Doctor determines Doctor WhoNo matter which actor plays the iconic character, there are aspects of the Doctor that remain consistent across many seasons of the TV show. One of the harsh realities Doctor Who is that there is a darkness within the characters that forces them to do some morally gray or outright villainous things. Although the Doctor convinces his companions of the importance of doing good and putting the preservation of all life first, this does not always reflect their actions. However, it is this imperfection that makes the Doctor such an enduring character.
There are many differences between the classics. Doctor Who and the modern era. While modern episodes have excitingly updated some of the series' themes, the characterization of the Doctor has been refined since the series began in 1963. Overall, what the Doctor has done for the good of the universe usually outweighs his mistakes. but some of them are so great that the show itself tried to convert them. However, given the strength and intelligence that the Doctor possesses, it is not surprising that they sometimes go astray.
Eleven, leaving older Amy behind
Season 6, Episode 10, “The Girl Who Waited”
Amy, Rory and the Eleventh Doctor have some fun dynamics throughout seasons 5, 6 and 7 of the modern era, but that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of dark episodes throughout the series. One of the most surprising reveals of Eleven's identity occurs in "The Girl Who Waited", in which Eleven accidentally abandons Amy on a quarantine planet and comes to rescue her thirty-six years later. Although the Doctor eventually finds both the older and younger Amy, They ultimately save only the young one, claiming that only one Amy can exist in one time stream.
Although young Amy understands the plan better, Rory is torn because the older Amy is still the woman he loves, and letting her disappear is cruel.
Although young Amy understands the plan better, Rory is torn because the older Amy is still the woman he loves, and letting her disappear is cruel. Eleven is sorry, but would clearly do it again without showing much remorse. for thus disrupting the flow of time, causing the eldest Amy pain and then destroying her. The Eleventh Doctor's saddest tragedy involving Amy and Rory occurred towards the end of Matt Smith's tenure as the Doctor, but this early episode was a hint of what was to come for the ill-fated companions.
Ten attempts to rewrite time in the waters of Mars
2009 Special Episode
David Tennant's portrayal of the Tenth Doctor features critically acclaimed and fan-favorite character interactions. Tennant has returned to reprise the role many times as he perfectly combines charm with the Doctor's seething rage and dangerous intelligence. In "Mars Waters" the Doctor's arrogance comes to the fore. because they want to avoid their own death and rebirth and therefore try to rewrite a fixed point in history, which can have disastrous consequences.
Doctor Who often uses these special episodes to tackle larger issues and shows different sides of the Doctor that they usually hide from their human companions. Even though Ten knows that the base explosion and Adelaide's death are a fixed point in history, they believe that by changing this, they will be able to control time, life and death in a way that no other creature can. This ultimately leads to a tragic act of violence and the Doctor's bitter realization that they have only delayed the inevitable.
Seven of Insults and the Use of the Ace
Throughout Ace's time as the Seventh Doctor's companion.
Sylvester McCoy played the Seventh incarnation of the Doctor and was the last Doctor before the classic era was canceled in 1989. Seven's main companion throughout the seasons was Ace, played by Sophie Aldred, an Earth teenager who traveled back in time and was picked up by Sylvester McCoy. Doctor on the way. Although the Doctor cares for Ace and works hard to teach her about the universe, they are doing the wrong thing. and force Ace to relive some of the most traumatic events of her past.
During the climactic confrontation with Fenric, the Doctor says terrible things about Ace and tells Fenric that they never cared for her.
For all the time we spent together, The Doctor belittles Ace and uses her as a means to defeat the villain Fenric, not to reveal their connection to Fenric until it is convenient for them. During the climactic confrontation with Fenric, the Doctor says terrible things about Ace and tells Fenric that they never cared for her. Although it turned out to be a ploy to save Ace, it was a terrible moment that shook Ace's faith in the Doctor, as well as the audience's.
Eleven: Brainwashing Humanity to Kill Silence
Season 6, Episode 2, “Day of the Moon”
The way the Doctor treats his enemies is as telling as the way he treats his friends, and the way they deal with the Silence is a shockingly brutal aspect of the series. They are formidable antagonists, as the Silence is forgotten as soon as they are out of sight. This is a fact that the Doctor uses, informing all of humanity while they are watching "Silence" that they must kill them all on the spot, effectively exterminating the species and brainwashing humanity.
The two-part premiere of Season 6 is approaching this moment, and it's a stark reminder of how the Eleventh Doctor differs from his predecessors. and is not afraid to take extreme measures. Although the Silence returns in later episodes of the sixth series, it remains a mysterious force towards which the Doctor is hostile. Additionally, the Doctor messed with humanity's minds cavalierly and was uncharacteristically manipulative. Even though this message may save more people than it harms, it's been a tense start to season six.
Four throwing Sarah Jane Smith
Season 14, series two, “The Hand of Fear.”
Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen, was one of the best characters of the first era Doctor Whoand her chemistry with the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) made her attractive for television. Sarah Jane is considered one of the best Doctor Who comrades because of her resourcefulness and kindness in the face of adversity. The bond she forms with the Fourth Doctor is one of the most developed relationships between the Doctor and Companion as their friendship rings true.
When the Four are called back to Gallifrey, they abandon Sarah Jane and never return for her, which is a tragic and unfair end to her time in the series.
However, when the Fourth is called back to Gallifrey, they abandon Sarah Jane and never return for her, which is a tragic and unfair end to her time in the series. This becomes even more painful when Sarah Jane reunites with the Tenth Doctor in season two. modern era. She still feels connected to them and has held on to that abandonment since they broke up years ago. After everything they've been through together, there's no doubt that Sarah deserved better and that the Doctor betrayed her.
Destroying the Daleks and Time Lords in the Time War
50th Anniversary Special
Doctor Who The plot holes in the 50th Anniversary Special are still lingering since the special introduced John Hurt as the War Doctor. Throughout the modern era the war between the Time Lords and the Daleks is something the Doctor refers to frequently. but they rarely go into detail about what happened and how it affected the course of the universe. The episode was the show's way of catching up between eras, but it's also one of the Doctor's darkest yet.
It was revealed that during the war, the Doctor decided to destroy the Time Lords and Daleks in order to save the universe. However, learning that the Doctor was responsible for the death of his own people was one of the Doctor Whothe most important game-changing storylines. Although the War Doctor manages to go back in time and change the past during "The Day of the Doctor", it doesn't change the fact that they were willing to destroy all of Gallifrey and the people there.
Eleven leaves River in prison
Throughout Season 6
The relationship between River Song (Alex Kingston) and the Doctor is one of the most important storylines of the Eleventh Doctor's tenure. Throughout season five, viewers only get a few hints about River's true identity and how she met the Doctor. Season six is all about solving these mysteries and revealing that River is Amy and Rory's daughter. and was trained to kill the Doctor. This is a crime for which she was sent to prison, but in fact she did not commit it.
Once the Doctor discovers River's past and understands their connection, it would be right if they helped free her and clear her name. However, the Doctor never does this and allows her to carry out the sentence, although the Doctor is alive and well. Although River has no problem getting in and out of her prison, that doesn't mean the Doctor left her there. This becomes especially problematic when you consider the fact that they are married to each other and the many sacrifices she makes for the Doctor.
The Nine torture the Daleks
Season 1, Episode 6, "Dalek"
Playing Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor put a lot of pressure on him, as Eccleston was the first actor to play the Doctor in the modern era. Although the full story of what happened between the Seventh and Ninth Doctors will not be fully explained for some time, Eccleston gives a stunning performance. This is seen in the Doctor's interaction with a Dalek in the episode "Dalek".
For many new viewers, this was the first time they had seen the Daleks and they explored the history of the Time Lords and the Daleks along with Rose (Billie Piper). Rose doesn't understand why the Doctor is so angry and why they resort to torturing the Daleks. out of revenge. The audience shares this confusion, which makes the Doctor's actions even more intense and egregious. Although the Daleks are terrifying, the Doctor is not expected to stoop to their level.
The Seven Destroying Skaro
Season 25, series one, "Remembrance of the Daleks"
Seven and Ace are together in "Remembrance of the Daleks", an episode infamous in Doctor Who canon. The Seventh Doctor goes toe-to-toe with Davros, leader of the Daleks, in search of the Hand of Omega and its immense power. It was in this episode The Doctor makes a decisive choice - to destroy Skaro. This destroys not only the Daleks, but everything else that lives on Skaro, violating the core principles of the Doctor's personality and moral code.
Both before and after this, it would have been unthinkable for any incarnation of the Doctor to openly wipe out an entire planet and act as if there was a moral justification for doing so.
This is the last time Doctor Who will feature Daleks until the series returns in the early 2000s, and this is the extreme note that is worth going to. Both before and after this, it would have been unthinkable for any incarnation of the Doctor to openly wipe out an entire planet and act as if there was a moral justification for doing so. The Seven's grim acceptance of and commitment to this decision makes it difficult to sympathize with them.
Six Peri Chokes
Season 21, Episode 21, "The Twin Dilemma"
The Doctor is many things, but throughout the series it becomes clear that while he can manipulate his companions, he will never be violent towards them. However, all this changed when the Doctor regenerated into his sixth form, played by Colin Baker. In the turmoil of rebirth, The Sixth Doctor becomes convinced that Peri, Nicola Bryant's companion, is an alien spy. almost strangled her. It's a brutal start to Six's career, and that grim first impression influenced how audiences responded to Baker's portrayal.
Although Peri and Sixx later developed a decent relationship. Doctor Whoit was a terrible start to their relationship between Doctor and companion. Six immediately regrets it and almost goes into exile because of it, but that doesn't change the fact that it happened. It's a traumatic moment that makes it difficult to forgive the Sixth Doctor. advance because their personality is more antagonistic than other incarnations. The Sixth Doctor ultimately only lasted three seasons because they weren't as fast-paced as previous versions. Part of this can be attributed to the first incident with Peri.