The animated series expands the DC Canon with the addition of a villain

The animated series expands the DC Canon with the addition of a villain

Warning: Spoilers for Two-Face #3Batman: The Animated Series was one of the most influential Batman animated shows of all time with its distinctive storytelling and memorable rogues gallery, and with the first Two faces title, DC is expanding its comics canon with the debut of Baby Doll from the animated series. As Baby Doll makes the leap from animation to comics, Two faces writer Christian Ward also hints at other unique Batman characters who will make appearances.

On X, Two faces series writer Ward posted cover art by Baldemar Rivas, revealing that Baby Doll will appear in February Two faces #3 by Ward and Fábio Veras as Harvey Dent's antagonist. Baby Doll is a fan favorite Batman: The Animated Series villain who has yet to debut in the comics, but has an interesting affliction of body and mind that aligns perfectly with the two-sided nature of Harvey Dent's character.

Ward's choice to draw on some of Batman's best media should generate a great sense of anticipation among fans, especially if the Two faces the series continues to include compelling characters like Baby Doll and other icons BTAS characters, giving them new life in DC comics.

Baby Doll officially debuts in the new DC film Two faces Series

Pitting these Batman villains against each other is the perfect choice

TWO FACES #3 (2025)

Comic book cover: Baby Doll holds a doll-sized, two-faced doll.

Release date:

February 5, 2025


Christian Wing


Fábio Veras

Cover artist:

Baldemar Veras

Variant covers:

Christian Wing

When Scarface is kidnapped, Gotham's underworld is thrown into chaos. Is this an isolated incident or the work of the “Dark Hand” that Harvey has been tracking lately? Only Two-Face can bring order to the proceedings, but the culprit isn't another mob boss or a criminal mastermind – it's a once-famous actor? And she's not after money or revenge, she's after love?! It's a testament to tribulation and romance, and Good Harvey must get to the bottom of it before Bad Harvey takes over.

Premiering in Batman: The Animated Series Season 3, Episode 4 - "Baby-Doll" by Paul Dini - Mary Dahl is an actress who suffers from an illness that prevents her from aging. She ends up being rejected by the film industry because of her illness. Baby Doll kidnaps her TV colleagues in an attempt to relive a time when she was happy and almost blows up the entire cast, but is stopped by Batman. Both Baby Doll and Two-Face are villains who face the harsh and often cruel aspects of realitymaking them ideal parallels, especially when they inevitably face each other in Two faces.

Two-Face and Doll are great examples of what makes Batman villains so compelling.

In this title, Two-Face's first solo series, Harvey Dent returns to his roots as a lawyer to calm the turmoil in Gotham's underbelly, and Baby Doll will be a figure who stands in his way. Two-Face and Doll are great examples of what makes Batman villains so compelling, as they are deep characters who cling to the past and struggle with how they are viewed in society. Harvey Dent revisiting his past in an attempt to return to a normal life reflects Baby Doll's descent into crime. making Baby Doll a perfect opponent for Two-Face.

Our Take on How Two Face and a Doll Reflect Batman's Most Destructive Aspects

As Baby Doll transcends DC Media, will the Two Face series reshape her character?

Harvey and Baby Doll reflect core aspects of Batmanwith Baby Doll reflecting how stunted Batman is, constantly returning to his childhood trauma and reliving the death of his parents, and Two-Face reflecting the double lives of Bruce Wayne and Batman. While these aspects of Batman make Baby Doll an excellent addition to DC's main comics continuity, they also add potential depth to the rivalry between her and Harvey Dent. The courtroom noir theme of the new Two-Face series will allow Batman's worst villains to be seen in a new light, especially Baby Doll.

Baby Doll appeared in brief cameos in the comics, but never fully transitioned from animation to comics, with this series allowing Baby Doll to participate in stories that influence DC lore. Ward confirming Baby Doll's inclusion in the series raises questions about how she will play a role in Harvey Dent's attempted redemption. Along with Baby Doll, Ward suggested other Batman characters appearing in Two facesof the series, illustrating how popular characters, such as Batman: The Animated Series' Baby Doll, can influence constantly evolving stories.

Two faces #3 is available February 5, 2025 from DC Comics.

Source: Christian Ward (@cjwardart)