The $473.1 million Stephen King movie is now on Netflix and it's a must-watch before next year's prequel

The 3.1 million Stephen King movie is now on Netflix and it's a must-watch before next year's prequel

One of the best Stephen King adaptations in recent years, It: Chapter Two is now streaming on Netflix, and it's a must-watch before the upcoming prequel. The works of Stephen King continue to be a source of inspiration for many filmmakers, so much so that some stories have received more than one adaptation. This is the case of the 1986 novel itWhich got a miniseries adaptation in 1990, starring Tim Curry as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. it Got another adaptation but now on the big screen with Andy Muschietti's duology, released in 2017 and 2019.

As expected with any book adaptation, Muschietti's it Movies made some changes to better tell the story of the losers, but the changes were for the movies' benefit. Instead of being set in 1958 and 1985, it Taking the audience to 1989 in the first movie and 2016 in the sequel, following the losers when they were children and 27 years later, now as adults. Although It: Chapter Two Given closure to their stories, the world of it will continue with a prequel in 2025, and Muschietti's sequel is a must-watch that, luckily, is now available to stream.

It: Chapter Two is now streaming on Netflix

It: Chapter Two was released in 2019

Pennywise Human Form IT Chapter 2

Just in time for the spooky season, It: Chapter Two is now available to stream on Netflix. it Seeing the Losers confront the titular creation entity for the first time, with his preferred form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown is the one that terrorized them the most. After temporarily defeating it in the sewers in a fight that put the losers' friendship to the test, the losers made it out of there scarred physically and emotionally, but alive. Once outside and safe, Bev (Sophia Lillis) shared the vision she had while catatonic about them confronting it now as adults.


The Losers then made a blood bond that they would return to Three if Pennywise resurrected, and that's exactly what they do in It: Chapter Two. The sequel picks up The Losers 27 years after the end of the first movieBut leaving Derry made them forget what happened - except for Mike (Isaiah Mustafa), who stayed in Derry. It is Mike who brings the group together after learning that it has reawakened, and together they confront the creature one last time, but not without some heartbreaking twists and reveals.

Andy Muschietti's IT movies are a must-watch before 2025's Welcome to Derry Prequel Show

Welcome to Derry is part of Muschietti's IT Universe

HBO Welcome to Derry teaser gives me faith the prequel will do Stephen King's work justice
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

As mentioned above, It: Chapter Two brings the stories of each of the losers to an end (although not exactly as in the book), but the movie is not the end of Muschietti's it Universe. The end of It: Chapter Two Doesn't leave room for a third movie (and there's no material for it, anyway), but it will expand with a prequel TV series that will be released on Max. titled Welcome to Derry, The show will take the audience to the 1960s to explore the events that happened before the losers faced it for the first time.

Andy Muschietti co-developed Welcome to Derry With his sister and producers Barbara Muschietti and Jason Fuchs, which ensures that the show will connect to his movies.

Given his time setting, Welcome to Derry It is not expected to answer the biggest questions about Pennywise's origins, but it will show why it was terrorizing Derry years before it killed George Denbrow. Andy Muschietti co-developed Welcome to Derry With his sister and producers Barbara Muschietti and Jason Fuchs, which ensures that the show will connect to his movies. Because of this, Muschietti's it Movies are a must-watch before Welcome to Derry is released, because they will give a clear idea of ​​what to expect and will make it easier (and more fun) to connect the dots between the movies and the show.

Welcome to Derry will feature the return of Bill Skarsgård's Pennywise

Pennywise is a key character in Welcome to Derry

Given the time setting and premise of Welcome to DerryThere were a lot of questions about whether or not the show would bring Bill Skarsgård back as Pennywise. luckily, Skarsgård is now confirmed to appear in Welcome to Derry Like PennywiseBut it is unclear if he plays any other of it's forms. Skarsgård's presence in Welcome to Derry Will be the strongest link to the moviesAs his time setting makes it impossible for any of the losers to appear - however, there may be an appearance or mention of their parents at some point.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of Welcome to Derry Is how Pennywise's actions will impact those in the movies, just as his defeat by the young losers influenced how he approached them as adults. Whatever Pennywise went through with his victims and targets in Welcome to Derry Could have shaped how he haunted the losers in the 1980s, further combining the TV show and the movies.

Every 27 years, evil revisits the city of Derry, Maine. It: Chapter Two brings the characters - who have long gone their separate ways - back together as adults, almost three decades after the events of the first film. Together, the reunited Losers Club may have a chance to stop Pennywise once and for all.


Andres Muschietti

Release date

September 6, 2019


169 minutes