didn't hold back when it came to killing off strange characters in the series, and that was one of the series' selling points, but there were moments when it backfired and deaths that felt hollow and disappointing. Undead had a spectacular run of 11 seasons, with several spin-offs that appeared during and after the season. To this day, it remains one of the most beloved zombie apocalypse shows ever made, but that doesn't mean the show was perfect.
From killing off characters who had so many episodes that promised development and a later arc, to simply killing off others in the background in such a way that they could have gone completely unnoticed, TWDs Kill Streak had a few entries missing. The series also had some actors who left or were written out of the story prematurely compared to their comic book counterparts, which was also a disappointment to fans of the comics that inspired the series. However, some deaths were considerably worse than others.
Laura joined Undead in season 6, when she appeared as one of the members of the Saviors. However, her time on the show has seen her progress and change in many ways. She rose through the ranks of Negan's community, before eventually leaving the Saviors and becoming a leader in Alexandria. She later became a soldier for the Coalition when various communities came together to defend themselves against threats like the Whisperers.
However, despite Laura's long history in the apocalypse, and having faced and survived many different threats, her end is quick and sudden. While trying to rescue Mary from Beta, she manages to free Mary and distract the attacker. However, Beta overpowers her, breaks her neck and leaves her for dead. The issue here was less about the death itself, and more about the aftermath, as it wasn't clear if Laura's neck was broken and therefore she could have been knocked out, but the show never acknowledged her again to confirm things one way or the other. way or another. other.
Alden also started in camp for the Saviors. However, he quickly left the first group to support those at Hilltop, where he began to build a life and family for himself. He became a respected member of the community and eventually a close ally of Maggie in Alexandria.
Despite the growth and time spent developing the character, his death was never given the opportunity to be presented on screen. Instead, Maggie leaves him to guard an empty house and makes him promise to be there when she returns. Playing with the emotions of this scene, the next time Alden appears, he is still at home but is a zombie, having been killed in the line of duty. It's disappointing to have a character who meant so much and never have a final moment or fight on screen, and that's what happened here.
Dale was one of the original characters in TWD. Member of the group since Atlanta and the voice of reason and morality when everyone was about to cross the line. In the comics, he survives much longer than his TV counterpart and plays a similar role to Hershel during seasons 2 and 3, where he helps keep the group in tune with their own humanity.
However, as the first member of the main group to die, and at the beginning of Season 2, Dale's influence was short-lived. The character was simply bitten and shot by Daryl before transforming, but this felt like a cold and unceremonious way to say goodbye to such an important character from the start. The show would obviously continue this reputation at times, but Dale's death in Undead chopped like the first.
Andrea is another original member of the group of survivors and developed a close relationship with Dale when they traveled together. She later decided to join the governor in his new community, but this ultimately led to her downfall due to the governor's deceitful methods. However, Andrea was never a pushover, which made her untimely death all the more disappointing.
She is tied up and trapped by the Governor in a small room with Milton, another person who betrayed the Governor. Milton is initially told to kill Andrea if he wants to get out alive, but he pulls a knife on the Governor only to be killed. So, her body is left in the room with Andrea to turn around and eventually kill her. However, a lot of time seems to have passed between Milton's death and his transformation. Despite this, the moment Andrea vigorously tries to escape and breaks her bonds is when Milton's zombified body approaches, which frees her just in time... to be bitten.
Sasha has been through a lot in her time on the show. She first appeared in Season 3, along with a small group of survivors who were killed long before her. She continued to work with the other survivors until Season 10, becoming a key member of the team, but her death was disheartening, to say the least. After being captured, Sasha gives up any hope of alternative survival plans and takes a cyanide pill given to her by Eugene.
This death was intended to cause an attack on Negan when he opened the coffin where she was being held, but there was no guarantee that Negan would be the one to open it. Plus, it seems like a big change for the character. Sasha was a fighter through and through. It would have made more sense for her to stand her ground and escape some other way, but instead it felt cheap and weak like the death of such an important character.
Isabelle was one of the main characters in the TWD spin off, Daryl Dixon. She was invaluable as an ally to Daryl and helped protect and raise Laurent for over a decade. However, despite his central role and his longevity after the apocalypse occurred, his end was sharp and, in some ways, deficient.
Isabelle meets with Losang, and with the character revealed to be an antagonist who worked with Genet, Isabelle attacks Losang. She lands a sharp blow to her face, but with the help of her henchmen, Losang stops Isabelle from moving. He then simply stabs her in the stomach, allowing her to slowly bleed out and die a painful death. It felt like a frustrating way for the characters to meet their end, and a way disproportionate to their contribution up to that point.
Beta, as the name suggests, was number two in command of the Whisperers. He was a huge, burly figure, who constantly wore a Walker skin mask to hide his identity and blend in with the dead. However, he also appears unstable, seeing himself as one of the walkers despite being alive. After causing a lot of trouble, Beta is eliminated with relative ease.
Daryl manages to stab the giant in the eyes, and this causes the commando to apparently give up. Despite spending so much time defending and protecting his tribe, he stands in the middle of a crowd of Walkers and willingly embraces death. He seems almost happy at the prospect of becoming part of the horde, and overall, it's an extremely disappointing ending for one of the series' most menacing and powerful villains.
Tyreese was another great leader who appeared in TWD from an early age. When he and his small group of survivors met Rick and his group, Tyreese was hopeful that they could combine their efforts and become stronger. Although initially hesitant, Tyreese proved he was a valuable asset and earned the respect of Rick's group. He was also focused on morality and the effort to remain human despite dire circumstances.
Regardless of his hopes and intentions, Tyreese suffered a sad fate when he was bitten on the arm by a Walker. Although amputating the infected flesh could stop the spread, the group was slow to act and Tyreese was hesitant to proceed. After a considerable wait, his arm was cut off, but it was too late and the infection had spread further. Furthermore, he lost blood to the point of almost dying. Michonne then had to euthanize him before he could revive, but overall it was a disappointing ending for a character with a lot of potential.
Beth was one of the most interesting and compelling characters to be introduced after the first season. She was Maggie's younger sister and Hershel's daughter, and despite her age and size, she proved how determined and strong she could be. After bonding with Daryl and learning to take care of herself, Beth is captured by the group living in an old hospital, where she once again becomes an asset to her people.
However, being a prisoner, she wanted freedom and longed for the time when her family would find her again. Daryl and the others arrived to rescue Beth, and managed to establish terms to take her away without further problems, but Beth decided in her final moments to approach Dawn, the leader of this community, and fatally stab her. Dawn was holding a gun, as were many others in the hallway, and Beth was shot in the head, resulting in an unnecessary death that killed one of the series' most promising characters.
It's clear who took the top spot for the show's most disappointing death, because it literally marked a turning point where the show started to really go downhill. Rick's son, Carl, was raised from the ground up to be the best of the next generation. Growing up in an apocalypse, he was a tough kid, but he also cared deeply about others and had a lot to live up to with a family consisting of his stepmother, Michonne, his father, and his younger sister, Judith.
Carl proved how capable of a leader, negotiator, and inspiration he could be, but his end was heinous and completely uncharacteristic. He was always careful, could handle a horde of Walkers on his own and rarely made mistakes, but his death threw all of that aside and saw him bitten by a single Walker. To make matters worse, they prolonged his death to cover two episodes and teased the character some more before finally shooting himself to avoid delivering his last episode. Undead moments.