Throughout the history of live action Batman In movies and TV shows, there have been several memorable and brutal deaths worth noting. As one of DC's most iconic characters, Batman's cinematic legacy predates the DCEU films and even the modern superhero genre itself. Batman has appeared on the big and small screens many times, and while the hero typically enforces a strict no-killing rule, there are still plenty of kills on display in his films and TV appearances.
Almost every Batman movie or TV show features at least one death, whether at the hands of a villain or as a byproduct of Batman's own actions. Some of the deaths in question can be considered particularly brutal, due to the nature of the death of the character in question or simply the context surrounding it. With all of that in mind, here are the 10 Most Brutal Deaths in Live-Action Batman Movies and TV Shows.
The Riddler strangles Kristen Kringle
Gotham, Season 2, Episode 6, "By Fire"
Over the show's five seasons, Gotham featured many Batman villains, but few were as connected to its central story as Edward Nygma. The man who became the Riddler was shown developing his criminal alter ego, and one of his first murders proved to be an especially brutal and pivotal moment in his origin story. After beginning a relationship with his co-worker, Kristen Kringle, Nygma accidentally kills her during an argument.
The altercation stems from Kringle learning of Nygma's previous murder of her ex-boyfriend, and his fearful response upsets the future Batman villain. He corners her, pinning her to the wall and trying to rationalize his actions, strangling her in the process. It's a moment as disturbing as it is painful, and the brutality of this in light of what happened just moments before an intimate relationship makes it all the more disturbing.
The penguin kills Victor Aguilar
The Penguin, Season 1, Episode 8, "A Big or Small Thing"
The end of The penguin Episode 8 featured many moments that helped define the future of its eponymous villain, but one death in particular in the episode was especially brutal. Throughout the previous episodes, the Penguin's protégé and driver, Victor “Vic” Aguilar, is his most trusted asset and confidant. Vic serves as a key part of Penguin's plans to solidify his power in Gotham following the events of Batman.
Having finally achieved his goal, Penguin announces that he has one last problem to solve. He then mercilessly strangles Vic, killing the young man in cold blood simply because he found himself increasingly emotionally attached to him. The cruel nature of the murder, combined with the darkly poetic way in which Penguin disposes of Vic's body after his death, makes the character's death feel especially brutal.as it was effectively Vic's reward for helping Penguin reach the top.
Selina Kyle is thrown from a building by her boss
Batman Returns (1992)
Tim Burton's Batman films stand out in the character's cinematic history, both as landmark titles in the superhero genre and for having Batman casually break his no-killing rule on many occasions. However, it's not just the Dark Knight who plays fast and loose with the lives of others, but so do his villains. A scene in Batman Returns shows the origins of Catwoman, who appears when Max Shreck throws his assistant, Selina Kyle, from a top-floor window.
The tense nature of the scene, with Shreck casually intimidating Selina with his profile and power, reaches a horrific crescendo. After cruelly pretending his threats were a joke, he lulls Selina into a false sense of security, only to throw her through the glass and onto the street below. The look of terror on his face and Shreck's nonchalant attitude make his first kill seem memorable and brutal.
Gil Coulson is blown up by an explosive collar
The Batman (2022)
Matt Reeves' first foray into Gotham is filled with death, with many of the characters from BatmanThe cast did not survive the events of the film. The Riddler's murderous scheme to uncover the corruption at the heart of Gotham society sees a series of important figures murdered in both compelling and distasteful ways, including District Attorney Gil Coulson. Exposing Coulson for taking bribes, the Riddler attaches a bomb collar to his neck and sends him to the public funeral of one of his previous victims.
Having Coulson kidnapped and then tied to an explosive device is a devious way to kill him, especially since the Riddler jokes that he can earn his freedom with honesty. He then asks probing questions designed to force Coulson to expose his crimes, only for the collar to activate anyway, killing him in a fiery explosion. The graphic nature of the death makes it particularly memorable in its brutality.as does the fear it inspires in Coulson in his final moments.
Rachel Dawes is kidnapped, restrained and then blown up
The Dark Knight (2008)
Christopher Nolan Dark Knight the trilogy features a considerable number of deaths in its three-film arc, but few are as important in the stories of so many characters as that of Rachel Dawes. Rachel was first introduced in Batman begins as a sort of love interest for Bruce Wayne, only to become romantically involved with Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight. Rachel's death happens as part of the Joker's plan, when the villain kidnaps Rachel and Dent and tasks Batman with saving just one.
The grim reality of Rachel's death makes it all the more brutal. She is kidnapped, restrained, and later wakes up in an abandoned warehouse filled with barrels of flammable liquid. She manages to say goodbye to Harvey Dent via radio, with both of them fearing for their lives. She is then forced to acknowledge her own death moments before the explosion that finally claims her life.making it a tragic and violent end to their story.
The Batman (2022)
2022 Batman opens with a scene that sets the tone for the entire epic, presenting its villain in the most brutal way imaginable. The film's opening sequence shows the Riddler chasing Mayor Don Mitchell Jr., watching from a distance before breaking into his home. Without any real context, Batman then shows Mitchell's violent death at the hands of the film's reimagined take on the iconic Batman villain.
Not only does the Riddler silently infiltrate the mayor's house, he also watches from the shadows, carefully choosing his moment to strike. When he does, he attacks the mayor from behind and then brutally beats him with a metal carpet tool. After beating the mayor to death, the Riddler begins using duct tape, all without saying a word. It perfectly sets up the gruesome villain, introducing him to a brutal scene this looks like something out of a horror movie.
Grace Van Dahl Feeds Her Own Children Before Being Stabbed
Gotham, Season 2, Episode 15, "Into the Woods"
Gotham is far from the grittiest or most grounded take on characters in the Batman mythos, but its exploration of many of the Dark Knight's supporting characters and their origins gives way to plenty of dark moments. The series' second season focused specifically on villains, with Penguin gaining particular interest as he slowly transitioned from a low-level thug to a full-scale intriguing antagonist. One particularly dark scene shows Penguin murdering his stepmother Grace Van Dahl in a uniquely twisted and brutal manner.
After being brainwashed into obedience, Penguin is effectively enslaved by his stepmother and half-siblings. Freeing himself from his conditioning, Penguin then begins to prepare a meal for his stepmother, exactly as she asked. When complaining about his quality, Penguin reveals that he has regained control of himself and that he killed and cooked Grace's children, then fed them to her. He then stabs her repeatedly, savagely killing her.
Commissioner Savage is filled with poison and eaten alive by rats
The Batman (2022)
Batman turned a once-crazy villain into a terrifying serial killer, with the Riddler's enigmatic scheme serving as the film's main narrative. Of the multiple murders and attempted murders that the villain commits throughout the film, one in particular stands out as the most brutal. The Riddler's crusade to expose corruption sees him target the police commissioner, Pete Savage, and the antagonist kills him in a sickeningly creative way.
After trapping Savage in a homemade contraption, the Riddler injects the commissioner with rat poison. He then releases the rats into the box around Savage's head, with the rodents desperately seeking the sweet-smelling poison in his veins. In a frenzy, the rats then burrow into his face, killing him in an incredibly painful manner. What's worse, the Riddler also broadcasts the murder live, sharing it with the public and making Savage's death seem even more brutal.
Batman brutally kills an unnamed henchman
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Of all the actors who played Batman in live-action, it's no secret that Ben Affleck is the most violent and the most willing to kill. It's also no secret that the warehouse scene in Batman v Superman is one of the most brutal in the entire DCEU and has gained a reputation as a standout for its short Batman history. Although the scene in question shows many henchmen dead or seriously injured, it's the last surviving henchman who gets the worst of it all.
After casually defeating a horde of enemies with relative ease, Batman stabs the last henchman in the chest. Then, he approaches the man, who cowers, unarmed and begging for mercy. Batman not only ignores her pleas, but he punches the man hard enough that the resulting sound makes it clear that he is completely dead. The unnecessary brutality of the moment is notable, as it marks Ben Affleck's Batman as a much darker take on the character.
Joker performs magic pencil trick on Gambol's henchman
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight has gone down in history as one of the greatest films ever made, earning particular praise for its reimagining of the superhero genre. The film's breakout star is its villain, the Joker, played by the late Heath Ledger. Ledger's performance is legendary, combining hypnotic charisma with downright terrifying attributes that make him one of the greatest movie villains of all time. The Joker kills many people in The Dark Knightbut one death is known to be especially brutal.
After introducing himself to Gotham's most hardened criminals, the Joker endears himself with a magic trick. Placing a pencil upright on a table, the Joker unexpectedly collides with an approaching henchman, causing him to "disappear". The Joker's pencil trick is as iconic as it is abrupt, and his brutal violence results in the most brutal death of all time. Batmanlive action movies and TV shows.
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