The 41-year-old underrated horror was part of Disney's darkest period and it deserves more respect

The 41-year-old underrated horror was part of Disney's darkest period and it deserves more respect

Something bad happens like that is a 41-year-old Disney horror movie that deserves more recognition. Based on Ray Bradbury's 1962 novel of the same name, the movie chronicles the adventures of two young boys after a creepy and mysterious circus appears in their sleepy town. The script of the troubled film was written by Bradbury himselfSo there isn't much difference between the movie and the novel except for the scenes that were cut because they were deemed too scary for a Disney movie.

The movie that is often underrated and forgotten was part of Disney's dark period. The production of Something bad happens like that was full of behind-the-scenes drama before it was released. Bradbury and director Jack Clayton had disagreements over the screenplayThat was changed during production despite Bradbury writing it. Despite the disagreements between the creators of the movie, Something bad happens like that Yet ends one of Disney's scariest movies.


What Disney's something bad in this way is about

Something bad in this way comes with a creepy circus

Something bad happens like that Chronicles the story of a sleepy town bewitched by Mr. Dark, the owner of a mysterious traveling circus. Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade are two best friends who witness the arrival of the circus with its creepy owner and deduce that their small town is about to be irrevocably changed. The circus has strange attractions that give the members of the city what they wish for, but at a price.

The vampire-like Mr. Dark wants to take control of the city and, like the devil, damn more innocent souls. However, before he can carry out his plans, he needs the help of Fury to uncover the secret of the storm. It's up to Will, Jim and Charles to overcome their fears in order to save the city from Mr. Dark.

Something bad in this way was part of a darker turn for Disney

Something bad in this way was part of Disney's horror trend

Mr. Dark leads a parade in Something Wicked This Way Comes

Since Disney was founded, The production company markets itself as a family-friendly entertainment company And so released movies that are true to the brand. In the 1980s, Disney deviated from its family-friendly formula and ventured into material that would not be typically associated with the production company. It was at this time that the company began releasing horror movies such as The watcher in the forest, The Black Cauldron, Return to OzAnd Something bad happens like that.

Although it seems like the 1980s marked the beginning of the production company's dark turn, Disney's horror movie trend actually began 94 years ago. Something bad happens like that And other movies released in the 80s were a continuation of this trend. The horror movie has some spooky scenes including a decapitated head, a room full of tarantulas, and an electrocuted corpse. That would scare even the most seasoned horror movie viewer. Something bad happens like that It doesn't skimp on gore, death, or violence typically featured in horror movies, but there's still something about the eerie town that makes the movie unnerving.

Why Something Bad This Way Comes is an underrated Disney movie

Something Bad That Way Was a Box Office Failure

Something bad happens

One of the reasons Something bad happens like that was overlooked due to the film's poor box office performance. The movie had an estimated production budget of $20 million but only made $8.4 millionMaking it a financial failure for the production company. Something bad happens like that was released in a period when Disney was producing movies in the horror genre that made more of a splash, making it easy for the film to be underrated.

Movies such as The watcher in the forest, Return to OzAnd The Black Boiler are usually compared to Something this way is coming And the 1983 horror fantasy often fell short. However, despite being a financial failure and not fully appreciated for what it is, the movie still garnered good reviews. Something bad happens like that is not only a good Halloween movie, but also one that features hidden gems and themes that still resonate today.