The universes and characters of Akira Toriyama will receive a magnificent new debut in the fall of 2024. Dragon Ball DAIMAa new series that answering many fan questions in the first episodes. However, the series is a compelling example of intense lore-gathering for longtime fans and an opportunity for newcomers to experience a completely new take on the series. But the impressive discoveries and the most important moments Dragon Ball Dime Episode #1 helps set the direction of the series, introduces new factors to the franchise formula, and provides interesting answers to long-standing questions.
Impressions of viewers from viewing Dragon Ball DAIMA It's completely nostalgic, even though it's a new story. In doing so, he dives into underappreciated elements of recent sagas. Dragon Ball Z. This is especially appropriate given DAYMAclose position to Saga Buu's Dragon Ball schedule, introduction to the exciting aspects of the Demon Realm and bringing it to the forefront for the audience. Although they contribute to some of the biggest discoveries in Dragon Ball DAIMA In episode #1, some events are more subtle, but no less important.
Dragon Ball DAIMA confirms its place in the franchise's timeline
Bright birthday celebration
IN Dragon Ball Dime In Episode #1, the confusion over his placement in the timeline was quickly resolved towards the final installment when the Z Warriors celebrated Trunks' ninth birthday. The series takes place after the end of the Buu Saga and several years before the Peaceful World Saga.This means the show has some breathing room to have exciting adventures before the events Dragon Ball Super. But Daima's Dragon Ball The timeline's layout, while exciting, is one of the more superficial openings of the anime, with fans seeing a gorgeously updated world.
There is a separate set of Dragon Balls in the Demon Realm.
The Namekians are busy
The worlds and people of Toriyama Dragon Ball franchises are varied, but Dragon Ball's wish-granting franchises are ubiquitous, even in Dayma. Dragon Ball of the Demon Realm, at least in the first episode DAYMAguarded by three powerful warriors and are massive objects rather than the seven smaller earthly variants. However, their size and known number are not the only differences. The nature of the abilities and wish energies associated with the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls point to the concepts of wish magic that provide a fresh perspective for longtime fans of the series.
Dragon Ball DAIMA teases white and black desires
Dark world of possibilities
The new king of the Demon Realm, Goma, regrets the possibility of using the Earth Dragon Balls because they likely rely on something called white magic to produce results that benefit others rather than harm them. For comparison: The Demon Realm's Dragon Ball confirms the existence of "black" desireswhich Degesu and Goma hinted at in their discussion of using them to completely eliminate Earth's defenders as a threat. Unable to collect the Demon Realm Dragon Balls due to their powerful warriors, Goma settled on the Earth Dragon Balls, despite it being a compromise that does not completely destroy Goku and his friends.
Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces Tamagami
Dragon Ball of the Demon Realm Defenders
Goma originally proposed the Dragon Ball without intending to use the Dragon Ball from the Demon Realm. because they were guarded by “three powerful tamagami.” Since each character is an imposing armored figure armed with a sword, trident, and hammer, their presence deters Goma from even attempting to capture the one-star Dragon Ball that appears in episode #1.
But one notable moment indicates that Tamagami serves another master in the Demon Realm, and this is one of the coolest moments Dragon Ball Dime revealing the presence of Namekians.
Neva Namek is a Dragon Ball expert in the Demon Realm.
Kami growing old with the audience
Goma represents Neva, whose presence in the Demon Realm is legendary; he is the creator and chief expert on their Dragon Balls.With their creation, the Tamagami show him mutual respect.
While he is in his old age, Neva is brought to Kami's sightings on Universe 7's Earth, where he meets Dende, a fellow Namek, where he remembers how long it has been since he saw a member of his species when he revived the Dragon Ball. However, as Neva is brought to Earth, other famous characters and Dragon Ball issues are addressed in DAYMA episode #1, including one glaring absence.
Gohan is missing, at least at the beginning of Daima
Be a good son to Chi-Chi
While Gohan returned to his greatest heights in the Buu Saga, Dragon Ball Dime it seems that this is where he completely focuses on his studies, and Goku confirms that he has become distant in episode #1. This is probably a way to tie the series into Dragon Ball Super in the timeline where Gohan, perhaps the most in the series, allowed his power to fall by the wayside.
It's unlikely that Gohan will appear as a fighter. DAYMAif there is one at all, so fans shouldn't expect a great new transformation to give Gohan his greatest fighting form in Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode #1 Explains Why Goku Is Young Again
Emperor Pilaf did not have a hand in this matter
Dragon Ball Dime episode #1 confirms that Goku's younger form is returning at the request of the new Demon King Goma. use Shenron to turn Goku, along with everyone who fought Buu and their friends, into children. Goma compromised by using a harmless wish on the Earth Dragon Balls to have it fulfilled and rendered his opponents powerless by following the principles of white wishes. This was a burning question from fans, the answer to which was similar to what caused the events Dragon Ball GT in motion, potentially leveling the playing field Dragon Ball Z I couldn't.
Majin Buu retcons Vegito's separation in Dragon Ball Z
Classic Toriyama Retcon as Krillin's Nose
IN Dragon Ball Z episode #273, after Buu absorbs Vegito, he lowers his barrier and mysteriously splits back into Vegeta and Goku. But the biggest discrepancy was how Kibito and Supreme Kai Shin were separated. IN Dragon Ball DimeMajin Buu and Kibito explain this as a result "a mysterious gas produced by Majin Buu's body" that can undo Potara's fusion. Considering Toriyama's retcons to explain the strange anatomy of his most iconic characters, the results are hilarious and memorable Dragon Ball quotes, this is nothing unusual, and it helps explain what broke the synthesis.
Dabura's death opens the way for a new king
The Demon Realm enters a new era
Considering the title Dragon Ball DAIMA it's basically a reference to the Demon King, Dabura's death at the hands of Buu makes Goma the de facto ruler of the Demon Realm in episode #1. Since fans are aware of Dabura's subsequent reform in the afterlife, it is unlikely that he will return to challenge Goma's rule, as only the Z Warriors pose a clear threat due to their power. But Goma has other colleagues in his journey to ascend to rule the Demon Realm, some more trustworthy than others.
Goma's allies may challenge his role as Dragon Ball villain DAIMA
Degesu and Dr. Arinsu offer new additions
As Goma attempts to infiltrate Universe 7, he is warned that another has gone there after Dabura and Babidi, possibly for nefarious purposes. This is revealed to be Dr. Arinsu, Degesu's sister, both of whom are siblings of Shin, the Supreme Kai of Universe 7, with their own unclear ambitions. With Goma's plan to use the Dragon Balls, Degesu agrees with his planned first wish to weaken Goku and his friends, as well as his second wish to provide the Evil Third Eye for Goma's proper rise to supremacy. Degesu mysteriously asks for the third wish to be granted in DIM's Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth episode of the adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic actors as outdated versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to helm DAIMA.
- Seasons
- Writers
Akira Toriyama