It is sometimes hard to believe that Alien: Isolation was released in 2014, considering not only how cutting-edge it was, but also how it was the latest. Alien Product, outside of maybe RomulusThat really nailed the feeling of being hunted by the titular creature. Alien: Isolation was a truly genre-defining game, offering plenty of chilling scares and tense moments thanks to its beautifully crafted AI, which made the Xenomorph feel suitably unpredictable and powerful. Aside from some technical issues early on, Alien: Isolation was only more refined, so a sequel was perhaps not on the minds of his fans.
Fortunately, it has been confirmed that Alien: Isolation 2 is in the works, and hopefully it's coming sooner than some might expect. It promises a spooky time with the creepy crawly giving fans a whole set of new nightmares, and will likely improve on not only the groundbreaking AI of the first game, but also the plethora of engaging mechanics that made it such a compelling experience. However, it is great news that there will be a sequel to perhaps the greatest piece of Alien media, It needs to change one major story detail in order to be great.
Why Alien Isolation deserves a sequel
It was truly ahead of its time
Alien: Isolation was a truly brilliant survival horror game that made really good use of its source material. Unlike the previous one Alien game, Aliens: Colonial Marineswhich butchered the IP and was released just one year earlier, Isolation Shown what made the franchise so incredible in the first place. The claustrophobic environments, deadly prowling xenomorph, dispensable main cast and some creepy androids made it a unique experience that had to be seen to be believed.
Of course, it was the AI powering the terrifying alien that made it such a remarkable game, because it was an unpredictable enemy that was completely unstoppable. The main accomplishment of Alien: Isolation made his villain arrive in the player not only the first time it appeared, but every time it appeared, so It makes sense that it would get a sequel eventually. It's just a great shame that it took so long to get to this point, especially considering that there hasn't been another Alien Play as well, or even like it, since it was released.
The main accomplishment of Alien: Isolation Made his villain arrive in the player not only the first time it appeared, but every time it was shown.
However, perhaps now is the perfect time for Ann Alien: Isolation Sequel. With the amazing advancements in AI technology and graphical fidelity, A sequel could offer something even more groundbreaking than the originalwith Alien: Isolation UE5 footage shows how good it could look. There is so much potential now for what a sequel could offer players that perhaps didn't exist a decade ago.
New alien game needs to ditch the crowded space station setting
It has been done too many times
While it's hard not to get excited over a Alien: Isolation Sequel, it is important to reflect on how it can improve the original. One major story detail that needs to change is the game's setting. If it wants to avoid feeling old, It needs to ditch the claustrophobic space station. It almost feels sacrilegious to say so, as the setting has been the backbone since the original film. After all, the Xenomorph works best when it's rolling around in vents, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and is much less effective when encountered in open spaces.
however, Changing the setting is incredibly important, Not least because practically everyone Alien Film and play have used it in recent years. Aliens: Fireteam EliteWhile switching up its setting over multiple levels, starts players off in a crowded space station. so too, Aliens: Dark Descent Takes place in dark, narrow corridors, as well as the beautiful Alien: RomulusWhich feels more or less like a reboot of the original film.
Ditching the space station setting that feels way too overdone at this point and moving to a more alien location would be just one of the many ways Alien: Isolation Sequel could improve upon the original. It would help it stand out among the current flock of Alien products That all, more or less, use the same visuals and settings. It would also help to breathe new life into these Alien franchise by exploring more of its lore.
How the sequel to Alien Isolation can separate itself from the Alien franchise
Explore the far reaches of the galaxy
Alien: Isolation 2 Needs to do a lot to separate itself from both the original game and the Alien FranchiseSomething it definitely needs to do if it wants to remain a memorable experience. It is simply not enough to throw the player in tight corridors and have a terrifying creature chasing after them. Even Alien: RomulusA film that practically retells the first Alien The film's story, offers some novelty in the form of a creepy three-act twist that has not been seen before in the Alien Universe.
Alien: Isolation 2But, must do more than that, and it should really turn into more Prometheus Or Alien: Covenant Territory.
Alien: Isolation 2But, must do more than that, and it should really turn into more Prometheus Or Alien: Covenant TerritoryPerhaps as bold and controversial as this may be to say. While these films are not considered the best in the Alien series, they try to do something different when it comes to expanding on the wide Alien Universe. so too, Alien: Isolation 2 Can follow some of the stories told in the Alien Novels, which have since moved on from the films and started telling their own stories.
Offering a new alien planet to explore, or even a human-run planet that gets overrun by aliens, would be an interesting twistAnd could perhaps lead to a greater investigation of the aliens themselves as well as the various factions fighting for dominance in the human race. There are many directions a sequel could go that would still be able to maintain what made the original great. After all, any environment, no matter how vast, can be made to feel incredibly tense when handled correctly, as evidenced by the STALKER Series and Ghostwire: Tokyo.
Alien: Isolation 2 Should definitely retain its state-of-the-art AI and put a big focus on story and characters, much like the original. But it also needs to diversify the world of the foreign franchise in order to prevent the whole thing from feeling tired. It's a lot to put on the shoulders of one game, but considering how good the original game was, it's not hard to imagine Alien: Isolation 2 Absolutely nailing it a second time around.
Source: Focus Entertainment/YouTube