The best Kill Bill the quotes are powerful echoes of the kung fu revenge films and spaghetti westerns that inspired Quentin Tarantino's beloved, bloody duology. Loaded with action, lots of laughs, excessive violence and Tarantino's signature dialogue, Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 are widely considered two of the eccentric director's best films. These films tell the story of The Bride, the now-iconic protagonist who fought her way to kill the titular Bill, claiming revenge on her former crew and master.
Although the duology was short-lived, it's still unclear whether Tarantino will make Kill Bill 3the Kill Bill the films managed to blend genres and styles seamlessly while maintaining Tarantino's brilliant writing style, which led to many memorable lines. Along with the unstoppable Bride at the center of it all, there was a collection of prominent characters in the Kill Bill filmsfeaturing dramatic, funny, and moving quotes that elevate the epic two-part revenge saga.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
Opening title card - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
One of the biggest Kill Bill quote was not a Tarantino original, but a taken directly from the iconic Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It's hard to imagine a more appropriate line to start a revenge film, and it's another example of Tarantino's quirky sense of humor. The meaning of the proverb appears several times throughout the two films, mainly in Japan, when Beatrix seeks out the legendary swordsman Hattori Hanzo.
This quote also serves as a warning to all characters in Kill Bill.
While constructing the katana, he also gives some sage warnings about the nature of revenge and what it can lead to. Essentially, this quote also serves as a warning to all characters in Kill Bill. The entire movie is about revenge, and Beatrix doesn't care about the people she worked withnot even if they had a child at home when she killed them. She turned cold and took revenge on everyone who hurt her.
"Bill...it's your baby."
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1

From the cafe scene in pulp Fiction for the interrogation of the farm in Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino's opening scenes often grab the audience immediately and set them up for a wild ride. Such is the case with Kill Billand although the first moment of the film is not a long scene like the two examples mentioned, it still leaves a big impact.
The moment she says this, The Bride is shot in the head, starting the film with brutality and consolidating the Bride's mission of revenge.
The black and white image of the Bride brutally beaten on the floor of a church in her wedding dress is the first shocking image the public sees. She looks on in fear as her unseen killer, Bill, speaks calmly to her. However, The real shock comes with the Bride's first words, in which she tries to identify the inevitable by telling Bill that her baby is his.. The moment she says this, The Bride is shot in the head, starting the film with brutality and consolidating the Bride's mission of revenge.
"Dying in your sleep is a luxury our species rarely has. My gift to you."
Elle Driver Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Elle Driver makes her iconic entrance to the film early on, when The Bride is still in a coma. Confidently entering the hospital and disguising herself as a nurse, she enters the Bride's room and prepares to finish the work they started earlier. As Elle stands before her unconscious enemy, she reflects on how she hates her, but also can't deny that she is an impressive warrior.
She also comments on how warriors' lives don't always end with a peaceful death, so Elle's plan to kill the Bride when she is in a coma can be seen as a generous act from one warrior to another. It's a glimpse into Elle's twisted mind when she tells the Bride she's doing it out of compassion, but the anger she displays when Bill calls off the murder suggests that she may be afraid of what will happen if the Bride wakes up.
“Your name is Buck… right?”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Controversial director Quentin Tarantino never shies away from vulgarity and brutality in his films and in Kill Bill films are a sign of this. After waking up from a prolonged coma and realizing that an orderly was paying people to come have sex with her after hours, she cuts his Achilles tendon before breaking his head with a door until he is dead.
The escalation is intense as Beatrix remembers some of the words he spoke to her while she was in a coma, and then uses them against him as the last thing he hears before she takes revenge on him. It's a brutal moment of revenge and no one deserves it more than the man who used his position to sexually assault a defenseless woman.and who likely hurt many other women throughout her career at the hospital.
"It is mercy, compassion and forgiveness that I lack. Not rationality!"
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
The Bride is a relentless warrior on her path of revenge, not allowing any distance or threat to stop her from making those who wronged her pay with their lives. However, she isn't a monster either and shows her supportive side when she confronts Vernita Green in her suburban home. After the Bride voluntarily calls for a temporary truce when Green's daughter returns home from school, Green admits that this is more rational than she expected from her would-be killer.
Yet in this chilling line, The Bride quickly reminds her why she is there and that the truce will not last forever. Beatrix makes it clear that she has no reason to traumatize the girl any more than she will when she kills her mother. However, Beatrix is also there seeking revenge and Vernita needs to know that a moment of compassion will not save her life.
“I didn’t mean to do that in front of you.”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
"For that, I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it - your mother deserved it!"
Although the Bride showed honor in stopping the fight, Green was not ready to return the favor, trying to catch the Bride off guard and shoot her, forcing the bride to throw a knife into her heart. When the girl comes across the bloody mess, the Bride warns her that this is not what she wants before inviting her to take revenge when she grows up if she so desires.
Of the many memorable Kill Bill quotes, this is the one that really teases a potential story for Kill Bill 3, or even a spin-off on Kill Bill timeline. There's no way a girl wouldn't see her mother murdered and not want revenge later in life. It seemed like it could be a great story in the future if Vernita's daughter went after Beatrix for her own dish of cold revenge.
"I can say without ego, this is my best sword."
Hattori Hanzo Kill Bill: Vol. 1
"If on your journey you encounter God, God will be cut off."
Hattori Hanzo has vowed to stop creating the world's best katana blades based on moral and philosophical principles. He realized that his skill as a sword maker allowed others to commit murder in his name, something he no longer wanted to be a part of. However, when Beatrix appeared in Japan demanding one of her blades, Hanzo felt a responsibility to help her in her quest to get Bill out.
His conflicting thoughts appear in this line, where he promises a perfect blade for the Bride to use on her bloody path of war. Some Kill Bill quotes convey the film's reverence for the Kung Fu genre as much as this one. This is a phrase that fits perfectly into any kung fu movie and is so exaggerated and mythical that it seems perfect coming from Hanzo.
"The price you pay for bringing up my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is...I collect your fucking head."
O-Ren Ishii Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Actress Lucy Liu played the iconic O-Ren Ishii, a woman who prided herself on being a cold, calculating, but fair leader of the famous Crazy 88, and her influence extended to the Yakuza circle in which she was involved. was thrilled to have his leadership, especially given her Chinese and American heritage. When one of your generals expresses his displeasure, she immediately decapitates him and gives a warning for the rest.
Liu's delivery is darkly comic, as she warmly and kindly tells the men she encourages them to talk to her about their concerns, before adding an exception that will have a brutal price if disobeyed. The eventual battle between The Bride and O-Ren Ishii is set with this quote, as this warrior proves that she is no one anyone should mess with.
“Those who are lucky enough to still have their lives, take them with you!”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
"However, leave behind the limbs you lost! They belong to me, now!"
For a display of raw killing power and bloodthirsty determination, the sequence where the Bride takes on the Crazy 88s is perfect, as she kills most of them and leaves the survivors writhing on the ground. As she surveys her bloody work, she offers a few choice words for those still breathing. It's a testament to an earlier part of the film, when the Bride speaks to Vernita Green and tells her that compassion is a quality she lacks, which proves to be a surprising reality in this scene.
Although she is unwilling to kill injured and defenseless enemies, she insists they pay a price for rising up against her. This is also just one of many great Kill Bill quotes about the Bride and O-Ren Ishii's confrontation. This quote defines the Bride as someone everyone should fear.
"Attack me with everything you have."
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
The Bride is certainly an impressive fighter when she takes on Crazy 88, but what makes her The greatest danger to your enemies is your determination. She is a woman who considers every injury and every obstacle as motivation to continue and fight back with even more strength. In addition to all her incredible skills, this is the quality that most delights her in the hearts of the public.
After facing O-Ren's entire army, the Bride still has to face her more experienced and deadly former colleague. The fight initially looks like it will end quickly, as O-Ren seriously attacks the Bride. However, faced with his provocation, The Bride remains resilient and challenges O-Ren to finish her off as much as he can. Regardless of whether she truly believed she had what it takes to defeat O-Ren, the courage with which the Bride faces her enemy shows a power that none of her enemies possess.
"For ridiculing you earlier, I apologize."
O-Ren Ishii Kill Bill: Vol. 1
The attempt on the Bride's life is a brutal attack, and each time the Bride confronts her former colleagues, it becomes clear that none of them are going to go easy on each other. However, There is a sense of honor and respect among these warriors. For O-Ren, the respect she has for the Bride seems to be quite low when they start fighting. She mocks her as a "silly caucasian girl"Whoever thinks they can fight like a samurai just because they have a blade.
However, as they continue to fight, the Bride also continues to prove herself, eventually landing a blow that makes O-Ren realize she is going to lose. While she is filled with shock and perhaps fear, O-Ren uses his final words to apologize to the Bride, not for the attack that left her in a coma, but for not respecting her abilities.
"Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, and like a forest, it's easy to get lost... to get lost... to forget where you entered."
Hattori Hanzo Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Quentin Tarantino certainly loves revenge films, as he has made several of them so far in his career. However, as satisfying as he can make the final act of some of these other films, Kill Bill is a more complex view of revenge and makes a complicated commentary on the subject. While Kill Bill: Vol. 1 It's a wild and fun take on the genre, but it also hints at the less conventional conclusion that awaits audiences.
Hattori Hanzo offers this advice to the Bride as she begins her quest, reflecting that, While the initial reason behind the revenge may seem clear, once it goes down that path, things can become less clear. In fact, Bill's betrayal of the Bride at the beginning of the story makes the audience want to see him pay, but the film makes this payoff a more detailed conclusion after everything that is learned.
“I’m going to ask you questions and every time you don’t give me answers, I’m going to cut something.”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 1
"And I promise you, they will be things you will miss!"
Getting to Bill meant sending a message to shake him and the rest of his old gang.. The decimation of Crazy 88 and the massacre of O-Ren Ishii were certainly a sign of what she could do, but she was also looking for more information about her next targets.
Having already lost an arm to the Bride's blade, Sofie is then questioned in a rather brutal manner. Sofie survives after being left at the hospital, and although the audience doesn't see how many answers she was unable to give the Bride, the imagination of what happened to her is more disturbing. This shows how brutal the Bride is and how she is willing to do worse things than kill her enemies.
"One more thing, Sofie... Does she know your daughter is still alive?"
Account - Kill Bill Vol. 1
Kill Bill Being split into two films may not have been Quentin Tarantino's original plan, but it works surprisingly well, as if it was always meant to be told this way. This includes the shocking cliffhanger for Kill Bill Vol. 1 as Bill reveals that the Bride's daughter is still alive after Bill's vicious attack on her. Although cliffhanger endings have become more popular in blockbusters, this is one of the most effective uses, as it shocks the audience while also presenting information that changes everything for the next chapter.
The two films tell two different stories. In the first film, The Bride is seeking bloody revenge on anyone who hurts her. However, the second film shows her getting closer to Bill and realizing that there is much more to this fight than just killing for revenge. The Bride has something to live for, she just doesn't know it yet.
"That woman deserves her revenge... and we deserve to die."
Friend - Kill Bill: Vol. 2
Bill visited his brother Budd to warn him about Beatrix's quest for revenge, certain that he would be next on her hit list. By that time, Budd's life had turned into misery as he worked a dead-end job for an unappreciative boss. It was a far cry from his glory days as a hired killer. When Bill brought the news, Budd was defiant on the outside but likable inside. Deep down, he knew that his actions justified his own deaths, a very different feeling normally seen in villains in revenge films.
However, This doesn't mean Budd will accept his fate willingly. Budd fights for his life because he knows no other way. Ultimately, out of everyone who tried to kill the Bride and massacred her wedding party, Budd was the one who realized that they had done something terrible and that fate was coming for them all.
"Right now, the biggest 'R' I feel is regret."
Elle Driver Kill Bill: Vol. 2
"I'm sorry that perhaps the greatest warrior I've ever known... met her end at the hands of a piece of shit like you! That woman deserved better."
Elle Driver may have hated Beatrix more than anyone, but along with that hatred came a noble sense of respect for her as a warrior. She understood very well how powerful the Bride was and that underestimating her was a mistake. None of the others Kill Bill quotes passed down the crew's mutual respect for each other more than Elle Driver's final words for Budd.
It's one of Tarantino's talents as a writer to be able to get into these pulpy genres, like revenge films, and populate them with layered characters that are far more interesting than audiences might expect. Seeing Elle talk to Budd like that shows that she knows there are levels to the people she's worked with. The Bride is the best of the best and deserves respect. Budd was inferior in her opinion and never deserved to breathe a deep breath with Beatrix.
“Do you know what I did? I killed that miserable old idiot!”
Elle Driver Kill Bill: Vol. 2
"I poisoned his fish heads and told him, 'To me, the word of an old fool like you is worth less than nothing!"
Despite the respect that Elle has for the Bride, when the two face each other, it is a violent fight in which neither warrior holds back. To anger the Bride, she reveals that she poisoned their mutual master, Pai Mei. Although she achieved the goal she wanted, The driver did not take into account Beatrix's skill with the blade while under the heat of anger.
It's an impactful line for the audience, just as Pai Mei was cemented as the ultimate kung fu master and learning of his death in such a treacherous way does the job of making Elle a detestable villain. That Kill Bill quote shows that Elle may have respected Beatrix, based on her previous quotes to Budd, but she didn't respect the art of kung fu enough to not kill a respected master by poisoning him and mocking his death to the Bride. This marked Elle's downfall.
“B****, you have no future!”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 2
After Elle's admission of Pai Mei's death, the Bride steels herself, ready to finish her off and cross another name off her list. Elle continues to insult her opponent, claiming that she killed Bide with his own sword which "in the very immediate future, it will become my sword." The Bride responds with this frightening threat, and they face swords again. Despite the incredible finish line, the Bride doesn't kill Elle.
This was almost worse than death.
Instead of, she simply gouged out her other eye and left her permanently blind and alone, screaming in the trailerwhich suggests that the future he has left will be unpleasant. This was almost worse than death. Elle is not only a merciless killer and a brilliant fighter, but she is also highly arrogant and prideful. Now, she has lost sight in both eyes and that has probably ended any future she had in this world.
“I only have one left. The last one; The one I'm driving to now. The only one left. And when I reach my destination, I will kill Bill!”
The Bride - Kill Bill: Vol. 2
Bill probably didn't understand the kind of monster he inadvertently unleashed when he took young Beatrix Kiddo under his wing and taught her the arts of killing. He opened her up to a whole new world of adventure, excitement, and dangers she didn't know were possible. Everything stopped the moment he decided to kill her at her own wedding. “The Bride” survived and began a campaign of bloody revenge that stopped right on Bill’s doorstep.
Beatrix would not give up, give up or reconcilemaking this promise directly to the public. This quote was one of the best in the entire film because it was the Bride explaining what this plot is about. She's going to kill everyone who hurt her and the last person on her list is the one who gave the orders, Bill. Beatrix is going to kill this man and nothing will stop her.