Clones were an integral part Star wars since they were introduced in Star wars. Episode II - Attack of the Clonesbut some clones are stronger and more powerful than others. The idea of the Clone Wars was originally introduced in the original. Star wars film (later renamed New hope), when Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker that he fought alongside his father in the war. However, this world-building aspect of the original trilogy would not be officially introduced until 2002.
Although clones were an integral part of the last two prequel films, they really became beloved when George Lucas developed Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television show in 2008. This show introduced viewers to many other clones who quickly became fan favorites. Some of these clones became fan favorites and appeared in many more Star wars titles. So many Star wars The animation is focused on the clones, so it's only fair to see which clones are the most powerful.
The definition of "powerful" in this list goes beyond mere physical strength.. The clones below are ranked based on the strength they possess in any given situation, from mental toughness to physical ability. Some of the most powerful clones can be physically defeated, but they never let that stop them. With that said, here are the 12 most powerful clones in the world. Star warsfrom the franchise's earliest clones to some of its latest additions.
Jessie (CT-5597)
Last Appearance: Tales of the Jedi Episode 5 "Practice Makes Perfect"
Jesse was introduced as a clone lieutenant of Anakin Skywalker's 501st Legion. Jesse was also assigned as an Advanced Scout Commando (or ARC Trooper). In the final episodes Clone WarsJesse took over the 332nd Company following the execution of Order 66. Since Jesse was essentially Captain Rex's right-hand man, he knew much of what the clone captain and Ahsoka Tano were planning. Jesse was almost able to stop and kill Ahsoka and Rex as they tried to escape. Seeing how much influence and power Jesse had over his brothers in 332 makes him a powerful clone.
Kix (CT-6116)
Last appearance: The Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 1 "The Bad Batch"
Kix was another member of the 501st Legion and a medic who helped his brothers when they were wounded. After Fives' death in Clone Wars In season six, Kix investigated what ultimately led to his brother's murder. Kix eventually discovered a Sith plot to use clone inhibitor chips to destroy the Jedi. Kix was captured by the Separatists and placed in stasis, and Kix remained frozen for almost fifty years. Kix was awakened by the pirates shortly before the start Star wars continuation of the trilogy and was known as the last clone.
It was his desire to protect his brothers as a medic and his relentless fear of investigating what happened to Fives that made Kix so powerful. While he may not have been a strong frontline player with his blaster, he was a reliable man on the field, always looking out for his brothers. Even decades later, after awakening from stasis, Kix had adjusted well enough to join the pirates and start a new life. However, several other clones have surpassed him in this area.
Commander Wolf (CC-3636)
Wolff was the trusted commander of Jedi Master Plo Koon's Wolfpack, also known as the 104th Battalion. Despite the fact that he knew a lot about the last part of Wolf's life from his speeches in Star Wars Rebelslittle is known about how he ended up with Rex and Gregor on Silos. The last time viewers saw Wolf, he was working for the Empire and was sent to capture Omega. Rather than harm his other brothers in Rex and the rest of Clone Squad 99, Wolf let them go.. It is unclear what happened after this incident, but Wolfe likely faced some disciplinary action from the Empire.
Wolf's willingness to do this for his brothers proves his strength. Even in such a high and influential position within the Empire, Wolff refused to obey an order that would not only harm his brothers, but also put a child like Omega at risk. However, Wolff had his moments, such as when he called the Empire to Silos to capture Ghost crew - but he came to his senses and helped them avoid captivity. However, this causes the other clones to surpass him in strength.
Commander Cody (CC-2224)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 2, Episode 3 "The Lonely Clone"
Commander Cody has been a fan favorite clone ever since he appeared in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith as the leader of Obi-Wan Kenobi's 212th Squad. Through clone wars, It became apparent how important Cody was to the Jedi and his brothers. Cody's power came because he was respected by both the clones and the Jedi - even Clone Squad 99, who were generally wary of the regulated "regular" clones.
The last time viewers saw Cody, he was working on a mission for the Empire.but he went AWOL soon after. It is unknown what happened to Cody, although it is in the draft Obi-Wan KenobiCody would live with Kenobi on Tatooine. While this didn't happen in the TV show, it does seem to hint at the fact that Cody does continue to be a fairy deep into the Imperial era.
Emery Carr
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
Dr. Emery Carr is such a unique clone because she is one of only two female clones that the public knows about. Not only that, she is incredibly smart and was able to help Nala Xie complete some research for the Empire. Although Emery often used her intelligence for the benefit of the Empire, she eventually joined her brothers and helped Echo rescue Omega and the other children from Mount Tantiss. It is unclear what happened to Emery after the events Star wars: Bad Batchbut it seemed like she would go with Echo and Rex to help the other clones escape the Empire.
Her intelligence, as well as her desire to become a better person, makes Emery very powerful. Tantiss was a terrifying place, led by an even more terrifying man, and Emery still did everything she could to help the children after learning of their existence. While it's true that Emery should have done more up to this point, she provided her assistance when it really mattered most, and the fact that she will continue to ensure her a strong place on this list.
Sight (CT-9904)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
Crosshair became a favorite clone after his character appeared in Bad Batch. He found out that being a good soldier does not mean blindly following orders, but being loyal to people who are loyal to you.. Crosshair's journey was truly heartwarming and his willingness to help his brothers and Omega was truly touching, making it one of the best Dee Bradley Baker performances ever. Star wars. Crosshair's precision shooting skills have changed greatly since he was first introduced, but since his dominant arm was cut off in Bad BatchIn the end, he lost them altogether.
However, much of Crosshair's strength came from his sense of loyalty. No matter who he swears allegiance to, he knows that there is always a fighter in him, be it his squad or the short time he spent in the service of the Empire. Even though he has lost most of his marksmanship skills due to his arm, Crosshair still has that strength, making him a strong contender on this list.
Saboteur (CT-9903)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
As the physically strongest member of Clone Squad 99, Racker often does most of the heavy lifting. It was quickly revealed that despite Wrecker's size and strength, he was often the most childish of his brothers, clinging to a refreshing amount of wonder and enthusiasm. For example, he and Omega would often pair up to get sweet treats after missions.
Despite this, Wrecker was always serious when needed. The power he exuded when his chip activated on Brakk was frightening, but even more powerful was his desire to apologize and make amends to his squad as best he could. There is no doubt that Racker, second only to Omega in this regard, was the heart of Clone Squad 99. his dedication to Omega and the rest of Clone Squad 99, which made him one of the most powerful clones..
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
Omega is an incredibly unique clone because, like Boba Fett, she was not genetically altered and was essentially a carbon copy of Jango Fett. Despite Omega's young age and small stature, she proved everything Bad Batch that she was more than capable as a member of Clone Squad 99.. It was Omega who planned her and Crosshair's first escape from Mount Tantiss and initiated her second escape in the series finale. Omega having all of these skills at such a young age will make her an incredible asset to the Rebellion she joins. Bad BatchEpilogue.
While Omega has certainly proven that she is very physically strong and capable for her age, perhaps the strongest thing about her is her sense of empathy. Omega refuses to leave anyone, especially his fellow clones, even if it means facing his greatest fears, such as returning to Tantiss to help them. This sense of integrity instilled in her easily makes her one of the most powerful clones, second only to several others.
Hunter (CT-9901)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
Even though Hunter is most similar to a standard clone, his ability to sense and track targets is a skill that is highly underrated. However, Hunter's love for his team and Omega is his greatest strength.. He is willing to do anything, including crossing the galaxy several times to find them. As the de facto leader of Clone Squad 99, I thought it was right that Hunter should be the one to catch Omega before she left Pabu in Bad BatchEpilogue. Although he eventually lets her go, it's nice to see that even in his old age he still retains his power.
What is perhaps most impressive about Hunter's power is the way he contains and controls it. Possessing enhanced senses is no small feat, but the Hunter only uses these skills when necessary and does not use them with any evil intentions. He especially uses them to protect his family, and also when he hears Omega's attempt to leave Pabu undetected. Bad BatchEpilogue. Hunter seamlessly combines his physical, mental and emotional powers, making him the most powerful (original) member of Clone Force 99.
Echo (CT-1409)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 3, Episode 15 "Calvary Has Arrived"
Echo was originally introduced in previous seasons of the series. Clone Wars as a regular clone who was part of the Domino Squad. He and Fives were later promoted to ARC soldiers in the 501st. Echo was presumed dead after apparently being blown up in the Separatist Citadel prison, but it was discovered in Clone Wars In the seventh season, the Techno Union used Echo's mind to predict the Republic's battle strategy. The Stealth Squad helped rescue Echo, and he was shown to have lost both legs and one arm in the initial explosion.
Echo was essentially transformed into a cyborg, and he could infiltrate systems simply by connecting to the network. No longer feeling like he belonged to the clones of the 501st, Echo joined Clone Squad 99. After learning of Captain Rex's underground network of clones, Echo became a cyborg. Echo left Bad Batch to help Rex. Even though Echo started out as a regular old clone, he reluctantly became one of the most powerful. His skills as an ARC trooper combined with his cybernetic enhancements meant that he was a threat on many levels.and his own sense of bravery and courage further enhanced his skill.
Tech (CT-9902)
Last appearance: The Bad Batch, Season 2, Episode 16, “Plan 99.”
Tek quickly became a fan favorite clone due to his abrasive personality and intelligence. Tech lived up to his name by being incredibly gifted at repairing technology, and was often the brains Clone Squad 99 relied on when things went awry on missions. However, these abilities were far from the power and strength of Thek.
Victim of technology Bad Batch The Season 2 finale was truly heartbreaking, but it also showed how much he loved and cared for his brothers. At that moment, Tek knew that he would have to give his life to save his family, and so it was he who took the photo that helped his family survive, even if it meant that he could not join him. Thek's strength was his intellect, but he was much more than that. and his relationship with Omega, as well as his bravery in sacrifice, proved this.
Captain Rex (CT-7567)
Star wars Titles featuring Captain Rex |
Year |
Star Wars: The Clone Wars |
2008-2020 |
Star Wars: The Bad Batch |
2019-2024 |
Star Wars Rebels |
2014-2018 |
Ahsoka |
2023-present |
Return of the Jedi (unconfirmed cameo) |
1983 |
Captain Rex has long been a fan favorite clone due to his leadership and dedication to the Jedi and his fellow clones. Despite the fact that Rex is an ordinary clone, he is one of the strongest. His mental toughness allowed him to warn Ahsoka Tano about the inhibitor chips in the clone's head, despite the chip forcing him to try to kill her. Rex was also willing to go along with whatever crazy plans Anakin Skywalker came up with. His leadership qualities really showed in Bad Batch when he led an underground network of clones to save them from the Empire.
It's easy to see how beloved Rex is when you consider how many shows he's appeared in. In fact, with his cameo appearance in Ahsokahe is the only clone to make the transition from animation to live action. Although viewers still don't know how he ended up on Zilos with Gregor and Wolf. Star wars definitely haven't seen the last of Rex. With so many stories yet to be told, viewers can only hope that Star wars I haven't finished all the stories related to the clones yet.