Netflix The accident is one of the biggest shows to hit the streaming service in recent weeks, and here comes the end of the exciting new series. The accident Hit the massive streaming service in August 2024, with it being one of the many shows that have found a surprising amount of success on Netflix, taking off on the platform in an unexpected way. The winding stories of The accident It left a lot of viewers scratching their heads watching the finale, so here's a complete breakdown of everything that happens at the end of The accident.
The accident It begins with the tragic titular event, which is an incident in which A jump lock flies away with several children inside, killing them. The various characters in the Spanish language drama series immediately begin to turn on each other as they try to uncover who is behind the deaths, with it being clear that someone did not pin the chip lock to the ground. Although it doesn't take long for the cast to discover that Emiliano is behind the deaths, the repercussions of how they deal with Moncho's accusation lead to a complex series of events that continues until the finale.
What happens in the accident's ending
The finale wraps up a lot of things
A lot goes down in the Netflix finale The accidentSo here's a full breakdown of how each storyline in the series wraps up. One of the biggest questions over The accident Has to do with who killed Mancho, the boss, who many blame for the deaths of the children until Emilian's true guilt is revealed. After Moncho turns up dead due to poisoning, the cast of The accident Immediately starts pointing fingers, with Emiliano being one of the biggest suspects. However, the finale reveals that Lupita was the one behind Moncho's murder.
Meanwhile, the repercussions of the blame directed at Emiliano have some wide-ranging effects throughout the tenth episode of The accident. After an article blaming Emiliano for the deaths was published, the investors in the theme park deal that was talked about in the series are taking notice. They force Emiliano out of the project, and as it turns out, Charro is there to replace him. Things seem to be working out well for the criminal abuser, but they quickly take a turn for the worse, with Charo winding up in prison.
The accident ends up with Emiliano in jail too, With Daniela forgiving him for the death of the children. Although it seems as if The accident The last moments of the series can end on a happy note, that Charo got lost in the same prison, with him playing the right cards to get him in this situation. Although the fates of Emiliano and Charro are not fully revealed, The accident Seems to imply that Charro might kill Emiliano while they're in prison, though that's a storyline that could be explored in The accident Season 2.
What happened to Emiliano's deal with the Americans?
Why did it fall apart?
throughout The accidentEmiliano's deal with the Americans is one of the biggest storylines in the show. However, it all falls apart at the end of the series. Emiliano's excitement about news about the American theme park project is what initially caused him to forget to pin the bouncy house down, causing the children's deaths. Much later in the series, an article blaming Emiliano for the deaths was released, leading the Americans to force Emiliano out of the project, confirming Emiliano's tragic but ironic fate.
however, Charro is there to take over for EmilianoWith him, he quickly got involved in the business. Although all seems well for Charro, things quickly fall apart for him when construction on the theme park starts. During the excavation stage, the Americans find artifacts buried in the land where the park was supposed to go. This leads to the deal falling apart, destroying Charo's role in the project shortly after taking the place that Emiliano once held.
Lupita hired Barroso to kill Moncho after the accident
& she framed Charo
The biggest mystery surrounding the immensely popular telenovela has to do with who killed Moncho. Since Mancho was killed shortly after indicting the titular accident, there were all sorts of suspects, as there were many people affected by the tragedy. While Emiliano was initially one of the main suspects, the blame was soon placed on Charo. however, The accident Series finale reveals that Charro's wife Lupita is actually the one behind the murder. She hired Barroso to kill Mancho by poisoning the house.
After killing Moncho, Lupita winds up poisoning BarrosoWith her then destroyed significant evidence. Lupita then planted other evidence on her abusive husband Charro, framing him for the murder. This is what leads to Charro's arrest at the end of The accidentWith her plan to kill Moncho and Barroso while also getting rid of Charo working perfectly in episode 10.
The accident focuses on what it takes to be truly guilty
Ask the audience what guilt really means
One of the biggest topics over The accident Has to do with guilt and blame, with the series asking what it really means to be guilty. While Emiliano is undoubtedly to blame for the children's deaths, he is forgiven at the end of the show because his inaction is a genuine accident. Meanwhile, Moncho's purported guilt is what led to his deathWhile framing Charo as guilty is what lands him in prison. In the eyes of the main cast of The accidentMost of the characters are guilty. However, the show asks viewers to decide if they really are.
The real meaning of the accident's ending
What does the bouncy house incident represent?
The central dramatic argument throughout The accident has to do with How one tragic event can drastically affect a community and lead to collective trauma. The titular accident leads to a domino effect of all kinds of tragic events unfolding, with each storyline in The accident Directly tying back to the bouncy house flying away. This incident leads to all kinds of blame, rash decisions, and violence, with The accidents Bouncy house incident with the potential to be swapped for any traumatic event that could affect a community in this way.