The Better Call Saul theory perfectly explains the show's weirdest moment and makes Jimmy McGill's ending even better

The Better Call Saul theory perfectly explains the show's weirdest moment and makes Jimmy McGill's ending even better

one Better call Saul Theory refines one of the show's most confusing changes in season 6, and it also makes the end of Jimmy McGill's (Bob Odenkirk) story even more compelling. Better call Saul has an interesting place in the Breaking bad Timeline. Most of it serves as a prequel to Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman's (Aaron Paul) story, but some scenes, like when Jimmy went by Gene Takovic and worked at a Cinnabon, take place later. Despite two different times, Better call Saul Does a fantastic job of staying true to its characters, except in one odd instance.

by Better call Saul In season 6, the show grew significantly and started introducing - and killing off - new characters very rapidly. During the black and white segments, which take place last in the timeline, Jimmy meets a handful of characters that he begins to manipulate, such as Marion (Carol Burnett). It was during this part of Better call Saul That it made one of the strangest changes in the entire series: recasting Jeff, Marion's son. Although it was an odd choice, there was a good reason for the change in the real world, and one theory perfectly explains why Jeff looked different in the universe.

Better Call Saul season 6's new Jeff actor created a very weird moment

Jeff was recast between Better Call Saul seasons 5 and 6

Don Harvey as Jeff and Pat Healy as Jeff in Better Call Saul

Jeff, the taxi driver who recognized Jimmy when he was living as Gene Tacovic in Omaha, is played by two different actors. in Better call Saul Seasons 4 and 5, Jeff was played by Don Harvey, but for season 6, Jeff was recast and played by Pat Healy. Despite being a prequel, Better call Saul Has very few recast, and since Jeff never appeared in Breaking bad Or El CaminoThe new actor was even more of a surprise. At the time, fans called the Jeff recast "jarring" (via The Independent), and it remains one of the strangest changes in Better call Saul.


Although the show didn't directly explain it, there was a real-world reason Jeff was recast in Better call Saul Season 6. Don Harvey has a contractual obligation to appear in the drama miniseries We own the cityAnd his scheduling conflict meant that Pat Healy was brought in to finish Jeff's scenes. Unfortunately for Harvey, Jeff has a much more expansive role in it Better call Saul Season 6, but Healy performs admirably in his absence. While there's a simple reason why Jeff was recast in the real world, there may be a more complicated—and interesting—reason in the Better call Saul Universe.

Better Call Saul season 6's Jeff Recast can be given an in-universe explanation

Jeff's change in appearance coincides with Jimmy regaining his confidence

Jimmy confesses in court to better call Saul

One theory explains Jeff's change in appearance by arguing that Better call Saul Showed him how Jimmy saw him. This theory explains that Jeff looks different because Jimmy perceives him differently: at first, Jeff was a threat, but he became a target as Jimmy got his confidence back.. Harvey's version of Jeff tried to extort him, and he instantly sent Jimmy into a spiral, so Jimmy saw him as a terrifying person. Healy's portrayal of Jeff, however, came at a time when Jimmy had begun leaning back into his Saul Goodman persona and began manipulating both Jeff and Marion, so Jimmy saw him as a regular guy.

Why Jeff was such an important character in Better Call Saul season 6

Jeff made Jimmy McGill's redemption possible

Not only does the theory about Jimmy's view of Jeff help explain the recast, Jeff also made the ending of Jimmy's story even better. While Jimmy was going by Gene Takovic, he was essentially spinning his wheels. He was afraid of being caught, haunted by the crimes he'd committed and the harm he'd caused, and ready to split town at the first sight of trouble, like when Jeff threatened to extort him. It was the close call with Jeff, however, that restored Jimmy's confidence and convinced him to take on the mantle of Saul Goodman once again..

Without Jeff, Jimmy would have lived his life in hiding, and he never would have gotten a chance to completely let go of Saul Goodman forever.

If Jimmy hadn't gotten his confidence back, he wouldn't have been able to get to this fantastic ending Better call Saul Season 6. If Jimmy hadn't started using his Saul persona again, he wouldn't have been able to make a deal with the authorities, and he wouldn't have been able to find redemption by destroying the deal during his hearing.. Without Jeff, Jimmy would have lived his life in hiding, and he never would have gotten a chance to completely let go of Saul Goodman forever. without this, Better call Saul Couldn't have been the perfect farewell to Jimmy McGill.

Source: The Independent