The 10 scariest Doctor Who monsters that deserved more than one appearance

The 10 scariest Doctor Who monsters that deserved more than one appearance

The imagination of Doctor Who
of Monster is surprising, but despite featuring some notable villains, there are others who never made it past their first on-screen appearance. In the more than sixty years that Doctor Who been on TV, the few constants continue to be the Doctor, his TARDIS and his companions. Meanwhile, monsters and villains make occasional appearances, but the series has fallen into the routine of having a small number of rotating monsters, with many other aliens and life forms appearing in single stories.

For every adventure in which the Master returns, or the Daleks strike fear into the hearts of everyone they meet, There are stories with a single villain. Of course, when protagonists across space and time, they are likely to encounter a seemingly infinite variety of bad guys. However, there are several of these villains who are incredibly complex and full of depth, despite only having one appearance in the story. And like the Weeping Angels of the modern era, they deserve to be brought back and have their stories expanded.



Brutal Alien Invaders

Doctor Who Christmas - Sycorax

Starting with the first aliens the Tenth Doctor came into contact with after regeneration, the Sycorax. Sycorax is an interesting species that has a very rudimentary language based on tribal and belligerent languages. They wear armor made from bones and appear incredibly hostile and aggressive, trying to take over a planet as soon as they get there. However, despite their apparent tribalism and ritualistic nature, the Sycorax are a highly advanced race.

Obviously, these creatures appear to have cracked the code when it comes to light-speed space travel, but the fact that they can do so on what appears to be a large rock suggests that they have advanced incredibly quickly. Furthermore, their science allows them to take control of entire parts of the population through the use of blood in a way reminiscent of magic. Of course, when science is sufficiently advanced it appears indistinguishable from magic, and the Sycorax are clearly far more advanced than humans in terms of technology.



Shapeshifting nightmare

Mara is trapped in a circle of mirrors in Doctor Who

Technically, Mara appeared in two different stories during the classic era, but the two times were very close, in season 19 and then in season 20. Since then, the character has never been seen again, although the recent reappearance of characters such as the Toymaker and Sutekh have made reference to the Mara. Today, the Mara is considered one of the members of the Pantheon of Gods in Doctor Whobut when they first appeared, they were a manifestation of human greed and hatred.

While inhabiting Tegan, the creature was able to increase in power, until it finally emerged from her body and revealed its true serpent form.

When the Fifth Doctor met Mara, he was able to take control of her companion Tegan. While inhabiting Tegan, the creature was able to increase in power, until it finally emerged from her body and revealed its true serpent form. Like Sutekh, the Mara was not killed, but exiled and imprisoned. With the recent mentions of the character, it seems likely that they could appear again in the near future. Doctor Who as the narrative involving the Pantheon continues.


Vashta Narada

Dark Creatures of Books

Vashta Nerada skeletons in Doctor Who

One of the greatest monsters of the modern era, the Vashta Narada, is another rival faced by the Tenth Doctor. While exploring the largest library in the universe, the Doctor notices that the entire planet appears abandoned. However, the scanners detected nearby life forms. It turns out that an invisible race of creatures that once lived in the forests were transported to the planet through the pages of the books that populated the library.


Trying to settle into his new home, Vashta Narada killed any life forms he found, but the creatures were unable to move out of the shadows. Once inhabiting a body, however, the creatures can control the bodies of their victims, transforming them into walking skeletons. TThe horror of these unseen rivals made them mysterious and terrifying, and they deserve another chance on the show.


The cheetah people

Ferocious humanoids

Cheetah People with the Seventh Doctor Sylvestor McCoy in Doctor Who

One of the most interesting stories from the Seventh Doctor's era was when he encountered the mysterious Cheetah People. During the journey, the Doctor lands on a planet that appears to be inhabited by humanoid creatures with cheetah heads and animalistic natures. These creatures were predatory and seemed to behave purely instinctively. However, when they die, they will transform into a fully humanoid form.

Their eyes would change color, claws would grow on their hands, and they would slowly become a ferocious predator. This affects any humanoid lifeform, including humans and Time Lords. The planet is incredibly interesting and would be worth revisiting in a modern way. Doctor Who history.



Mister Alien Manipulator

Tom Baker as Meglos in Doctor Who

Meglos was one of the most powerful rivals the Fourth Doctor ever faced. The creature was the last survivor of its species, the Zolfa-Thurans, and its true form resembled a cactus, although it was very large and wide. However, despite this unassuming and prickly appearance, Meglos had enough power to imprison the Doctor and Romana. And furthermore, Meglos then took the form of the Doctor for himself.


Initially, the copy was stable and a perfect simulation of the Doctor, but over time, his true form began to leak out. The creature's incredible powers, the fact that it is the last of its kind and that it can hide in plain sight make it a fascinating rival for the Doctor. However, since its initial appearance, Meglos was never seen again. Presumably the lifespan isn't as extensive as that of a Time Lords, but the Doctor could cross over somewhere in their timeline.


The Lord of Dreams

Master of distorted reality

The Dream Lord in the TARDIS in Doctor Who

During an Eleventh Doctor adventure, the threat came from inside the TARDIS and led to one of the most incredible stories in the series. The Doctor and Amy Pond are trapped inside the TARDIS and forced to undergo various tests by a mysterious figure dressed as the Doctor. Initially, this trickster appeared to be an all-powerful, god-like creature capable of warping reality, but the final moments of the episode revealed a much more frightening rival.

The Dream Lord, as they called themselves, turned out to be a part of the Doctor's mind that manifested. Although the Doctor is generally seen as a hero, a healer and a friend, the Dream Lord took the darker parts of the Doctor's personality and used them to force him and his companion through terrible trials. Although the Fifteenth Doctor has separated himself from previous versions through bigeneration, it is still possible that the Doctor has a dark side, waiting to be explored again.



Deadly alien chameleons

The Krillitanes attack in Doctor Who

Another rival of the Tenth Doctor, a mysterious series of missing cases at a school caught the Doctor's attention and led him to investigate what really lay beyond these disappearances. After taking a job as a teacher at the school, the Doctor slowly uncovers the dark truth that a group of monstrous aliens have taken over the school and dominated the teaching staff. These body snatchers were known as the Krillitane, a race of aliens who evolved at an incredible rate as they fought and adapted parts of their own bodies with aspects of their fallen rivals.

The versatility of this creature and the fact that it can look and behave very differently with each new encounter makes them incredibly interesting.

While this accelerated evolution gave the creatures wings, venomous bites, and numerous other advancements, it also meant that they became resistant to their own bodily fluids. The oil they exuded could be consumed by humans and even increased their brain power, but for the Krillitane it was deadly. The versatility of this creature and the fact that it can look and behave very differently with each new encounter makes them incredibly interesting.



Alien shapeshifters

Chameleon people in Doctor Who

Much earlier in the Doctor's timeline, during his second regeneration, the Doctor encountered a race of aliens who had incredible scientific capabilities. However, with their curiosity came a downfall, when an experiment gone wrong burned and disfigured many of the aliens seemingly beyond repair. However, through further study, they found a new way to survive.

By stealing the faces and likenesses of other aliens, these Faceless Ones were able to adapt and continue to present themselves as typical humanoid creatures. The Doctor's dealings with the Chameleons once again led to moments where these creatures were able to steal the identities of their enemies, but they created totally interesting villains.


The Trickster

Entity that distorts reality

The Trickster speaking to David Tennant's Tenth Doctor in The Sarah Jane Adventures

Although not technically featured in the main series of Doctor Whothe Trickster stands out as one of the Doctor's most interesting and powerful enemies and another member of the Pantheon of Gods. His first and so far only appearance was in Sarah Jane Adventures spin-off, but they came face to face with the Doctor. The extradimensional being had considerable powers to distort reality, and this again became known in Doctor who is main show.

When Donna encounters a giant alien beetle that alters her personal history in "Turn Left," the episode reveals that this plan to alter her life was put in place by the Trickster. His influence was felt in the show and again with Sutekh's mention of the Pantheon it looks like the Trickster may finally return in an upcoming adventure.



Trapped in a spaceship

Wide-eyed Sky Possessed by the Midnight Entity in Doctor Who "Midnight"

Finally, Another creature without physical form, at least none that has ever been seen on screen, is the monster that attacks the Doctor and a small bus full of people on the surface of the planet Midnight. As the Doctor goes on a tour with a guide and several other holiday trippers, they come across a mysterious monster that appears to be incredibly fast and impossible to see. Initially, the creature physically attacks the bus, but soon its warfare becomes psychological and deeply terrifying.

The monster inhabits the bodies of those on the bus, one by one, and in the process of preparing the attack, they begin to imitate the others on the bus. Although it begins to copy everyone, it soon focuses on the Doctor, before appearing to transfer into him, causing him to become the mimic. This terrible paralysis and occurrence are never fully explained, and the creature gave rise to one of the most incredible stories in history. Doctor Whobut it would be great to see them again and reveal more about the terrible Doctor Who monster.