1993 was a banner year for Steven Spielberg, but his journey to make Jurassic Park and Schindler's List in the same year began a decade earlier. Spielberg was celebrating the success of ET, the Extraterrestrial when he was approached to adapt the true story of Schindler's List. Spielberg initially did not feel mature enough as a filmmaker to face the "seriousness of the subject, morally or cinematically" (through THR). A decade later, after making more “adult” films, Spielberg, as a Jewish filmmaker, became disturbed by the rise of Holocaust denialism and felt ready to make Schindler's List.
Universal agreed to produce Schindler's List as a package with Jurassic ParkSo, in a way, Jurassic Park saved Schindler's List. However, Spielberg overlapped the post-production of Jurassic Park with pre-production for Schindler's List. Universal did not want Spielberg to work on both projects simultaneously, but Spielberg made a secret deal with his Indiana Jones collaborator, George Lucas, who saved his schedule. Without mutual trust, Spielberg might have to compromise on what the best year of his career would be.
George Lucas' Crucial Role in Creating Jurassic Park Explained
Lucas took over Jurassic Park in post-production
Spielberg knew he could handle the production of Schindler's List in Eastern Europe while still finishing post-production for Jurassic Parkbut Universal was skeptical. For Universal, Jurassic Park would have been his priority, as it was expected to be a huge summer box office hit, while Schindler's List it was a smaller, riskier film. Spielberg convinced Universal that he could supervise the mixing remotely, but to cover his bases, he also sought help from George Lucas.
“I said, “George, I'm in trouble. The studio is really upset with me for not mixing Jurassic Park and going to Europe and doing Schindler's List. I already had his mixers working on the film, so George said he would take over and he and Kathy Kennedy mixed the film.” (through THR)
Spielberg explained his scheduling issue with the studio and Lucas agreed to take over Jurassic Parkthe mixture. The transition was smooth, as Spielberg was already using Lucas' mixers to Jurassic Park. Spielberg moved to Eastern Europe, so filming locations for Schindler's List this would be where the events of the film would take place. Meanwhile, Lucas and Kathy Kennedy finished mixing, scoring and color correction for Jurassic Park.
Jurassic Park and Schindler's List are two of the most important films of all time
To do anyone Jurassic Park or Schindler's List is a huge achievement, but for Spielberg to direct both in 1993 is an almost incomparable achievement. Jurassic Park was expected to be a huge success and still overperformed, breaking Spielberg's record ET box office record. In the same way, everyone expected Schindler's List it was deeply moving, but surpassed an already high bar, winning several Oscars. Spielberg considers his best film to be Schindler's Listand its legacy as one of the most important films of World War II continues to this day.
66th Oscar nominations and wins Schindler's List & Jurassic Park |
Award |
Named |
Result |
Schindler's List |
Best Photo |
Spielberg |
Winner |
Best Director |
Spielberg |
Winner |
Best Adapted Screenplay |
Steven Zaillian |
Winner |
Best original soundtrack |
John Williams |
Winner |
Best Film Editing |
Michael Kahn |
Winner |
Best Photography |
Janusz Kamiński |
Winner |
Best Actor |
Liam Neeson |
Named |
Best Supporting Actor |
Ralph Fiennes |
Named |
Better sound |
Named |
Jurassic Park |
Best sound effects editing |
Winner |
Better sound |
Winner |
Best visual effects |
Winner |
Therefore, both of Spielberg's 1993 films miraculously surpassed already high expectations. Many of Spielberg's best films explore different genres, from science fiction and adventure to humanistic dramas and musicals, but making two films as radically different but well-received as Jurassic Park and Schindler's List in one year is a remarkable and almost impossible feat.
Sources: The Hollywood Reporter