The best party combos in Metaphor: ReFantazio

The best party combos in Metaphor: ReFantazio

There are almost limitless party combinations in Metaphor: Refantazio. Finding the best one can help make fights easier and avoid extra-level grinding. The maximum active party size is four, but you will have access to less for some portions of the plot. It is also possible that a character will be mandatory for a few hours. Regardless, plan around a core team and make small adjustments to compensate.

Besides the characters themselves, an important party aspect is archetypes. These are basically classes from other RPG games. A character's raw stat block might make them better suited as a melee fighter, tank, or mage; Yet they still have the option to act as something. This changes a bit when you get ready to fight the final boss. Each character will receive an exclusive archetype, making them completely unique in the final hours of Metaphor: Refantazio.

All unlockable party members

Characters can be replaced on future dates

Main characters of metaphor refantazio

There are a total of eight party members Metaphor: Refantazio. However, the third character, Grius, leaves before fully developing his potential. Although you may gain access to a person in an early date, it is not until they "awaken" during the story that they gain the full power of their archetype lineage. Additionally, this does not always make them a follower automatically. In most cases, you will have to complete some side quests to turn characters into followers.



Awakening day

















Masked dancer








Best Party Member Combos

Adjust according to the current dungeon

Strohl is a staunch fighter in metaphor refantasio

Characters will come and go during different parts of the story Metaphor: Refantazio. While you can plan around the best party, be sure to have the other party members leveled up, just in case. It's also a good idea to have multiple archetypes for your favorite characters. However, this may require grinding for extra MAG.

Best month six party

Month six mostly acts as a very long tutorial for Metaphor: Refantazio. You have no control over who is in the party, only what archetypes they can use. Grius serves as a temporary character as he never evokes a personal archetype; You also can't use him and Hulkenberg at the same time.


Will often take on the role of party healer. It's not that he's particularly great at healing, it's more that all other characters are more specialized; Strohl hits hard, Hulkenberg tanks well, Eupha is an excellent attack mage, etc. Alternatively, you can rely on healing items if you want to use more combat-focused moves.



Important skills


Magic or healer

  • Bot/Bizz/Kande: Deal weak fire/ice/electric damage to one enemy
  • Media: Weak healing to all allies
  • Patra: Removes status ailments


Warrior or Brawler

  • slicer: Deals 2-4 times 2-4 times fake damage to one enemy
  • Strike Dodge: Increases evasion against strike attacks
  • Battle Cry: Increase attack and defense for three turns
  • Scholar: Increases critical hit rate by 5%


Knight or Mage

  • Shield Arts: Deals Weak Strike damage to one target. Lowers hit and dodge for three turns
  • Knight's Proclamation: Annoy the enemy to attack you instead of an ally
  • First aid: Weak healing when out of battle

Best month seven party

With the addition of Heismay, you finally get access to a whole party in Metaphor: Refantazio. His speed allows for more accuracy and evasion, though he isn't the strongest at dealing damage. For everyone, take the time to unlock optional archetypes like Faker and Merchant. However, these require royal virtues such as increased wisdom.

YouTuber Beans Showed just how powerful merchant and tycoon can be in the early months. They fight using currency instead of MP, which can be useful when rich. However, they are outclassed once they reach the true end game archetypes during the last month of Metaphor: Refantazio.



Important skills


Cleric or faker

  • Tarunda: Lowers enemy attacks for three turns
  • Dekaja: Removes all buffs from all enemies
  • Medica: Means healing to all allies
  • Retrieve: Revives one ally


Swordmaster or Pugilist

  • Rising Slash: Deal medium slash damage to all enemies
  • Martial Lore: Increases basic attacks by 50%
  • Strike Boost: Increase strike damage by 20%
  • Power Thrust: Deal with medium piercing damage. Lowers Defense for three turns


Magic Knight or Commander

  • Heavy Rush: Deal medium pierce damage to one enemy
  • Medline: Weak healing to all allies in the same row
  • Vitaly: Increases Attack and Defense for all allies for three turns
  • Rebellion: Increase critical hit rate for three turns


merchant or gunner

  • Gold Attack: Deals weak almighty damage, but with a high critical hit rate
  • Debt collection: Steals MAG from the target
  • sleep shot: Attend Vic Pierce damage and may cause sleep

Best month eight party

Both Juna and Ufa will force their way into the party at certain points of Metaphor: Refantazio. This makes it easier to plan around using them at the same time. However, in the few cases where they split, you might consider bringing in Hulkenberg for extra protection.



Important skills


Cleric or Summoner

  • Undead King: Deal heavy dark damage to one enemy. May instant KO
  • Dragon God: Deal heavy fire damage to all enemies. Removes their buffs


Samurai or General

  • Attack Lore: Increases attack at the start of battle
  • regenerate: Recover HP each turn
  • article: Increases all allies' attack for three turns


Faker or wizard

  • Botra/Blizza/Kandera: Deal medium fire/ice/electric damage to one enemy
  • shield blessing: When a stat is buffed, recover MP


Summoner or Soul Hacker

  • search gal: Deals heavy wind damage to all enemies and recovers MP
  • Deiaman: Heavy HP recovery for one ally

Best month nine party

Basilio is the final party member and is even stronger than Strohl as a physical fighter. Instead of benching Strohl, using them on the same team is more strategic and really increases the amount of melee damage. Basilio's only downfall is that he's terrible with magic, which makes archetype switching less useful than the other characters in Metaphor: Refantazio.



Important skills


Savior or Tycoon

  • Gold Rush: Deals mean almighty damage, but with a high critical hit rate
  • Critical Trade: Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit
  • sponsor: Removes status ailments for all allies
  • Patrick: Allows an ally to sustain one fatal attack


Samurai or Warlord

  • Manufacturing: Increases all allies' hit and dodge for three turns


Destroyer or martial artist

  • Radiant Crusher: Deal heavy light damage that ignores resistance
  • Short Range Boost: On the frontlines, attack increased by 10%
  • Hell Trust: Deals heavy pierce damage to one target and lowers Defense


Devil Summoner or Soul Hacker

  • God: Deal extreme light damage to all enemies. Mai Zakah Khulka
  • Tyrant: Deals extreme almighty damage to all enemies. May cause hex

Best month ten party

By the end of month nine, you'll start getting access to maximum follower bonds. If you take the time to level their total archetype lineage to 20 - along with a second lineage, depending on character - you'll get a special "Royal" archetype from their first awakening. These trump almost every option in terms of offensive power. The main character, Will, gains his archetype when you approach the final areas of the main story in Metaphor: Refantazio.



Important skills



  • Cooperative Chase: Support attacks from allies happen more often
  • Hero's Proving: Improves all stats for three turns
  • Hero's Cry: Win four turns


Royal Warrior

  • Slash Surge: Increases slash damage by 30%
  • Hassou Tobi: Eight times to deal weak slash damage to all enemies


Royal Berserker

  • Fee: Greatly increases physical attack
  • Noble Berserker Soul: Landing a physical critical hit prevents using a turn


Royal Summoner

  • Harvest God: Revives all allies and restores them to full health

Source: Baines/YouTube