The announcement of Kevin Smith's new film is the perfect return to the genre that gave us some of his best films

The announcement of Kevin Smith's new film is the perfect return to the genre that gave us some of his best films

Kevin Smith has announced a new horror film he's writing, and it marks the perfect return to the genre that produced some of his best and most underrated films. Smith recently released a new episode of his podcast Fat man beyond to promote the digital release of his latest film, The 4:30 moviea semi-autobiographical coming-of-age comedy set in the 1980s. During the four-and-a-half-hour podcast, in which Smith broke the record for longest Fat man beyond episode so far, he's teased the next script he's working on.

Smith's next film is a new Jay and Silent Bob film, Jay and Silent Bob: Store Warsin which Jay and Bob enter into an intense business rivalry with a fellow marijuana dispensary. But in Fat man beyondhe revealed that he is already writing the next film he will make after this; Smith describes this script as a horror film about a satanic cult that is essentially his opinion Rosemary's Baby. Of Red State to PreySmith has delivered some of his best films in the horror genre, so this is exciting.

Kevin Smith's return to horror is exciting after Red State and Tusk

Smith's horror films are two of his best

Smith made his first full-length horror film in 2011 with Red State. It revolves around three horny teenagers who are lured into a catfishing scheme by a radical Westboro Baptist Church-style religious group. While being held captive in the church, they were involved in an armed standoff between worshipers and a band of ATF agents. Red State It was a radical change of pace for Smithand maintains a nail-biting intensity from start to finish.

Smith's dark comedic sensibilities have proven to be perfect for the horror genre, so his return to horror is cause for celebration.

After Red StateSmith followed up with an even wilder horror film. Prey stars Justin Long as a podcaster and Michael Parks as a mad scientist which surgically transforms him into a walrus. It's one of the most gonzo and disturbing body horror films ever made, and Since then, it has gained a much-deserved cult following. Smith's dark comedic sensibilities have proven to be a perfect fit for the horror genre, so his return to horror is cause for celebration.

A Kevin Smith Version of Rosemary's Baby Could Be Great

Smith has a penchant for religious satire

Mia Farrow looks horrified at the end of Rosemary's Baby

ONE Kevin Smith version of Rosemary's Baby looks like an incredible film. There have been many Rosemary's Baby robberies lately, from False Positive to Immaculate to The first omen for its own official prequel, Apartment 7A. But they all tried to imitate Rosemary's Baby and he was unable to respond to his fear and tension. What gives Smith's film an edge is that it won't just be a copycat; he will do his own thing. Smith's Rosemary's Baby the tribute will have a twisted sense of humor - and he has already tried it Dogma that he is adept at satirizing religion.

Source: Fat man beyond