The 2024 Player's Handbook Will Completely Change How You Use Scrolls and Potions in D&D

The 2024 Player's Handbook Will Completely Change How You Use Scrolls and Potions in D&D

A D&D elf opens a spell scroll.

Spell scrolls and potions are super useful consumables in Dungeons & Dragons That often ends up underutilized by players. This is mostly due to the fact that the scale of many games does not require a massive stockpile of these items, and when they are needed, they can often be found throughout the adventures of the party. While players have always had the ability to create extras, It is not a practice many parties participate in.

But the new 2024 Player's Handbook Provides more detailed, straightforward rules for consumable creation that may encourage players to take another look. Spell scrolls and healing potions specifically have their creation processes laid out in more direct terms And have been made easier to access by a wide range of players. Especially after the smash hit of Baldur's Gate 3What uses DND Rules and highlights the use of scrolls and potions, more parties may be excited to use this crafting ability.

How crafting consumables work in the 2024 Player's Handbook of D&D

A greater emphasis on item construction than ever before

A D&D elf opens a spell scroll.

The 2024 Player's HandbookThe new rules specify the tools, prophecies, costs, and material components of all kinds of spell scrolls and basic healing potions. Healing potions are extremely simple, requiring a character to own a herbalism kit and have proficiency with it, and then spend 25 gold pieces and 8 hours to build one potion. Scrolls, on the other hand, require Calligrapher's Tools or Arcana proficiency on any type of spellcasterThe material components of the spell, and an amount of time and money depending on the spell's level.

Scrolls in particular here are open to more classes to craft than in the 2014 rules, and make a great way for spellcasters to share their magical abilities. But those aren't the only things players can do in 2024 Player's Handbook. In fact, the book lists every tool set offered in DNDThe ability score it relates to, and the specific items it can be used to craft. Items require half the gold they cost to buy and a number of days equal to a tenth of their gold cost to craft.

These items now have more use in tense situations

Not only are the rules about crafting these items different, but the way they are used has also changed. Fortunately, both have changed for the better, and are some of DNDs most pertinent new rules. Healing potions now take a bonus action instead of an action to drink or to lead to another creature. This makes healing during combat much easier and more viable, meaning players have a higher chance of surviving dangerous encounters.

Scrolls are a bit more complicated. The item description for a level one spell scroll states that if it requires an attack roll or saving throw, the roll has a +5 and the saving throw has a DC of 13. However, Crafted scrolls use the spellcasting modifier of the party member who crafted themMeaning a party member with high intelligence could make, say, a scroll of FireballGive it to the fighter, and the fighter can use it to great effect. These changes go a long way to making the classic items more interesting and useful Dungeons & Dragons' New rules.

Source: Dungeons and Dragons / YouTube