High potentialMorgan and Karadec's possible romance could be seriously complicated if a fan theory about Roman turns out to be true. The police procedural show follows Morgan, a brilliant mother of three who works as a consultant for the Los Angeles Police Department. While the obvious reason for this is the need to support her family, she is also secretly working with the head of the LAPD Major Crimes Division, Selena, to investigate what happened to her former boyfriend Roman.
His mysterious disappearance serves as an overarching element of the show and fuels some major theories about High potentialpotential future. However, it's far from the only plot afoot, including a growing connection between Morgan and his frequent detective partner Karadec that could turn romantic. However, a popular fan theory about Kaitlin Olson High potential could be a real complication to any potential love story between Morgan and the detective.
High Potential Roman Theory Kidnapped by LAPD Explained
Roman being taken away by corrupt officials would explain his decade-long disappearance
A popular fan theory about High potential suggests that Roman was taken or killed by LAPD officers, which would seriously complicate Morgan's connection to the police and could harm his romantic potential with Karadec. The theory suggests that the reason Roman's disappearance has remained a mystery to police for over a decade is because the LAPD has a vested interest in not solving the case. A popular theory about Roman's disappearance is that he witnessed something he shouldn't have, leading to his kidnapping or murder.potentially by a corrupt police officer.
A variant of this theory argues that it could have been a member of the LAPD who carried out this plan. The police would have known that Roman was not a genuine missing person case, explaining why no further investigation into his disappearance was carried out. This would justify why Roman has been impossible to find in a time when a fugitive father could likely be located via the Internet or social media. I would also High potential a dark sense of ironywith Morgan and Selena's investigation potentially leading them directly to the organization they work for.
Roman being kidnapped by the LAPD strains Morgan's relationship with the agency and Karadec
If the theory is true, Morgan would have many reasons to distrust the police
Roman being kidnapped by the LAPD would be a serious complication for Morgan, especially now that she's become a formal member of the organization thanks to her consulting work. Morgan would probably quickly condemn the entire police force. Although she could remain affiliated with them while her investigation into Roman continued, Morgan is unlikely to trust any of them. This could introduce new drama into the series, especially in contrast to the quick bonds Morgan has been shown forming with officers like Oz and Daphne.
The biggest potential causality of this revelation would be the growing relationship between Morgan and Karadec. The two became the central dynamic in High potentialwith occasional suggestions that it could evolve from respect to something more romantic. However, Morgan's discovery that the LAPD was involved in Roman's disappearance could seriously harm that potential relationship, especially if she believes that Karadec may be involved in or at least aware of the disappearance. Even though she believes Karadec is innocent of any wrongdoing, Forming a romance with an officer may be impossible for Morgan if the cops took Roman.
How High Potential Could Still Bring Morgan and Karadec Together Even If Roman's LAPD Theory Comes True
Morgan and Karadec working together more closely could push them towards romance
There's still a chance that a romance between Morgan and Karadec could be on the cards, even if the LAPD was responsible for Roman's disappearance or death. Karadec could prove to be completely unaware of this conspiracy and could offer all his services to unravel the mystery. In fact, learning all the reasons why Morgan is so committed to helping the LAPD could inspire Karadec and further illustrate the officer's best qualities. Tthis could end up highlighting Karadec's true nobility, in turn bringing the pair closer together.
Morgan and Karadec could be the series' romantic finale, with their will-they-won't-they High potential a central relationship to be developed. Their connection was already established in the first episodes of the series and it would make sense as a relationship to continue developing throughout the series. An investigation into a conspiracy within the LAPD that further ties Morgan and Karadec together could even give them more excuses to be alone outside of the office, letting the sparks continue to fly. While High potentialWhile the LAPD's Roman theory may complicate it, a Morgan/Karadec relationship could still be in the works.