The 10 Most Shocking Revelations From Netflix's Alien Investigation Documentary

The 10 Most Shocking Revelations From Netflix's Alien Investigation Documentary

New from Netflix Alien Investigation The docuseries follows journalist and ufologist George Knapp as he brings together a team of collaborators to prove that alien beings exist among us. Knapp's goals go further: he seeks to tell us why they are here. Alien Investigation represents a lifetime of investigations by Knapp in the face of a multitude of obstacles, both governmental and systemic, that he says are desperate to stop him from revealing the truth. Knapp's journey takes him across the US, Mexico, Brazil and even Europe as he discovers new information about known UFO sightings.

Knapp is not entirely successful in his endeavor, despite Peabody and Edward R. Murrow awards for his journalism, a long stint as a TV journalist, and a clear enthusiasm for his thesis. Incontrovertible proof of alien habitation on Earth is difficult for Knapp to findalthough there are many UFO sightings and witnesses eager to share their stories. At the end of Alien Investigation, the audience is left with a collection of intriguing but unproven theories that still require a leap of faith. Here are 10 revelations from the film that Knapp suggests should change your mind.


Animal Experimentation

Knapp's first stop is a pair of Oregon ranchers who have mysteriously lost cattle. Colby Marshall of Burns recounts how five bulls on his property were mutilated overnight, their blood was diverted and their genitals, lips, ears and internal organs were surgically removed. Dave Ward, a fifth-generation farmer nearby, has lost 20 head of cattle in the past 12 months in the same way. Local authorities insist that a group of devil worshipers may be responsible, but Knapp has other ideas: strange objects seen in the skies suggest that aliens are experimenting on organs harvested from cattle.


Violence in Colares

Alien UFO Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Turning to Brazil, Knapp highlights the famous 1977 sightings in Colares, on the Amazon River, when local residents were attacked by airborne vessels. 40 years later, Aurora Fernandes insists that she saw a rotating disk in the sky, from which a red ray of light appeared which pierced three holes in his chest. She smelled ether and described the feeling of having blood drawn. Others in Icoraci were attacked in the same way between June 1977 and August 1978. Local journalist Carlos Mendez reports that CIA-like men appeared after the event and collected any images or records of the attacks.


The jellyfish alien

Back in Las Vegas, UFO journalist Jeremy Corbell and Knapp find footage released by an unidentified whistleblower showing the mysterious trail of an unidentified object, now known as "Jellyfish"UFO, as it floats over a US military base in Iraq. The identity of the informant cannot be revealed, as action to leak the footage would constitute a crime. However, Knapp concludes Navy veteran Michael Cincoski, who insists he watched the video while on an Iraqi base in 2018. Circoski says everyone at the base was sworn to secrecy, but the vessel ended up plunging into the sea.


Tampico and the USOs

UFO in ice cave during the first Ice Age

Medusa's underwater exploits open up an entirely new area of ​​investigation for Knapp. He notes that many UFO sightings occur over or near a body of water, and ponders whether the 70% of the planet's surface covered in water could provide a clue to its hiding place. He travels to Tampico, Mexico, where dozens of UFO encounters have been reported near the coast. He discovers that the locals attribute the lack of hurricanes to their UFO protectors, who, they believe, live under the sea. Local meteorologist Amalia Avalos laughs it off — it's simply the currents diverting the warm water.


Kremer point

An article about the Roswell UFO incident on Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, Volume 5, Episode 4, "The Roswell UFO incident"

Undeterred, Knapp enlists the help of underwater archaeologist Rory Kremer, who dives deep into the nearby Channel Islands in search of an underwater UFO headquarters, in an area where a local fisherman claimed his boat was surrounded by a bright light and pulled under. , forcing him to cut the anchor. Kremer's examination of the ocean floor is inconclusive, but one night his cameras capture a bright spot in the sky.which zooms in and out, before diving into the sea. Kremer and Knapp together deduce that their investigation is being observed by beings from another world.


The Arrow Report

real-alien investigation

In the midst of the investigation, Knapp's worldview is directly challenged by the same government agency he is trying to persuade - the Pentagon's Office of All-Domain Anomaly Resolution released its report in January 2022, in which claimed to have thoroughly investigated 512 incidents of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) and found "no empirical evidence"of alien technology. Infuriated, Knapp cites the famous Roswell incident of 1947, when the USAF issued a press release confirming that it had found a UFO, only to remove it 24 hours later, claiming, ridiculously, that they had mistaken it for a weather balloon.


Sighting in the Indonesian jungle

alien research spacecraft

Knapp decides to counter the Pentagon report with one of his own and continues his investigation. He turns to former U.S. Marine Michael Herrera, who entices Knapp with a story from West Sumatra.where, in 2009, Herrera was on a humanitarian mission. There, Herrera saw a 300-foot vessel hovering over the top of a hill, with lights spinning and flashing. Herrera's story, however, had a twist: he says that the machine was manufactured with rivets and seams. Herrera tells Knapp that he believes the government copied alien technology to build its own spacecraft. The footage he took, unfortunately, was stolen.


The Council Bluffs Incident

special alien investigation ship

George Knapp then finds himself in Council Bluffs, Iowa, chasing Mike Moore, who in December 1997 was driving with his fire chief father when they saw a red light fall from the sky. They visited the burning crash site and Mike took with him some samples of twisted metal, which he had kept in a box for 25 years. Knapp sends the metal for analysis and discovers that it is composed of titanium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, and iron randomly mixed together.but not from anything out of this world. Disappointed but resolute, Knapp suggests that aliens would be perfectly capable of manufacturing Earth metals.


Phoenix Lights


Knapp's most persuasive evidence is not new. The March 13, 1997, sightings at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport are well known and supported by none other than actor Kurt Russell, who was at the airport that day. A crowd of witnesses saw two lights suddenly appear in the night sky, and then four more, indicating a huge boomerang-shaped object kilometers wide. The views were so widespread that the government felt the need to intervene to prevent public panic.claiming that the lights were nothing more than flares. Knapp interviews several witnesses, some with authentic-looking photographic evidence, who insist otherwise.


Alien time travel


Having been unable to conclusively prove his case, Knapp turns to Mike Masters, professor of anthropology at Montana Tech, to answer the question "why." In Alien InvestigationMasters takes Knapp to Capitol Reef National Park in Utah to show him 4,000-year-old cave paintings depicting men in spacesuits and short, alien-looking creatures with pointy heads and large enveloping eyes. Interestingly, Masters posits that after another few hundred thousand years of evolution, humans would probably look a lot like the drawn characters, and drops the bomb on Alien Investigation that today's visiting aliens likely traveled back in time to visit their ancestors.

Investigation Alien is a documentary series that features reporter George Knapp as he travels the world to uncover evidence of UFOs and examine their existence on Earth. Launching in 2024, the series investigates extraterrestrial phenomena and aims to provide new insights into unidentified aerial phenomena.


George Knapp



Release date

November 8, 2024

