude humor and visual flair of the source material could be successfully translated to the big screen. however, BorderlandsIts poor box office and critical reception proved that it was not the film that many were hoping it would be. Borderlands was a flop for franchise newcomers and fans of the original video games, with many of the latter group disappointed in the lack of one main Borderlands Villain.

Handsome Jack should be the villain of the Borderlands movie

He is the most iconic villain of the franchise

Although there was a lot wrong with 2024's Borderlands Movie, one of the biggest sins of the Borderlands The movie does not include Handsome Jack. Of all the letters in the Borderlands franchise, Shane Jack is the most prominent, with him stealing the spotlight in almost every moment in Borderlands 2. Handsome Jack is not just the best Borderlands villain, but he's also one of the most iconic video game villains of all time, meaning that many can't wait to see him adapted to live action in a blockbuster Borderlands Film.


Instead of using pretty jack, however, The Borderlands Movie decided to make a character named Deucalian Atlas The main antagonist of the film. Unlike many of the other characters in the Borderlands Movie, Deukalian Atlas is an original character, with no counterpart in the video games. Atlas shares some similarities to Shane Jack, which only hurts more, because it makes it even more clear how he pales in comparison to the best villain of the franchise. Although Atlas was not the worst that the film could have done, it was far from the best.

Handsome Jack being Borderlands' villain might have helped Tiny Tina's Story

The two have a major history connection

Not only would handsome Jack be Borderlands Roche successfully recreated his beloved video game counterpart, but it would also help the story of a character that is in the film: Tiny Tina. in the Borderlands Video games Tiny Tina and her parents are sold off to handsome Jack, with them being tested as part of Jack's mutation experiments. This led to the death of Tiny Tina's parents, giving her a grudge against Jack that turned to revenge as her story continued. This is one of Tina's main motivations throughout the game, with the heart of her character.

Not being handsome Jack in the Borderlands Movie meant that the film missed this fantastic motivationWeakening the character of tiny Tina. Although Tina has a connection to the film's villain, the Deucalian Atlas storyline is convoluted and not nearly as interesting as Tina's dynamic with handsome Jack. Improving the character of Tiny Tina would significantly improve these Borderlands film as a whole, and simply adding in Handsome Jack would have gone a long way in doing so.

Why the Borderlands movie didn't use Shane Jack

It is probably waiting for a sequel

There was no word on why Borderlands The movie didn't use Shane Jack, With that is a disappointing mystery that has surrounded the film since its release. However, the biggest theory has to do with its video game origins. Shane Jack actually originated in Borderlands 2He is not the antagonist until the sequel. If the movies wanted to follow the video game's story, it makes sense for them to have held off on using Jack until the second film, although that may never happen now.


Borderlands was a huge box office flop and a critical failure, meaning that the likelihood of getting a sequel is pretty low. Even if another Borderlands The movie ends up being made, it will most likely be a reboot, because most fans are not happy with the versions of the characters. Unfortunately, this means that Handsome Jack will probably never be seen in a Borderlands Movie sequel, crushing the dreams of many who hoped to one day see the villain adapted.