THE Avengers The films often contain some of the MCU's most spectacular action set pieces, leading to some jaw-dropping displays of power from its heroes and villains. Of all the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the ambitious Avengers crossovers have consistently featured the biggest and most impressive battles. These fights and encounters constitute the most incredible feats of strength, durability, and expression of power in the entire series.
Admittedly, many of the most impressive displays of power shown in the Avengers films revolve around the Infinity Stones that appear in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. This makes sense considering the grand cosmic implications of the magic stones, whose power allows many heroes and villains to wield their own powers through the point of comparison. However, many of the other Avengers films also present opportunities for Marvel characters to show what they can do.
Thanos' snap
Avengers: Infinity War
By far the most memorable and impactful display of power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe of all time, Thanos' snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War It easily comes to mind as one of the biggest events in the series. After finally collecting all six stones, Thanos manages to fulfill his promise to erase half of all life in the universe with a simple snap of his fingers. As a result, half of the Avengers turn into mere dust.
This event had a lasting impact on the MCU, even after life was returned to those lost in what would later be called "The Blip", the ideological divide that occurred as a result of the five-year gap created conflicts such as the formation of the Flag Smashers . Thus, the ramifications of The Snap are due to its strength as a feat of power. Even more impressive, Thanos was able to survive this activation of the stones with minimal scars or injuries, something that cannot be said of his other users.
The Hulk snap
Avengers: Endgame
Arguably more impressive than Thanos' snap, Professor Hulk's own use of the Infinity Stones is also a feat of power. Using Iron Man's homemade Infinity Gauntlet, the Hulk was able to channel the stones' overwhelming energy, his affinity for gamma radiation helping him deal with the blows. By snapping his own fingers, the Hulk is able to bring back to life everyone that Thanos' hand turned to dust five years earlier.
It's always harder to create something than to destroy it, which makes Hulk's snap perhaps the most powerful of the three. Not only was he able to bring all of the universe's fallen heroes and populations back to life as if they hadn't missed a beat, but he was also able to survive the ordeal, albeit with serious injuries. Even if he was just undoing Thanos' damage, few beings have made as big an impact on the universe as the Hulk thanks to his second snap.
Iron Man's snap
Avengers: Endgame
The last of the three snapshots of the Infinity Saga is taken by none other than Iron Man himself, essentially the main character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in its first three phases. After sneakily stealing all six stones from Thanos, he is able to reform them in his hand, saying one of Robert Downey Jr.'s greatest Iron Man quotes before snapping his army out of existence. Thanos can only watch and silently accept defeat as his army literally crumbles before him.
Even though this snap is on a much smaller scale than the other two, only decimating Thanos and his invading force rather than half of all life in the universe, the fact that Tony was able to pull it off is no less impressive. . Of course, using the Infinity Stones came at a cost that Stark's normal human physiology could not accommodate, marking his departure from the series. Still, the act remains one of the greatest displays of power ever presented in the MCU.
Thor resists a star
Avengers: Infinity War
Thor's adventures in space with Rocket Raccoon and Groot come to a head when they finally find the dwarves' ruined forge, decimated by Thanos. In an effort to create a weapon worthy of succeeding Mjölnir, Eitri asks Thor to ignite the ancient fires suppressed by the Black Order, but with one huge caveat. To do so, Thor will have to manually grasp the rings of Nidavellir, enduring the sun's scorching wrath in the process.
Although it clearly causes the god of thunder great anguish, Thor is miraculously able to withstand the full, absolute power of a burning star. Not only that, but he is strong enough to keep Nidavellir's rings aligned in the process, demonstrating absurd strength and durability. Although it wasn't in the context of an actual fight, this act of bravery by Thor is perhaps his most impressive feat in the entire franchise.
Hulk and Ant-Man can take down Leviathans
The Avengers, Avengers: Endgame
Among the units of the vile Chitauri warriors, the Leviathans are easily one of the most feared sights of their alien army. Despite being huge floating space whales, Leviathans can still be taken down with a single punch by both the Hulk and a giant Ant-Man, as shown in both. The Avengers and Avengers: Endgame, respectively. To determine how impressive these attacks are, one must examine the durability of the Leviathans' armor as determined by Iron Man's brachial lasers.
In The Avengers, Tony's brachial lasers on the Mark VI are unable to penetrate the Leviathans' skin, despite the fact that each of them carries an impressive 200 petawatts of energy, roughly equivalent to a nuclear bomb. This means that the Hulk and giant Ant-Man's attacks are more damaging to the Leviathans than a literal targeted nuclear explosion would be. Based on the specifications presented in previous MCU statements, these moves become even more impressive.
Thanos launches a moon attack
Avengers: Infinity War
Even when limited to a handful of Infinity Stones, Thanos was still capable of dealing tremendous damage. This is best described in the fight on Titan, in which Thanos utilizes the Power, Space, Reality, and Soul Stones to their full potential on the battlefield, though the first two get most of the action. Just when it looks like the heroes are about to come out on top thanks to Star-Lord's emotional outburst, Thanos is back in the game and quickly launches his most dramatic attack yet.
Harnessing the Power Stone and the Space Stone, Thanos is able to telekinetically grasp the wider side of one of Titan's moons. He then summons all his strength to hurl it at his enemies, shattering the planet's atmosphere while raining deadly meteors from the shattered celestial body. It's rare that a Marvel character has had such an obvious display of power as Thanos' attack here.
Scarlet Witch retains 5 Infinity Stones
Avengers: Infinity War
It's no secret that the Infinity Stones have enabled most of the MCU's most overt displays of power, due to their immense importance as fundamental building blocks of the universe. But as powerful as the Primordial MacGuffins are, Scarlet Witch's chaos magic is still capable of making them money. This is proven in Avengers: Infinity War when Wanda Maximoff manages to contain Thanos with five of the six stones.
Not only is the stream of magic exploding from just one of Scarlet Witch's hands strong enough to slow Thanos' advance, but she is able to maintain it while ripping the Mind Stone from Vision's head at the same time. Not to mention the emotional turmoil of being forced to kill her romantic partner, which could be increasing or decreasing her power at the time. In any case, few other beings could hope to resist a single stone, much less five of the six.
Iron Man and Thor blow up a city
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ultron comes close to carrying out one of the most devastating attacks in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe when he lifts the entire city of Sokovia, hoping to use it as a massive meteor that will destroy the rest of Earth. The Avengers are forced to work quickly to defeat his army of drones while evacuating as many Sokovian citizens to the ground as possible as the city of Novi Grad rises into the air. After Ultron's robots were eliminated and as many innocent bystanders as possible were saved, something needed to be done about the falling landmass.
Surprisingly, Iron Man and Thor were able to produce enough energy to destroy Ultron's gravitational pull that lifted the city, causing a chain reaction explosion that reduced the extinction-level event to a manageable meteor shower. With Iron Man firing directly from his Arc Reactor and Thor channeling as much god lightning as he could muster, the two were able to produce enough energy to get the job done. Destroying an entire city with two people is one of the most remarkable feats of destruction the Avengers have ever achieved.
Captain Marvel One-Shots Thanos' Ship
Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame had the difficult task of getting audiences to like and identify with a new character who had only retroactively joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe through a prequel recently. It doesn't hurt that Carol Danvers is one of the strongest heroes in the MCU, making an incredible entry into the fray in the final Battle of Earth. Before the heroes can rally around Iron Man's Infinity Gauntlet, the crushing orbital bombardment from Thanos' ship, the Sanctuary IIseems like too much.
That is, until Captain Marvel soars through the sky to save the day. Using her own body as a projectile, Captain Marvel is capable of single-handedly destroying Thanos' greatest military asset, not to mention causing thousands of deaths in collateral damage at the same time. If it weren't for Carol's last-minute appearance, it's likely the Battle of Earth would have turned out very differently.
Doctor Strange turns a black hole into butterflies
Avengers: Infinity War
Speaking of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange has slowly become the most powerful active hero in the series. While he starts out shaky, only able to summon portals and use his flying cape as a distraction, Doctor Strange quickly becomes so adept at magic that he's able to keep up with Thanos wielding multiple Infinity Stones alone. This is demonstrated early on in the fight on Titan, in which Strange performs some of his most impressive and jaw-dropping spells.
Its most impressive effect transforms one of the most destructive forces in the universe into a harmless sensory effect. Using the Space Stone, Thanos launches a literal black hole at Doctor Strange, which would be impressive if it weren't for the fact that Strange uses his powerful magic to turn the gravitational wave into a harmless cloud of butterflies. With the very forces of the cosmos at his disposal, it's hard to underestimate Doctor Strange's strength as a Avenger in this brief counter.