Path of Exile 2 It can quickly become a disorganized mess as the drops increase, but this can be resolved with the best loot filter. PoE2 It may not have as many drops as other ARPGs, but it can still be annoying to filter out what's useful and what's rubbish. Fortunately, the sequel, a potential Devil 4 killer, took notes from previous ARPGs and added a loot filter.
This is just one of the many changes that Path of Exile 2 he brought. Skill Gems have been extensively reworked and offer more build flexibility than ever before. Combat has also been tweaked to feel slower, but with a more rewarding sense of difficulty. Bosses are a great example of this, throwing a wide variety of attacks at players and focusing on appropriate periods of dodging and attacking to be successful.
The best loot filter for Path Of Exile 2
A clear view of rewards
The best loot filter for Path of Exile 2 was created by NeverSinkDev (via GitHub). However This can only be used on PCIt's a huge benefit for players. The most notable changes this filter makes are the following:
Hiding obsolete equipment in higher levels
Different colors of labels for different craft coins and jewelry
Specific noise alerts when certain items fall
Map icons to help find lost items/goals of certain items
Even with all these changes and more, the filter still covers all areas of the game. It will highlight anything with a socket or higher quality, so players can collect it for later use when crafting equipment in Path of Exile 2. It will also differentiate jewelry from normal equipment, therefore, jewelry is less easily forgotten. Overall, this filter is an amazing quality of life addition to the game, which still has a lot of features to come.
How to install loot filters in Path of Exile 2
A perfect addition
Fortunately, this filter is as easy to install as it is to use. First, download the zip file from the GitHub page and have some kind of program to extract it. After that, the file labeled "NeverSinks Litefilter.filter"needs to be moved to a specific folder. For Windows users, this is the Path of Exile 2 folder in Documents/My Games. Meanwhile, Linux users will have to dig through the steamapps folder to find the same location.
Once the extracted files are there, enter the game and open Options to find the Game tab. The top of this page will have a filter setting with a drop down box. Click this box and the NeverSink filter should appear if moved correctly. From then on, the filter is active and ready to help.
However PoE2The filter system in general is not as good as others, such as Last Season, for example, just having one is a step in the right direction. It is also surprising that players can easily implement the creative and hard work of their compatriots, rather than struggling to create a filter themselves. This one has everything players need to sort through the various items of the same general appearance that are thrown their way. Its easy installation process and complete features make it the best loot filter in the world. Path of Exile 2.
Source: NeverSinkDev/GitHub