Ark: Survival Ascended is full of incredible dinosaurs, monsters and even mythological creatures. From the mighty Giganotosaurus to the giant insect-like Rhyniognatha, the game has many creatures for players to discover, defeat and even tame. But not all dinos are met with the same enthusiasm by players.
Some of the dinosaurs and other creatures that players find on their journey through the island are more likely to draw an exasperated sigh, because the encounter leads to more frustration than pleasure. unfortunately, Some of the creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended are incredibly annoyingAnd after meeting them just once, you might hope to never cross paths with these pesky critters again.
The wolves can call their friends
Canis maxdirus
The wolves mostly live in the snow biomes in Ark: Survival Ascended, and will attack players if they get within their range. One at a time, they are not too difficult to fight Because they are small and not too strong compared to some dinosaurs in the game. They are also easy to lose by jumping into the water or leading them to a mammoth (and watching the ensuing fight).
The problem with dire wolves, however, is that they are almost never found alone. The creatures hunt and travel in packs, and Just when a player thinks they have removed all the members of the pack, more appear seemingly out of nowhere. A brief encounter with a lone wolf can quickly become overpowered by a large pack if players aren't careful, making traversing the snow biomes a risky endeavor.
Piranhas always show up when you least expect them
Megapiranha Magnadmorsus
One of the easiest ways to avoid a confrontation with a land dinosaur or animal is by escaping into the water, where many of Arc S Creatures cannot follow. The game's waters have their own threats, however, and players should always be on the lookout for dangerous critters roaming the waters. Most marine threats are large and easy to find, however The pesky piranha is a hidden danger in the waters.
A video by gunshymoray YouTube shows exactly what makes Piranhas so annoying Ark: Survival Ascended. The Tuati fish swarm players in the waterAggressively attacking unlucky passers-by. They are difficult to find because they are completely submerged and not too big, and although they usually travel in small groups, the passage of multiple groups can end up with dozens of these creatures on the tails of players.
Spinosaurus are not afraid of water
Spinosaurus aquarelliga
Unlike other large land dinosaurs, the Spinosaurus in Ark: Survival Ascended is right at home in the water. The Large and territorial dinos Spend a lot of their time in the waters and often show up on beaches and shores.
This makes the Spinosaurus a surprisingly annoying creature to fight with, especially for beginners and low-level players. Players may think they are safe in their base only to find themselves chased by this powerful creature. Running in the water doesn't work like it does against many other dinos, since The Spinosaurus has no issues chasing players in the water And swim just as fast as it runs.
Campus attack in groups
Compsognathus Curiosicarius
Compis are small dinosaurs that make quite good shoulder pets once tamed. The Ark: Survival Ascended Dinosaurs are a bit cute, they are fairly intelligent and very curious about others. Players may find a curious compie wandering over to check on them on occasion.
However, a computer is only cute when it is alone. When a group of companions gather together, they become increasingly aggressive and will attack passing humans. A group of comrades is a vicious opponent, And the dinosaurs' small bodies make them difficult to hit and fend off. The more comps gather in one place, the stronger they become, so the little dino quickly becomes one that players do their best to avoid.
Ickthyornis steal your food
Ichthyornis piscoquus
Anyone who has ever encountered a Mef already knows what makes the Ichthyornis one of the most annoying creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended. Like real seagulls, these prehistoric birds will dive-bomb players and steal food from their inventory, Earning them the nickname The Stelgul. These birds often appear in groups and are extra annoying to hit since they can fly.
While Ickthyornis typically steal food from players, GarlicHeadJoes YouTube short above shows that they are also capable of stealing other things, including the very weapon that players use against them. Fortunately, anything that isn't food will be dropped nearby for players to retrieve, but they're a real nuisance to deal with.
Pegomastax steal everything
Pegomastax Fructarator
A player may be wandering around the beach in Ark: Survival Ascended When the little dinosaur approaches them. At first, they might be cute and even harmless, because they don't do much damage when they hit. That is, until players watch the little pest run off with one of their items.
Pegos are notorious thieves, mainly aiming for whatever is in the player's last inventory slot. Unlike the food-stealing Ickthyornis, Pegos will steal absolutely everything and attempt to run away with it. Horror stories abound of Pegos stealing everything from taming things like kibble in the middle of a long taming session, to cryopods with dinosaurs, like HappyProduction4209 Show on YouTube. Players should beware of this annoying creature and stay away at all costs.
Microraptors dismantle players over and over
Microraptor gnarilongus
Microraptors are small bird-like dinosaurs that have no issues fighting anything, no matter how much bigger it is. Despite their wings, Microraptors cannot fly and instead glide around like sugar gliders. Their tiny size means they don't do much damage and aren't too much of a threat.
These tiny terrors are still annoying encounters, like YouTube IronKnightYouTube Shows in very short video. Microraptors tend to glide around the player, dismounting them before dashing off to safety. Their small stature and agile nature make them difficult to beat, so players often end up falling behind Constantly dismounted by the annoyances.
Chalicotherium flings mud that poisons, slugs and blinds
Chalicotherium obsidioequus
The Chalicotherium is truly a strange sight to behold. The mammal looks like a cross between a zebra and a bear, And it goes on his beats like a gorilla. Its front hands are capable of grabbing and throwing, and it uses this against players who accidentally get too close to the animal.
By the time a player realizes they are too close, it is often too late, as the Chalicotherium is territorial and will often attack before the player even notices them. The creature Throws rocks, mud, and garbage at players, which poisons, slows, and blinds them. It does this continuously, trapping players with no way to fight back or run away. This helplessness makes an encounter with a Chalicotherium an annoying attempt to avoid garbage balls and get as far as possible.
Leeches Spread Swamp Roast
Haementeria Laetus
Like their real-world counterparts, leeches can be found in the waters of Ark: Survival Ascended. The creatures lie in wait for unsuspecting players to pass by, at which point they latch on and slowly drain their health. Regular leeches are bad enough, though Finding a sick lich is one of the worst things that can happen to a new player just out of the swamps.
Diseased leeches spread swamp fever, a disease that can spread from player to player and even to other animals and dinosaurs. Before long, players may find that their entire camp is infected, and the only way to treat the disease requires a number of rare ingredients that they do not yet have access to. Swamp fever reduces player health, damage, weight, stamina and speed Until it was cured, and all because of one encounter with the wrong lich at the nearby swamp.
Purlovia are experts in jumpscares
Purlovia maxima
The strange-looking Purlovia is the train of none Ark Player. The aggressive carnivores are Capable of burrowing underground and popping up in surprise attacks. Being spooked by a Purlovia can spell doom for an unsuspecting player, as illustrated by this short video of jonnyo On YouTube.
Purlovia are even more annoying when they decide to show up in the middle of fights against larger creatures, distracting and hurting players, often with terrible results. Due to its ability to pop up out of nowhere and attack players at the most inopportune moments, Purlovia might just be the most annoying creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended.
Source: Jonno/YouTube, gunshymoray/YouTube, GarlicHeadJoe/YouTube, HappyProduction4209/YouTube, IronKnightYouTube/YouTube
- Franchise
- platforms
PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S
- Released
October 26, 2023
- developer(s)
Studio Wildcard
- Publisher(s)
Studio Wildcard