The best new superpower in DC's Universe, 'Chrono-Healing Factor' explained

The best new superpower in DC's Universe, 'Chrono-Healing Factor' explained

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Arrow #16!The evil Justice League Plaguing the DC Universe have one of the greatest powers ever that helped them bring the DC Universe to its knees. In an instant, Amanda Waller's new all-amazo team, Task Force VII, are able to steal the powers of DC's greatest heroes.

Wonder Woman, Superman, and even the Specter aren't strong enough to counter their power-stealing abilities. But it's not just their ability to take on powers that makes them a force to be reckoned with. The members of Task Force VII have a special power that gives them a serious advantage over the heroes whose powers they stole.

DC's Evil Justice League has a chrono-healing factor

All the strengths of the Justice League without the weaknesses

in Green Arrow #16 By Joshua Williamson, Amancay Nahuelpan, Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Troy Peteri, Amanda Waller faces the efforts of heroes to undermine her power grab. Unfortunately for her, two of her agents, Green Arrow and Bright, are in the middle of a fight on top of a cargo plane. Bright is out to kill Team Arrow, but Oliver won't let that happen. With Green Arrow joined by his son, Connor Hawke, the two archers manage to defeat Broad as Arsenal pilots the aircraft and takes Team Arrow to the Justice League's old base.

Once they arrive at the newly named Hall of Order, Team Arrow lies to their leader, asking why he would ever work with Amanda Waller. Green Arrow reveals that he was trying to keep them out of trouble, but now that they've gotten involved, Quinn has no choice but to have Waller's task force agents arrest Team Arrow. The heroes are prepared to be transported to Waller's prison on Gamorra, while Anthony Ivo, the original creator of Amazo tries to sneak away. But Green Arrow has plans for Ivo and brings him to the Hall of Order.

Inside the hall, Ivo wonders the plan of Task Force VII, noting that Failsafe greatly improved Ivo's original Amazo plan. Ivo pointed out that Task Force VII not only absorbed the heroes' powers, the Amazos managed to circumvent any associated weaknesses with an enhanced 'chrono-healing factor', something Ivo wishes he had thought of. Satisfied with Ivo's conclusions about the evil Justice League's power setsGreen Arrow dismisses the villain and returns to work on something in secret.

The new Justice League has become more powerful than the original

Task Force VII can undo any damage the moment it occurs

Failsafe worked closely with Time Commander to upgrade the Amazos and it seems that upgrade allows the Androids to immediately undo any damage the moment they receive it. This explains why nothing the heroes threw at Task Force VII worked. Even if someone like Last Son, the 'Superman' of the crew, was exposed to kryptonite, his healing factor immediately brings the Ottoman back to its previously unheard of state. no matter what, Nothing could really hurt Amanda Waller's version of the Justice League.

Obviously when one compares Task Force VII to the Justice League at this point, they are more powerful because they stole the heroes' powers. But it is a different story to compare them at their peak. Yes, with heroes like Wonder Woman and the Flash on their side, the Justice League is undoubtedly one of the strongest teams in comic books (arguably in fiction) that has ever existed. But Amanda Waller and Failsafe's improvements to Task Force VII gave them up An advantage that puts the original Justice League to shame.

Do not forget to read Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 (2024) To see Waller bring Time Commander back to improve Task Force VII!

The Justice League has faced several villainous versions of their famous team over the years (The Crime Syndicate, The Dark Knights, etc). But unlike those teams, who have their own powers and abilities, Task Force VII literally has the exact power levels of the Justice League. Frankly, they are even more powerful because they have also stolen hundreds of other heroes' powers. But what really sets the Amazo team apart is the healing factor that makes Flash's rapid-healing look downright pathetic. It's hard to top the original, But Task Force VII's outrageous healing factor gives them an edge that the Justice League can't overcome.

Could the Justice League get Task Force VII?

Powers plus healing factor is a dangerous combo

Absolute Power #3 Cover Feature Justice League Evil Task Force VII

It was already a tough ask for a powerless team of heroes to defeat a squad of superpowered robots. But it's even worse knowing the team has a healing factor that can undo any damage (even if the heroes can find a way to hurt Task Force VII). Thankfully, Green Arrow has been doing some work in secret involving time travel-related relics, so maybe he's found a key to defeating Waller's robots. With any luck, these Justice League Will be able to get the healing factor from Amazos and get things back to normal.

Green Arrow #16 is available now from DC Comics.