Austin Powers may be a hilarious character, but Dr. Evil's many hilarious quotes show that franchise villain Mike Myers is even funnier. Faking 1960s spy films, including the James Bond franchise, the Austin Powers the trilogy shows the fight between the titular spy and his enemy Dr. The trilogy - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Meand Austin Powers in Goldmember — pokes fun at typical spy thriller tropes. However, while there are countless great Austin Powers quotes, it's the Dr. Evil quotes that many find much more memorable.
Both Austin Powers The characters are played by Mike Myers, with the comedic actor showing his incredible talent for disappearing into both roles. It has been several decades since the third and final Austin Powers The film was released, but many Dr. Evil quotes have remained with fans as a reminder of one of the greatest comedy movie villains of all time. Whether the villain is protecting his cat, joking about fatherhood or just feeling nefarious, fans of the Austin Powers The films cite Dr. Evil's many, many memorable quotes as the franchise's funniest moments.
"Just know I have a bag full of 'Shh!' With your name on it.
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
It is a known fact that many James Bond villains like the sound of their own voice much more than hearing that of others, and Dr. Evil, as a parody of them, imitates this. However, if there's one person Dr. Evil really doesn't like listening to more than the rest, it's his son Scotty (played by Seth Green). This is evident from the first Austin Powers film, when Dr. Evil proves that he is not an evil genius who likes to be questioned as he gives a speech of silence when his son dares to question his plans.
Dr. Evil even introduces the world to the preventative method "shhhh" which happens before Scotty even starts talking. The scene continues, with Dr. Evil saying things like "www-dot-shh-dot-com" and other hilarious lines every time Scott tries to open his mouth and express his thoughts. It's really fun to see an evil genius being so immature, which is a trademark of Dr.
“You are the best bad son a bad father could ask for.”
Austin Powers in Goldmember
The most hilarious part of Dr. Evil's relationship with his son, Scotty, is that his son hated him and everything he stood for. However, in the third film in the franchise, Austin Powers in Goldmember, Scotty has a change of heart and embraces the evil ways of his father and his family name - a moment that fills Dr. Evil with an insurmountable level of pride.
The only time Dr. Evil is proud of Scott is when he does something dark, cruel, or downright evil.
A seemingly normal, if rebellious and angry, young man, Scott also wishes his father would stop trying to dominate the world and spend some time with him. It seems like the only time Dr. Evil is proud of Scott is when he does something dark, cruel, or downright evil. One of Dr. Evil's best quotes comes when Scotty finally begins to follow in his father's footsteps, with Dr. Evil proclaiming that Scotty is "the best bad son a bad father could ask for.” Scotty's turn to evil also sets up an interesting storyline for the potential Austin Powers 4.
"Why must I be surrounded by idiots?"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
James Bond villains have henchmen and minions to carry out their evil plans, so it makes sense that Dr. Evil would too. And just like the henchmen of the many villains 007 faces, Dr. Evil's own subordinates aren't very effective. However, while James Bond's adversaries are often too proud or stoic to vent their frustration on those they hire to do their bidding, Dr. Evil has no such reservations.
Many of Dr. Evil's most hilarious quotes occur when he throws a tantrum caused by the incompetence of his minions and henchmen. The irony of his frustration is that he's not exactly the smartest villain. Although his team obediently followed him wherever he went, for unknown reasons, they all seemed much more intelligent and logical than him. Even so, Dr. Evil didn't hesitate to call out his crew, throwing around insulting names like calling them "damn idiots" when everyone was doing their best to help him.
Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me
While Dr. Evil gets a little confused as he jumps through time between the three Austin Powers movies, time travel can benefit you in many ways. This includes the fact that he can use future knowledge to play mind games with his enemies. After traveling back in time to the 1960s, Dr. Evil calls the President of the United States and demands that he pay a ransom while showing off the power of his deadly laser.
This moment of meta-humor in Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me It gets even funnier when Dr. Evil fully admits that he simply showed a scene from a movie.
What follows is a scene that the 1960s president has never seen before, but that many viewers instantly recognize. The footage is enough to scare the president, but modern audiences immediately recognize it as the iconic White House explosion scene. Independence Day. This moment of meta-humor in Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me It gets even funnier when Dr. Evil fully admits that he simply showed a scene from a movie, but that his own weapon of mass destruction will have a similar effect.
“Indeed. Kill the little idiot, see if I care.”
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Dr. Evil is a hilarious parody of the Bond villain because he lacks the gravitas and reserve of 007's various foes and instead responds to his nemesis, Austin Powers, with a significant level of sass and playfulness. Dr. Evil is often very irreverent, more concerned with being in charge and making everyone listen to him than with accomplishing anything.
This trait leads to some of Dr. Evil's best quotes. It's especially hilarious in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery when he directs this indifference towards his son while Austin Powers holds Scott at gunpoint to force Dr. Instead of giving in or surrendering to Austin, Dr. Evil shows no interest in saving Scott's life, even uttering some insulting words while sentencing him to death. Interestingly, it's effective because Scott is so upset that Austin just lets him storm out in anger. However, it's giving Dr. Evil too much credit to suggest this was his plan all along.
“Because you’re not bad enough.”
Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me
The relationship between Scott and Dr. Evil is responsible for many hilarious moments throughout the film. Austin Powers trilogy, but one of the funniest comes in the second film, Austin Powers: The spy who fucked me. In one of the many Austin Powers special appearances, Dr. Evil and Scott come to Jerry Springer's show for a special episode about evil parents and their children. It's a moment that continues to explore the complicated dynamic between father and son, with Dr. Evil being hilariously candid with Scott about why he abandoned him.
It's a hilarious way to reintroduce Dr. Evil into the sequel, while also further strengthening Dr. Evil's storyline.
After telling Scott that he is not evil enough, Dr. Evil turns to the booing audience and says, "well, it's true."It's a hilarious way to reintroduce Dr. Evil into the sequel, while also further strengthening Dr. Evil and Scott's storyline, which is one of the most hilarious jokes in the Austin Powers trilogy.
“Is he sleeping? Well, okay. I don’t think Mini-Me is going to win any… Chocolate!”
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Dr. Evil's relationship with his son Scott isn't the only family connection the villain has that creates many hilarious moments throughout the franchise, as interactions with his clone, Mini-Me, create so many unforgettable laugh-out-loud quotes. Dr. Evil treats Mini-Me like the son he never had, doting on him and using him to do his bidding. Even though Mini-Me is actually a grown man, he constantly treats him like a child and Mini-Me is only too happy to oblige.
One of Dr. Evil and Mini-Me's especially funny moments arrives Austin Powers in Goldmember. Mini-Me decides to take a nap when he's supposed to be working, and Dr. Evil uses chocolate to wake him up - a reward that's sure to wake most kids from a deep sleep just thinking about it. Their strange relationship is one of the funniest aspects of the Austin Powers movies, and seeing Dr. Evil interact with Mini-Me in this way is priceless.
"You know, I have a simple request: to have sharks with laser beams stuck in their heads!"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Dr. Evil uses the word “damn” as punctuation, which is especially hilarious given that he has no qualms about being immoral when it comes to murder or theft, but seems to have a problem with swearing. While it's funny that a criminal mastermind refrains from swearing, he uses the word so often that it highlights his petulant temperament. Perhaps the funniest use of the word comes from a Dr. Evil quote that many consider synonymous with the character - when he laments the fact that he doesn't have sharks equipped with laser beams.
It's a ridiculous request, but to Dr. Evil it seems completely logical and his displeasure with it sounds more like a child throwing a tantrum.
In this case, Dr. Evil is acting as if his demand for laser beams attached to sharks' heads is incredibly simple and he's perplexed as to why his team can't grant him, which makes for one of his most hilarious lines in any film. Austin Powers film. Sure, it's a ridiculous request, but to Dr. Evil it seems completely logical and his displeasure with it sounds more like a child throwing a tantrum.
"I've been frozen for thirty years, okay?"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Time travel in Austin Powers the films are many of the franchise's best quotes, whether they're from the hero Austin Powers or Dr. Both the hero and the villain end up being fish out of water in the first film, as they move from the 1960s to the 1990s. With the cultural changes of the time, Dr. Evil discovers that losing 30 years of history has affected his evil plans.
Upon being thawed and reanimated, Dr. Evil comes up with several plans, including framing Prince Charles for having an affair to blackmail the Royal Family and blowing holes in the O-Zone layer. Upon hearing that these things had already happened, Dr. Evil angrily tells his minions that they need to update him on current events. What makes this quote from Dr. Evil especially hilarious is that he believes these events would be threatening to the world, but instead, the world managed to continue despite them.
"Doctor Evil! I didn't spend six years at Evil Medical School to be called 'sir', thank you very much."
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Many villains in mid-20th century spy thrillers (not to mention comic books and superhero films as well) are doctors of some description, although exactly what they hold a doctorate in is rarely, if ever, disclosed. This is why Dr. Evil's quote when he directly mentions his professional title is so hilarious.
Evil is probably not a real doctor, but he claims to have attended an institution called "Evil Medical School", which in itself is funny to imagine and fits perfectly into Evil's world of espionage. Austin Powers films.
Evil is probably not a real doctor, but he claims to have attended an institution called "Evil Medical School", which in itself is funny to imagine and fits perfectly into Evil's world of espionage. Austin Powers films. Possibly because it makes him seem intelligent even though he is like a bratty child, stamping his feet when he doesn't get his way and trapped in an adult body. It's another reminder that most of Dr. Evil's image is carefully crafted to look like an evil genius, but he has nothing to back it up.
"Throw me a damn bone here!"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Dr. Evil's frustration with his minions and subordinates is a recurring theme of the franchise and one of his character's most recognizable traits, but his repeated appeals to them "throw him a damn bone" - which both contain their pseudo-curse"damn" and is delivered with a dash of non-villainous vernacular slang - is the viewer most associated with this particular heartbreak of Austin Power's nemesis.
This quote from Dr. Evil is one of the most used by fans of the Austin Powers films. Throughout the trilogy, "Throw me a damn bone here" becomes something of a catchphrase for Dr. Evil, often spoken in frustration when he doesn't get what he wants or when he can't get a little help. This shows Dr. Evil's incompetence that he often has to make excuses for being wrong or for his plans not working. The idea of a criminal mastermind asking people to go easy on him is something only Dr. Evil could pull off.
"My father would be a womanizer, he would drink. He would make outrageous statements as if he had invented the question mark."
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers in gold member delved into the origin of Austin Power's nemesis, including a flashback sequence and the revelation that Dr. Evil and Austin Powers went to school together and were long-lost brothers. However, Dr. Evil's funniest quote related to the villain's history came much earlier in the franchise in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, when he launched into a monologue about his eccentric father. Dr. Evil reveals detail after bizarre detail about his paternal guardian, with each revelation stranger and more bombastic than the last.
“My father was a tirelessly self-improving Belgian boulangerie owner with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for sodomy. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. ... He made outrageous claims as if he had invented the question mark. Sometimes he accused chestnuts of being lazy. The kind of general malaise that only geniuses possess and the insane whining were typical of my childhood. in the spring we would make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was put in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds, in fact. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Wilma. I shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shaved scrotum... it's breathtaking.
Although each detail is funny in its own way, the fact that Dr. Evil's father claims to have invented the question mark is, without a doubt, what makes viewers laugh the most. Evil had a very strange upbringing, with a lot of sadness and trauma, but Mike Myers manages to make his entire childhood story seem irreverently hilarious through his deadpan delivery. The story itself is so bizarre that Austin Powers fans still quote selected verses from him to this day.
"It makes me angry, and when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people die!"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Dr. Evil parodies a series of James Bond villains at various points in the Austin Powers trilogy, but there is one specific 007 antagonist, most of his mannerisms and appearances are directly (and hilariously) lifted from. Although Myers said he modeled the characters after a print of Saturday night liveLorne Michaels' Dr. Evil is also a hilarious take on the iconic James Bond villain Blofeld, specifically, the version of Donald Pleasence who appears in You only live twice.
Dr. Evil's cat has the hilarious and unintimidating name "Mr. Bigglesworth."
Blofeld loves sitting in his favorite chair, petting his pet cat, and Dr. Evil is first introduced in the Austin Powers films in the same way. Except Dr. Evil's cat doesn't have fur to match his own head. What's more, Dr. Evil's cat has the hilariously unintimidating name of "Mr. Bigglesworth." Mr. Bigglesworth was one of the funniest references to James Bond movies in Austin Powers and his love for his cat is a rare and endearing quality in the villain.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, we finally have a working tractor beam, which we will call... Preparation H."
Austin Powers in Goldmember
This quote from Dr. Evil from the third Austin Powers the film is a quick and simple joke, but still incredibly memorable (especially since it leads to an equally hilarious interaction between Dr. Evil and his son Scott). Even in moments of victory, Dr. Evil can't help but look like a fool. After preparations A through G for his tractor beam fail, Dr. Evil proudly announces the success of "Preparation H."
Scott is quick to point out that Preparation H is a popular brand of cream used to treat hemorrhoids, thus humiliating his father in yet another of his greatest moments. But Dr. Evil often seems oblivious to obvious facts like this, which is part of his charm. While it's a mere coincidence that Dr. Evil and his team are on their eighth attempt at making a tractor beam, the choice of name only makes for an unfortunate and hilarious oversight.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my undersea lair. It's long, hard, and full of sailors! No? Nothing? Not even a laugh? Tough sub..."
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Every now and then, Dr. Evil would try to tell a joke and hope that his loyal and typically stolid crew would actually laugh, but they never do, at least not when he expected them to laugh, and especially not at this joke. . Other James Bond trope that the Austin Powers Film parody is 007's penchant for a double entendre or two, especially in his earlier incarnations such as those played by Sean Connery and Roger Moore.
While Austin Powers manages to get laughs from his colleagues at every turn by making saucy puns, Dr. Evil does not.
While Austin Powers manages to get laughs from his colleagues at every turn by making saucy puns, Dr. Evil does not. Your description of your submarine in Austin Powers in gold member is filled with innuendo, but the franchise's antagonist doesn't get positive reactions when he says lines like this compared to when Powers does it. Powers has a geeky charm, while Dr. Evil is disappointed by the lack of reaction to this joke he probably spent a lot of time crafting.
"Austin Powers... He's the snake to my mongoose... or the mongoose to my snake... Either way, it's bad. I don't know animals. But I know this: this time, it's personal."
Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me
If there's one trope that 007's villains are known for, it's the evil monologue. It was guaranteed that Austin Powers would parody this with Dr. Evil, and the result was equally guaranteed to be hilarious. Despite often acting otherwise, Dr. Evil isn't the most formidable intellectual villain, a fact that means Austin Powers is able to easily outwit him at almost every opportunity.
Even Dr. Evil's most menacing lines are riddled with errors as he tries to imply that Powers is his archenemy, the person he wants to eat alive and swallow whole to get rid of. Except, he can't remember if the snake eats the mongoose in the real world or if it's the other way around. He drops the analogy and simply says it's personal, quickly moving on before his subordinates focus too much on his ignorance.
“You like your almost futuristic clothes, sir. I designed them myself.”
Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me
Some of the best jokes Austin Powers There are visual gags and near-fourth-wall-breaking moments, and among the best of them is when Dr. Evil describes his outfit as "almost futuristic," a clear nod to the often cheesy sci-fi elements of many of the 1990s spies. 1960. thrillers that dabbled with advanced (for the time) technology. Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me takes a page from the James Bond movie Moonraker causing the climax to take place in outer space.
While it was a bit silly to see Bond going into space, the second Austin Powers The film has a lot of fun with the setting while also poking fun at the “almost futuristic” outfits seen in that particular 007 adventure.
While it was a bit silly to see Bond going into space, the second Austin Powers The film has a lot of fun with the setting while also poking fun at the “almost futuristic” outfits seen in that particular 007 adventure. As Dr. Evil shows off the new look for Austin Powers, he admits that he designed them himself. The idea of this evil genius wasting time on his plans to conquer the world to design space suits is hilariously absurd.
"Why make trillions, when we can make... billions?"
Austin Powers: the spy who fucked me
Although Dr. Evil has a doctorate (which he is very proud of), that doesn't necessarily mean he's smart. As it turns out, he's actually hilariously unintelligent, as shown by this memorable quote from Dr. One of Dr. Evil's best-known quotes is simply "one million dollars!"This is a ransom demand for the entire Earth, which he believes is an astronomical number.
However, his epic revelation is met with a muted reaction from his subordinates, as they have to explain that a million dollars won't get their evil organization very far in the 1990s. When it is suggested that he should demand a trillion dollars, he confidently states that they should ask for a billion, proving that his basic math is not very strong for an apparent evil genius.. He said it so forcefully that it was yet another embarrassing moment for the villain.
"Finally, we come to my number two man. His name? Number two."
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
There are several villains in spy franchises like James Bond and others in which the main antagonist's second-in-command is simply named after an obvious physical characteristic or their role in the organization. The obvious examples are, of course, Jaws (who has metal teeth) and Oddjob, who does odd jobs for his boss, Goldfinger. Austin Powers takes it a step further with Dr. Evil, who treats his staff so poorly that he doesn't even give them proper titles or use their real names.
Aside from the obvious fact that he simply calls a number rather than knowing your name, there are a plethora of bathroom jokes that could be applied.
Instead, he calls his eyepatch-wearing number two right-hand man (Robert Wagner) simply Number Two. Aside from the obvious fact that he simply calls a number rather than knowing your name, there are a plethora of bathroom jokes that could be applied. It is also another example of Austin Powers Films that comment on tropes of the spy genre like the villain's dexterous henchmen don't get much development.
"Well, don't look at me like I'm fucking Frankenstein! Give your dad a hug!"
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
This Dr. Evil quote is yet another laugh-out-loud moment that comes directly from his incredibly bizarre relationship with his son, Scott. Little moves Dr. Evil emotionally, except his family, of course. Long before his Mini-Me clone, Dr. Evil is informed of the existence of his son Scott, who is not so cordial with his father. Dr. Evil often struggles to hide his disappointment and borderline animosity towards Scott, which is always funny. What's funnier, though, is when he tries to be a loving father to him.
After trying unsuccessfully to get closer to his son and then ruining the Macarena in one of the most underrated jokes in the world, Austin Powers movies, Dr. Evil tries to give Scott a hug. The image of him staggering awkwardly toward Scott with his arms outstretched bears a strong resemblance to Frankenstein, as Dr. Evil points out.