1000 Pound Sisters star Tammy Slaton just weighed in again, revealing a surprising new milestone in her health journey. Tammy has come so far since starting her weight loss transformation years ago. She and several members of her family, including Amy Slaton and Chris Combs, have also undergone successful transformations. Tammy, as the best known 1000 Pound Sisters cast member, continues to make headlines whenever she shows how much weight she has lost. A recent episode of 1000 Pound Sisters season 6 revealed that she lost 500 pounds in total.
Tammy Slaton achieved another"mind-blowing"Weight loss milestone in a new 1000 Pound Sisters clip.
After her most recent weigh-in showed her weighing 303 pounds, Tammy was shown in a new 1000 Pound Sisters clip (via TLC) reaching for another "mind-blowing" landmark, as she described it. Tammy stepped on the scale, revealing her current weight of 281.2 poundsmeaning she lost an additional 21.8 pounds. She has reason to celebrate in more ways than one, as her weight is now under 300, but she also weighs less than her brother Chris, who they joke about in the clip.
In a confessional, Tammy remembered the last time she weighed 281 and guessed she was in 4th or 5th grade. "I'm the little sister, but I'm not the big sister anymore", she jokes. Back in the room after the weigh-in, Tammy questions how she can be lighter than Chris."You should be lighter than me", he says, and she responds:"Why am I short?"Someone in the room enters to add,"He's saying he has a lot of muscles." Chris is ecstatic about Tammy's success and never thought this day would come.
What Tammy Slaton's New Weight Loss Milestone Means
Tammy's skin removal surgery could happen soon
After her last weigh-in, Tammy's surgeon, Dr. Eric Smith, will be extremely happy with Tammy's weight loss transformation the next time she has an appointment. He was already very pleased with how quickly she was losing weightso it will be exciting to watch the next appointment. Presumably, discussions about skin removal surgery will resume.
Tammy's possible skin removal surgery has been hotly debated on social media in recent months, with several fans wondering why she hasn't undergone the procedure yet. There were even some messages in the latter's comments section 1000 Pound Sisters clip acknowledging that Tammy will weigh even less when she goes under the knife. Her doctor, as an expert in this situation, knows what is best for herthen it will determine when they can proceed to the next step.
Our Take on Tammy Slaton's Latest Weight Loss Update
Tammy is extremely proud of herself
Tammy is extremely proud of her accomplishments, as she should be. She now weighs less than her brother, but that hasn't made Chris hesitate in supporting his sister, despite the jokes shared between them on 1000 Pound Sisters clip. In fact, he may be even happier about her success than he has ever been in his life. This bond between siblings is being strengthened as Tammy and Chris encourage each other to keep reaching milestone after milestone.
Source: TLC/Instagram