1993 Western by Kurt Russell, TombstoneIt successfully outperformed the Wyatt Earp film Kevin Costner released a year later for one big reason. Tombstone is widely praised as one of the best Westerns of the 1990s, revitalizing the genre upon its release. One of the many films that came after Tombstone wave of success was that of Costner Wyatt Earp, which covered the same events as Tombstone with more historical precision, since many moments in Tombstone were completely invented. Despite that, Costner's film was a box office bomb, grossing $56 million compared to Tombstone US$73 million.
Although both Tombstone and Wyatt Earp covered the story of the legendary lawman and the iconic battle at the OK Corral, many parts of Costner's film could not compete with Russell's, causing audiences to favor Tombstone. One big aspect that was criticized Wyatt Earp was its three-hour run timewhich slowed down the pace compared to Tombstone action-packed plot. However, there was one key element that ensured Tombstone victory in the box office battle between Russell and Costner's films that is still praised today: Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday.
Val Kilmer's performance earns Tombstone victory over Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp
Kilmer's version of Doc was more compelling than Dennis Quaid's in Wyatt Earp
Val Kilmer's smooth and charming performance as Doc Holiday claimed victory for Tombstone on Dennis Quaid's portrayal of the same character in Costner's film Wyatt Earp. Both depictions of the sickly but powerful gunslinger captured his calm, collected nature and his darker impulses. while helping his friends carry out their deadly revenge against the Cowboys. However, Quaid's portrayal was a bit more rigid and evasive, his mannerisms matching those of the more traditional Western hero. While still a strong performance, it made Quaid's version harder to follow and connect to the narrative.
On the other hand, Kilmer's version of Doc Holiday in Tombstone becomes much softer and more charming, with his speech resulting in his character being the most cited in the film. Kilmer's Holiday is personal and wise, but it is also unpredictable and world-weary, making its darkest moments sometimes shocking and almost tragic. Kilmer's scenes alone help make his character great, but Tombstone was actually able to become the cult classic it is today through its connections and moments with other characters, especially Russell's version of Wyatt Earp.
Val Kilmer's interactions with other characters make Tombstone truly amazing
Kilmer and Russell's performances really highlighted the deep friendship between Earp and Holiday
Through his interactions with other characters like Russell's Earp, Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holiday highlighted the lawmen's powerful friendship, making them Tombstone really great. The banter between Earp and Kilmer's characters throughout the film is quick and fun, with many great lines between the two. But it's at the end of the film, when Holiday is dying of tuberculosis, that the audience sees the true depth of their friendship.with Kilmer's character begging forgiveness for no longer being able to help Earp.
These choices Kilmer and Russell made Tombstone truly excellent as it demonstrated exactly why the story of these Western legends has stood the test of time.
This vulnerability is emphasized and contrasted by her icy demeanor towards Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn) as the two duelwith Holiday taking Earp's place. His shift from ruthless and calculated comments towards Ringo to gentleness and constant determination towards Earp is quick but seamless, showing that beneath the intelligence and charm was a fiercely loyal friend. These choices Kilmer and Russell made Tombstone truly excellent as it demonstrated exactly why the story of these Western legends has stood the test of time.