Garfield is easily one of the most recognizable pop culture icons in history, and the reason for that is crystal clear: he's absolutely hilarious. Although there is no shortage of Garfield media in the form of live-action films, animated films and television series, the iconic orange cat began his career in Garfield comic book series created by Jim Davis in 1978, and the strip is still popular today.
Davis made people laugh with his Garfield strips for almost half a century, and this is a mountain of comics that need to be read. How can you truly appreciate Garfield when there are so many strips that they will most likely never read? Well, the best way is to take it one month at a time, and now is the time to look back at the results for the whole month. Garfield strips that just turned 30 years old, including Davis' best non-dialogue comic. And of them all these 10 funniest Garfield comics published September 1994!
Jim Davis' funniest non-dialogue comic pits Garfield against one dangerous frog
Garfield - September 1, 1994
Garfield has a tendency to get into conflicts with characters that he shouldn't, especially if he doesn't think much of them (including almost everyone), and in this case, one particularly dangerous frog proves how stupid Garfield is for doing so. When Garfield passes a sign warning passersby: "Beware of frogs."Garfield is confused and doesn't pay attention to the frog sitting next to the sign. The frog then trips over Garfield and the arrogant cat lands right on his face.
Perhaps Garfield thought the sign was a typo, thinking it should say "Beware of Dogs" and the frog sitting next to it was just a weird coincidence. No matter what was going on in Garfield's head, the end result was the same: one hilarious comic that didn't need dialogue to be funny.
Garfield Meets an Incredibly Vicious Dog (But Not the One You Expect)
Garfield - September 2, 1994
Having apparently not learned his lesson with the frog, Garfield approaches a chained dog who looks like he's ready to eat him. Garfield directly asks the dog: "Aren't you going to try to get me?"and the dog answers"I reduce the amount of fat in my diet"...Garfield, a little offended, says:"You're vicious".
It's not that this dog couldn't get Garfield, it's that Garfield was too fat for a dog to find him appetizing.. By telling Garfield this, the dog acted more viciously than if he had simply tried to kill Garfield right then and there, but not in the way readers expected.
Garfield cements his place as the biggest jerk in comics
Garfield - September 3, 1994
Garfield has always been a huge jerk, mainly because he either insults or pranks Jon and Odie almost every day. However, this comic proves that those he lives with aren't the only ones facing Garfield's wrath. When Garfield approaches another chained dog and calls it ugly.. As the dog growls and growls, clearly offended, Garfield justifies his statement by saying:Like it's my fault".
There is no rhyme or reason to Garfield's actions in this comic. He simply saw a dog that he knew couldn't attack him, insulted him, and then made another snide remark when the dog reacted. In other words, Garfield was just a huge jerk, perhaps even the biggest jerk in comic book history.
Jon proves that it's easy to be on Garfield's bad side (and even easier to be on his good side)
Garfield - September 5, 1994
While Jon is simply sitting at home minding his own business, Garfield bares his sharp teeth and brandishes even sharper claws, ready to attack him for seemingly no reason. But then, without even turning around, John says:I have candyAt this point, Garfield sheathes his claws and his toothy growl turns into a giant grin as he's more than willing to give Jon affection for the promise of candy (even though he meant to hurt).
The beginning of this comic proves that it's easy to get on Garfield's bad side, since Jon achieved this by simply existing. However, by the end of the comic it becomes clear that getting on his good side is even easier, since all you have to do is promise him food and Garfield will become their best friend.
Garfield - September 6, 1994
Sitting in a chair and browsing the channels on TV, Garfield comes across a number of programs that are clearly not interesting to him. The first is a doctor's report in which Garfield is going to tell him what he shouldn't do. (whatever that is) before Garfield quickly changes the channel. The second is a report of research that found... something that Garfield is not interested in as he changes the channel. Garfield then finally finds a program that interests him: "Salute to Bacon".
Garfield, like most people, only wants to consume media that agrees with him.and prefers to ignore everything that contradicts his way of life, even if this information may be useful.
The Meaning of This Garfield Joke Is Shockingly Sinister
Garfield - September 7, 1994
Garfield never liked Odie and makes his feelings clear by constantly abusing the puppy at every opportunity. This time, however, it looks like Garfield has gone too far. Garfield approaches Jon in an uncharacteristically animated mood, shovel in hand, and says, "I bet you can't find Odie!"When Jon asks where Odie is, Garfield replies: "Ah, ah, ah... no hints!".
This comic seems like a cursed image. Garfield apparently killed Odie, buried him, and then hilariously flaunted the heinous act in Jon's face.so pleased with what he's done that he can barely contain himself. Garfield even plays a weird riddle game with Jon about where Odie is, which makes the whole thing even more sinister. Obviously Garfield didn't kill Odie, but the point of the joke is completely off-putting.
Garfield has never experienced an ice cream melt (it has never lasted this long)
Garfield - September 19, 1994
Jon and Garfield enjoy a couple of ice cream cones together, and Jon tells Garfield to eat the ice cream quickly before it melts. Before Jon can finish his sentence, Garfield throws the entire cone down his throat, devouring the sweet treat in one bite. Garfield then reflects on what Jon just told him and asks, "Is the ice cream melting?".
Garfield's question reveals that he has never seen ice cream melt before. Why? Because it never lasted this long. Whenever there was ice cream in front of Garfield, he ate it faster than it could melt.and this is what he has been doing all his life. So naturally he would be shocked at the idea of ice cream melting, since he had never seen it with his own eyes.
Jon cruelly shows Garfield his fate (unless he stops being a glutton)
Garfield - September 22, 1994
While Garfield is eating from his bowl, Jon sneaks up behind him with an inflated balloon and pops it. The noise is so loud and sudden that Garfield spits out the food that was in his mouth (which he usually doesn't want to do). Jon then tells Garfield, "The sound of an exploding cat", and Garfield replies: "My worst fear!".
Seems Jon told Garfield that if he continued to eat food the way he had done his entire life, he would eventually burst. — and it seems Garfield was considering that possibility, too. There's a reason why this fate is Garfield's "worst fear": it means that one day the food he loves so much could turn against him, leading to his eventual demise. And if he doesn't stop being a glutton, Garfield and Jon will both be right.
Garfield is all too happy to see Jon's day ruined
Garfield - September 26, 1994
As Garfield and Jon stand together on the porch one fine morning, Jon greets the new day with a huge sigh. Unfortunately, he also inhales a monarch butterfly, causing Jon to have a coughing fit that forces him to go back inside while Garfield silently mocks his pain..
John is one of the most miserable comic book characters in history, which means it takes a lot to make him happy and not a lot to plunge him into a growing pit of depression. In other words, Jon's day is completely ruined after the events of this comic, and that's a real shame, especially because of how optimistic he was at the beginning - and Garfield just laughed at him.
Garfield decides to smile at Jon (literally)
Garfield - September 29, 1994
It seems like Garfield was just acting like a total psychopath back in September 1994, because this comic seems to be straight out of DC's Joker storybook, in its weird playfulness with sinister overtones. Garfield decides he's going to put a smile on Jon's face, so he literally puts a smile on Jon's face.causing his anger. Although this is nothing more than another harmless joke, the sight of Jon running after Garfield with two mouths - one frowning, the other smiling - is frightening. And the fact that Garfield put a different mouth on it makes the whole scene even more hellish.
GarfieldHis tone has been known to delve into strange darkness from time to time, and this comic is no exception, especially since it took place in the same month as the "dead Odie" joke. And the fact that it's weirdly creepy just makes this strip even more hilarious, since it certainly wasn't intentional, but it's still true. That's why it's one of the 10 funniest Garfield comics that just turned 30!