Shaak Ti was among the countless Jedi who died during Order 66 in Star Warsbut she is one of the few to have multiple deaths. Created for the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Shaak Ti was a Togruta Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. She participated in the Clone Wars multimedia project that attempted to bridge the three-year gap between the films and made her final live-action appearance in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. She also became a recurring character on Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
However, although Shaak Ti was originally supposed to die in the film with the rest of the Order, behind-the-scenes changes prevented this from happening. It also started a trend of George Lucas writing multiple scenes and overseeing multiple projects that attempted to kill off Shaak Ti in his own way. From live action to animation to video games, Shaak Ti had several death scenes, and unused story drafts contained more ideas. Shaak Ti has five deaths in the entire Star Wars franchise, but only one is considered part of the official canon.
Shaak Ti was originally supposed to have been killed by General Grievous
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith deleted scene
Shaak Ti's first intended death occurred in a deleted scene from Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith during Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's rescue mission. Aptly titled “Grievous Slaughters a Jedi,” the scene begins with Anakin and Obi-Wan rounding a corner, where they discover Shaak Ti sitting on the ground with General Grievous and four MagnaGuards standing behind her. She apologizes to Obi-Wan for failing to save Chancellor Palpatine, and Grievous wastes no time in stabbing her in the chest with his lightsaber, as the two Jedi are unable to save her.
According to George Lucas' DVD commentary, the scene was only cut to shorten the running time. The original cut of Revenge of the Sith was much longer than the final 140-minute version, with Lucas revealing that it took a full hour before the heroes crash-landed on Coruscant. Cutting the scene allowed Lucas to move some of the dialogue to the bridge scene "...so we didn't really lose any important information, we just did it in a much more cost-effective way." However, Lucas was not ready to give up on Shaak Ti's death. Revenge of the Sith.
Shaak Ti was killed in another deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith
This time during Order 66
The next deleted version of Shaak Ti's death showed her being killed by Anakin Skywalker in the Jedi Temple during Order 66. While meditating in his quarters, Anakin enters and Shaak Ti asks him what he needs, only to be stabbed in the back and fall into the ground. floor. the floor. Anakin leaves and walks through the Jedi Temple as the clones massacre the other Jedi as the statues begin to collapse. Unlike Shaak Ti's first death at the hands of Grievous, this scene is noticeably unfinished, with unpolished visual effects and a battle in the Jedi Temple done as a CGI animation.
Although this scene was also considered non-canonical at the time, it was supported by others Star Wars releases. LEGO Star Wars: the video gamereleased almost two months before Revenge of the Sithfeatured a hologram of Anakin cutting off Shaak Ti's head. Matthew Stover's novelization of the film also mentions that she was meditating during Order 66, and Anakin asked other Jedi where Shaak Ti was. Ultimately, Shaak Ti was spared of an on-screen death despite Lucas' efforts, leaving room for her to return in the future. Star Wars stories.
Shaak Ti was killed in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
She was the last Jedi Master defeated by Starkiller
With neither Revenge of the Sith death coming to fruition, the creative team behind Star Wars: The Force Unleashed made Shaak Ti a survivor of Order 66. After escaping the Jedi Purge, she ended up on Felucia and trained an apprentice named Maris Brood. She became the third Jedi Master targeted by Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice, and the two dueled above a chasm containing a giant sarlacc. When Starkiller defeated her, she warned him that the Sith always betrayed each other before falling into the sarlacc, releasing a blast of Force energy.
Although Luke did not write The Force Unleashedstory, he gave guidance and approval, making this the third Shaak Ti death he has overseen. According to The Art and Production of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed by Haden Blackman and Brett Rector, early drafts of the story had different ideas for Shaak Ti's death. One version had Starkiller kill Shaak Ti on Alderaan while she was guardian of the royal family, a murder witnessed by Princess Leia. This would lead to Vader turning against Starkiller when his apprentice failed to kill Leia, setting the rest of the story in motion.
There's an alternate death for Shaak Ti in Force Unleashed
An exclusive for the mobile version of the game
Although only one version of Shaak Ti's death made it into the console version of The Force Unleashedit was a little different on the mobile version of the Nokia N-Gage. The story is the same with Starkiller dueling Shaak Ti on Felucia, but he wins the fight differently. He uses the Force to make a carnivorous plant attack Shaak Ti as she attacks him, causing her to fall to the ground. She further tells him that the Sith always betray each other, but she does not imply that he will find out soon, and she dies without falling into a sarlacc pit.
Another mobile version for non-smartphones had Starkiller kill Shaak Ti in an even simpler way, with limited cutscenes and graphics without showing his death or having any final dialogue. All these variations show that Shaak Ti has more death scenes even within a single story, similar to the previously mentioned adaptations of Revenge of the Sith. Even so, The Force Unleashed appeared to be the official version of Shaak Ti's death, but like the deleted scenes, it would also end up being contradicted.
Shaak Ti's death in Star Wars canon
Your final death is the same but different
The final version of Shaak Ti's death was in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 6, Episode 11, 'Voices', retroactively making one of his previous deaths canon. When Yoda is guided to Dagobah by the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, he has a vision of the Jedi dying during Order 66, including Shaak Ti. She kneels on the ground and looks over her shoulder, confused, only to be stabbed in the chest. . When the official Star Wars continuity was restarted in 2014, only the films and The Clone Wars remained part of the new timeline, making this the canon of Shaak Ti's death.
Although Shaak Ti's killer appeared to be Anakin, as in Revenge of the Sith deleted scene, this was not confirmed until 2016. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that Anakin killed Shaak Ti, but that doesn't mean his canon death is the same as the deleted scene. Yoda's vision implies that Anakin managed to get close to her, while Star Wars (2015) #9 has Luke Skywalker finding a holocron recording of Shaak Ti that she apparently made just before Order 66. Maybe future Star Wars The stories will focus on Shaak Ti and portray yet another version of her many, many deaths.